once again, you buy into the liberal hype withoout checking your sources. look it up, more minorities, and also blacks, are propering when a republican is in office than a democrat. the key figure im refering to is business ownership. that is not a guess, it is a cold hard FACT. if you are going to continue, at least bother yourself a little to check the facts.
rustyself, there is a key on your keyboard called 'Shift'. If you press it along with a letter, you get an upper case. Can you try that occassionally. Maybe at the beginning of a sentence, or when using a proper name. It makes the reading a bit easier.
I see that you are not attempting to answer my question.
By your definition, does 'propering' (I assume you mean 'prospering') only occur when one owns a business?
You claim that minorities open business more frequently under Republican administrations than under Democratic adminstrations. Do you have evidence that those businesses make money? Do you have evidence that those businesses stay in business longer than the normal failure rate of a new business ~ five years, according to what I have heard. Do you have evidence that those minorities that do not open business do better under Republican administrations? Do you have evidence that shows the opening of a business by a minority, is not the result of losing a job because of the actions of the Republican administrations? Do you have evidence that supports the argument at the local, state, and regional levels to this fact, or are you only looking at numbers based on the affiliation at the National level?
You see, rustyself, when you throw out a single data point, without any metrics for comparison, even if that data point is a fact (and I am not conceeding your data point is factual), you don't necessarily bluster your argument.
Under the current Adminstration, the number of uninsured has increased and the number of citizens living in poverty has increased. Hardly, could one say these people, minority or otherwise, are 'propering'.