here is a good article about how the left REALLY views the world...
it indeed shines a bright light on which way they want the world to shift:
begin quote:
Perspectives: Freedom of speech okay for Ahmadinejad ... but not for Michael Savage
James L. Lambert - Guest Columnist
September 28, 2007
Is it just me -- or does anyone else see a double standard in how liberals are applying the principle of freedom of speech these days? Let's look at the examples of Mahmoud and Michael.
It was amazing to see all the clamoring among liberals in the last few days regarding Columbia University's offer to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at their university forum. The New York-based university's President Lee Bollinger spent a lot of time defending his decision to invite the Iranian dictator to speak at his school.
I guess liberals have a short memory. Just 60 days ago, liberals representing San Francisco's Board of Supervisors (an elected government body) were just one vote away from censoring radio talk-show host Michael Savage's on-air remarks about pro-illegal alien demonstrators. They charged accused Savage of race and hate speech crimes. (
See earlier column on this issue)
The cities of New York and San Francisco both have a long history of electing and supporting liberal, left-wing causes. But these folks on the left seem like they are particularly unclear and uncertain when it comes to free speech. Perhaps they need to read the First Amendment again: "Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech ... and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Leftists agree that their speech should be protected in the public forum. But the speech of conservatives is a different matter. Such is the case at Columbia University in New York. The school would not tolerate Minuteman Jim Gilcrest's freedom of speech. The students
disrupted Gilcrest's appearance to the point of terminating his speaking engagement there last fall. Bollinger and his liberal friends wouldn't "tolerate" the
ROTC on their campus -- but they welcome Ahmadinejad with open arms.
What is frightening about this is that Ahmadinejad is a dangerous person. He has real power. It has been proven that his regime actively supplies improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to terrorists in Iraq that have killed American soldiers. His regime is challenging the world community with his country's expansion of its nuclear program. And on numerous occasions Ahmadinejad has called for the destruction of the United States, as well as for the extermination of Israel.
I ask you: With Iran's link to terrorism and this man in power, how safe is the world community? Yet leftists are more anxious to censor the speech of radio talk-show hosts such as Michael Savage.
I guess liberals don't understand that Michael Savage doesn't have the kind of power that is at the disposal of the president of Iran. The radio talk-show host can't order the annihilation of a people, as Ahmadinejad has called for with the Jewish people. And while his afternoon radio program does reach close to ten-million people per week, Savage is not the leader of a nation. He is a U.S. citizen and is protected by the First Amendment.
In contrast, Admadinejad has denied freedom of speech to his opponents; culture police rule urban Iran; and freedom of speech as we know it in America is denied to Iranians.
Admadinejad's regime presents a clear and present danger to the peace of the world. One small suitcase nuclear bomb, if strategically placed, can disrupt the security of the world for generations. With Iran's ties to known terror groups, liberals in New York and San Francisco should be more concerned with this than with the words of a weekday radio talk-show host.
James L. Lambert, a frequent contributor to, is a licensed nationwide real-estate mortgage loan sales agent and can be contacted through his website.
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