Is anyone out there STILL a Republican?

no offense meant, carol:
here is the logical conclussion to homosexuals- if everyone were gay, who would reproduce? so after one generation, who would still be alive?

thats all im saying:)

But that's my point too sir. If everyone were childless, we wouldn't be left alive either. But...not everyone is childless, not everyone is straight, and most certainly not everyone is gay. We all survive, and thrive, because we work together as a neighborhood, as a town, as a society. I happen to believe that if gay couples want to step up and take on the responsibilities and obligations of marriage, that this strengthens...not weakens...who we are.
In stead of just whipping stuff up off the top of your head, go read some about human sexuality. Try Kinsey. His stuff's a little dated, and the statistics leave something to be desired, but at least it's science, & good unbiased science at that.

you will never convince me that homosexuality is moral and pure. in my opinion, it is quite the opposite.
for every scientist you can find that says one thing, i can find 3 others who say something different.
thats my point- i dont have to believe in the latest fad of science. i have timeless truth to fall back on.
no offense meant, carol:
here is the logical conclussion to homosexuals- if everyone were gay, who would reproduce? so after one generation, who would still be alive?

If everyone was male, how would society reproduce?

So is being male evil? Don't ask any of my ex-girlfriends since they obviously have a bias in the matter. :uhyeah: Not to mention that three of them are probably not human, but rather aliens from another planet and I think at least one was a figment of my imagination that lasted three months.

But seriously, not everyone has to spit out babies to be considered moral.

Homosexuals have the right to be left alone as long as they do not actively interfere with others. By active I mean that they are not doing things like grabbing people off the street and raping them. Two willing partners doing what they like with each other is not impacting anyone else. Hitting on them because they are not producing enough babies for society is close to the argument that you are not producing enough cash for society used by the communists you seem to hate.


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you endorse a lifestyle that encourages the death of society-
they cant reproduce, they have to recruit.

Treating all people with respect, independent of their 'lifestyle' is not encouraging a lifestyle. Death of society? Please! Gays are just a few percent of the population.

They recruit? How the heck does that work?

"Hey, come join Gay. Benefits, you ask? Well, you may get beat up for no reason. You can't marry the person you love. Many people think that the sum of your being is your sexual orientation. It sucks really. Many of our own members try everything to get out of our organization; hypnosis, religion, even suicide."

all i have to say is, thank God your parents werent homo, or you wouldnt be here, no?

Not necessarily. Being gay doesn't make them sterile.
Judge not.
Doesn't society need to judge? Otherwise murderers will roam the streets; don't we need to judge, otherwise we may end up hanging with people that get us into trouble or worse?

But we need to judge the act, not the person. I can look at an act and say "that's not for me" and if it is legal then others may do it as they see fit. If society has prohibited by law, then I cannot do it without legal consequences (if I get caught); if it prohibited by convention, then I might get shunned.

BTW, I think the picture of the young man (previously displayed) looks ideal for the cover of a wheaties box.
Sexual preference isnt evil. Evil is when your intentional actions harm an innocent, non-participating party. America was founded on freedom to do as you choose as long as it doesnt infringe on the rights of another. I have no problem with two consenting adults doing as they choose when in private.

I do have issues with special interest groups trying to force legislation on the majority however, or attempting to re-engineer society against the majorities will.
It seems we learn new things ... horrors really ... about the Republican Party every day.

This is an example of why I started this thread.

Apparently, the Bush Administration does believe in, and authorized torture. This article is behind the NY Times account (free).

WASHINGTON, Oct. 3 — When the Justice Department publicly declared torture “abhorrent” in a legal opinion in December 2004, the Bush administration appeared to have abandoned its assertion of nearly unlimited presidential authority to order brutal interrogations.

But soon after Alberto R. GonzalesÂ’s arrival as attorney general in February 2005, the Justice Department issued another opinion, this one in secret. It was a very different document, according to officials briefed on it, an expansive endorsement of the harshest interrogation techniques ever used by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Of course, Jack Bauer is fictional character. When Script writers are creating the situation, it is always a necessity. Reality, often is not as neat as a script.
It seems we learn new things ... horrors really ... about the Republican Party every day.

This is an example of why I started this thread.

Apparently, the Bush Administration does believe in, and authorized torture. This article is behind the NY Times account (free).

If the Bush Administration believes in and authorizes torture, does that make it right, or moral, or ethical?

Just ONE MORE glaringly obvious reason not to be a Republican...
If the Bush Administration believes in and authorizes torture, does that make it right, or moral, or ethical?

