White Belt
Hi, there!
Okay, so my husband and I have always wanted both of our children to take Taekwondo. We thought we "shopped" around well and decided on a place. Our Grandmaster is full Korean (trained in Korea) and has a good resume (8th or 9th degree blackbelt?), served in Korean military, etc.
I definitely don't want to paint a false picture of him becasue he is very nice to the children. Hugs them, gives them high fives, etc. HOWEVER, he does have a stick (forget the Korean name) that he carries around. In the beginning, I barey noticed it. Now, it seems he uses it more and more. I am 100% confident he would NEVER hurt a child. He can be waving it and, then, hug a child the next minute. However, he does use it to intimidate/scare a child into good behavior if they are not focusing (remember, my child is 4 1/2). More alarming to me, is he does wack/hit/pat (whatever you want to call it) on their back, bottom of their feet, bottom, etc. even when they just do something not right or if he feels they are not focusing enough to do it right. It is not enough to hurt, but to get their attention. I see my son's eyes get bugged out and he is afaid of it. We don't do any kind of spanking or corporal punishment so this is pretty new to him. In the car the other day, he told me that "if Master ever slaps him again, he will want to walk out and never take TKD again". This alarms me. First of all, whether true or not, his 4 year old perception is that he slaps him. Second, he is learning you get your way through intimidation. Third, I don't want him to want to quit TKD.
Talking to more parents, I hear this is common. The other parents don't seem to mind "since it doesn't hurt" them. I am worried about the principle. Another parent told me her son was taking a stick to their younger brother and asking if he wanted to get smacked like the master said.
I don't want to be the weanie parent. I would not be complaining if he "hit" while they were sparring as in that case, you are "fighting" with protective gear, but this is not the case. It is a tool he is using to teach. I am going to try to talk to him, but there is a definite communication barrier. If he does agree to stop waving it in front of my son, I then have to decide if that is good enough - still see it happening with others.
What do you guys think? okay?
There is one other school I can try that does not do this, but the times are more inconvenient, the master's resume is not as great, but I am willing to switch if need be. I just want a reality check from others. My son does want to switch.
Thanks, in advance!
Okay, so my husband and I have always wanted both of our children to take Taekwondo. We thought we "shopped" around well and decided on a place. Our Grandmaster is full Korean (trained in Korea) and has a good resume (8th or 9th degree blackbelt?), served in Korean military, etc.
I definitely don't want to paint a false picture of him becasue he is very nice to the children. Hugs them, gives them high fives, etc. HOWEVER, he does have a stick (forget the Korean name) that he carries around. In the beginning, I barey noticed it. Now, it seems he uses it more and more. I am 100% confident he would NEVER hurt a child. He can be waving it and, then, hug a child the next minute. However, he does use it to intimidate/scare a child into good behavior if they are not focusing (remember, my child is 4 1/2). More alarming to me, is he does wack/hit/pat (whatever you want to call it) on their back, bottom of their feet, bottom, etc. even when they just do something not right or if he feels they are not focusing enough to do it right. It is not enough to hurt, but to get their attention. I see my son's eyes get bugged out and he is afaid of it. We don't do any kind of spanking or corporal punishment so this is pretty new to him. In the car the other day, he told me that "if Master ever slaps him again, he will want to walk out and never take TKD again". This alarms me. First of all, whether true or not, his 4 year old perception is that he slaps him. Second, he is learning you get your way through intimidation. Third, I don't want him to want to quit TKD.
Talking to more parents, I hear this is common. The other parents don't seem to mind "since it doesn't hurt" them. I am worried about the principle. Another parent told me her son was taking a stick to their younger brother and asking if he wanted to get smacked like the master said.
I don't want to be the weanie parent. I would not be complaining if he "hit" while they were sparring as in that case, you are "fighting" with protective gear, but this is not the case. It is a tool he is using to teach. I am going to try to talk to him, but there is a definite communication barrier. If he does agree to stop waving it in front of my son, I then have to decide if that is good enough - still see it happening with others.
What do you guys think? okay?
There is one other school I can try that does not do this, but the times are more inconvenient, the master's resume is not as great, but I am willing to switch if need be. I just want a reality check from others. My son does want to switch.
Thanks, in advance!