Just ONE MORE glaringly obvious reason not to be a Republican...

I disagree, to a certain extent. What I believe that this new revelation (surprise, surprise) shows, is that the Administration of President Bush is not what most Republicans (and Independents) thought they were voting for.

I believe there is a Republican party that has core beliefs about how our country should be run. But the leaders selected by the members of that Republican Party have betrayed those beliefs; Over, and Over, and Over again.

If we polled self-identified Republican Party members, and asked them if they believe the Bill of Rights was outdated, I don't believe a single one would say, 'Yes --- we can throw out six or seven of those Rights'.

And yet .... that is exactly what has had happened with the Bush administration.
I disagree, to a certain extent. What I believe that this new revelation (surprise, surprise) shows, is that the Administration of President Bush is not what most Republicans (and Independents) thought they were voting for.

I believe there is a Republican party that has core beliefs about how our country should be run. But the leaders selected by the members of that Republican Party have betrayed those beliefs; Over, and Over, and Over again.

If we polled self-identified Republican Party members, and asked them if they believe the Bill of Rights was outdated, I don't believe a single one would say, 'Yes --- we can throw out six or seven of those Rights'.

And yet .... that is exactly what has had happened with the Bush administration.

When it comes to politics, we are generally on opposing side it seems. This time you hit the nail on the head. I consider myself a Republican yet, and feel that we have an incompetent boob in the White House right now. Kind of a self-serving kid who never had to grow up, and it just pisses me off how he treads on the Constitution like it was a flagstone walkway.
Integrated schools are bad?
There were two views at the time on how to give kids an equal education. One was "separate but equal" and the other was "integrated." Integrated is what we're supposed to have, and it seems to me the best of the two choices.

Maybe the "separate but equal" proponents were not seriously trying to give an equal education, maybe they were. In any case, I've heard that schools are still largely segregated because of where people live (or choose to live, or just where they are for whatever reason). I don't know that our youth are receiving an equal opportunity for the same quality of education.
..... I don't know that our youth are receiving an equal opportunity for the same quality of education.

This sentence, in my opinion, is the beginning of understanding the differences between the two parties, in our two party system.

The Democratic Party works hard to take each school, and bring it as close to the same starting line as possible.

The Republican Party works hard to take each citizen, and give them an opportunity for a seat at the school of their choosing.

In my opinion, the Democratic Party position benefits even those who do not make a choice ~ whereas the Republican Party position benefits only those who make a choice.

This may be a monochromatic way to describe the differences in the parties, but I believe it to be more accurate than not.
This sentence, in my opinion, is the beginning of understanding the differences between the two parties, in our two party system.

The Democratic Party works hard to take each school, and bring it as close to the same starting line as possible.

The Republican Party works hard to take each citizen, and give them an opportunity for a seat at the school of their choosing.

In my opinion, the Democratic Party position benefits even those who do not make a choice ~ whereas the Republican Party position benefits only those who make a choice.

This may be a monochromatic way to describe the differences in the parties, but I believe it to be more accurate than not.
I see it as the republican party wishes the education system to go by the wayside in favor of charter and private schools, and the Democrats wish to strenghthen and modernize the already existing system. I, also, think this is more true than not.
When it comes to politics, we are generally on opposing side it seems. This time you hit the nail on the head. I consider myself a Republican yet, and feel that we have an incompetent boob in the White House right now. Kind of a self-serving kid who never had to grow up, and it just pisses me off how he treads on the Constitution like it was a flagstone walkway.

The trashing of the Constitution can not be laid wholly at the feet of Mr. Vacation. The President executed only one veto under the Republican led Congress during the first six years of his Presidency. This tells us that the Congress was an equal partner in the events of that time period.

The requirement of the supermajority in the Senate prevented the evenly split Senate from affecting a check on the Administration. And the rule changes in the House put in place by Mr. Delay prevented the House from affecting a check on the Administration.

While the two Senators from Maine were on the left side of the Republican caucus, they were insufficient to stop the usurpation of power by the Administration. I am less aware of the positions of Mr. Michaud and Mr. Allen. Mr. Michaud, I imagine, was lock step with Mr. Delay.
I see it as the republican party wishes the education system to go by the wayside in favor of charter and private schools, and the Democrats wish to strenghthen and modernize the already existing system. I, also, think this is more true than not.

Sean, do you think the Republican Party favors the elimination of mandatory education of youth? (I think currently, most States have laws requiring student attendence through the age of 16 +/-). What of the children whose parents do not choose a charter or private school? Do you think they want no education at all?

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