Is anyone out there STILL a Republican?

Got that? 1 PBS, nobody watches PBS. 2 Money, rather than appearing at this debate no one watched they could have been out raising money. 3 TOO DAMN MANY DEBATES, repetitive questions, etc. 4 Obviously biased moderator
He just hosted a book event for Bill Clinton.
Yeah, just the guy to be fair to republicans.
As far as I am concerned, having a debate specifically to pander to the Hispanics (Univision) or Blacks (Morgan State) smacks of more than a little racism.
Do you believe the President is President of all the citizens of the United States, or only those European heritage?

Very good point, Michael.

Big Don said:
As far as I am concerned, having a debate specifically to pander to the Hispanics (Univision) or Blacks (Morgan State) smacks of more than a little racism.

Candidates go to $500 a plate sit-downs with elites all the time. (Anybody remember President Bush, Jr and his "base.") They sit down with the VFA. They sit down with Christian groups. They sit down oil men, cattlemen, and real estate developers. But sit down with African- or Latino-American groups -- now that's pandering.
How does pandering to specific groups help or change anything? BTW, way to address the obvious biases of the PBS debate...

Are there specific issue that a sub-set of Americans may face, that would be pertinant to the running of the Executive Branch of our government?

Should the President only pander to the wealthy, white and well-connected?

Concerning the 'obvious biases' ... what do we think explains the presence of the other six Republican Candidates for President of the United States?
Are there specific issue that a sub-set of Americans may face, that would be pertinant to the running of the Executive Branch of our government?

Should the President only pander to the wealthy, white and well-connected?

Concerning the 'obvious biases' ... what do we think explains the presence of the other six Republican Candidates for President of the United States?
No, the President should appeal to all people. You know, the way Reagan did in 84 when he whipped Mondale like a red-headed stepchild...
Since not one of the republican candidates that went have a chance in hell of winning, your guess is as good as mine.
No, the President should appeal to all people. You know, the way Reagan did in 84 when he whipped Mondale like a red-headed stepchild...
Since not one of the republican candidates that went have a chance in hell of winning, your guess is as good as mine.

If the President should appeal to all of the citizens of the nation, what signals do you believe the absence from this forum sends? And to whom?

And, the same question is fair for the other fora they decided to skip. What's the message? And who is it being sent to?
But since you're all gathered here today...

Read the post carefully, I said that is how I live. We have to listen to all this “tolerance” speak for those who claim “tolerance”; however to disagree with them is to invite the “intolerant” label. Others are quick to share their beliefs (global warming; war; religion, etc.) with us, even when we don’t want to hear them. However if a Christian steps forward to share theirs…we are considered rude or pushy.
If the President should appeal to all of the citizens of the nation, what signals do you believe the absence from this forum sends? And to whom?

And, the same question is fair for the other fora they decided to skip. What's the message? And who is it being sent to?
As stated here:
A forum no one watches is a waste of time and effort.
A biased moderator is less than helpful.
A repetition of the same questions and topics that were covered in the last umpteen debates serves no one, well, except those with short attention spans and/or horrid memories...
i see nobody wants to talk about the two great left wing supported organizations, the aclu and planned parenthood. i find it funny that when they do something incredibly marxist, all the liberals are quiet for a while until it dies down, then quietly channel millions of dollars to their cause.

here is an interesting link to what the NEA is doing to our public shools:

i find it funny how schools with liberal teachers want to support "tolerance" for muslims, atheists, gays, and jew haters, then scream when someone mentions jesus christ.

of course, i have to keep reminding myself that this is a debate with people who support a party that just had the hitler of iran welcomed as a guest of columbia university with open arms...
As stated here:
A forum no one watches is a waste of time and effort.
A biased moderator is less than helpful.
A repetition of the same questions and topics that were covered in the last umpteen debates serves no one, well, except those with short attention spans and/or horrid memories...

If research is done, one might find that all of the televised debates are recieving very small numbers of viewers ... why then do the candidates attend any debates?

Without looking it up, can you name the other members of the question panel of this debate? Are they equally 'biased' as Mr. Smiley.

You posit that the questions raised are 'repetivitve', can you demonstrate that the questions raised at Morgan State University, were so repetitive?

I hate to answer my own question, but since you did not attempt to address it, could the reason be that the leaders of the Republican Presidential debate did not attend a debate at a Black University was to send a signal to the white men in the south, that they will not treat blacks in America equally?
Read the post carefully, I said that is how I live. We have to listen to all this “tolerance” speak for those who claim “tolerance”; however to disagree with them is to invite the “intolerant” label. Others are quick to share their beliefs (global warming; war; religion, etc.) with us, even when we don’t want to hear them. However if a Christian steps forward to share theirs…we are considered rude or pushy.

I did read it. I understood it quite perfectly.

This will undoubtbly draw great and terrible wraith from those that oppose GOD; but I serve GOD and am unconcerned with what humanity thinks.

Which begs the question: Why do you bother posting on Internet forums that are cluttered up with humanity?
If research is done, one might find that all of the televised debates are recieving very small numbers of viewers ... why then do the candidates attend any debates?

Without looking it up, can you name the other members of the question panel of this debate? Are they equally 'biased' as Mr. Smiley.

You posit that the questions raised are 'repetivitve', can you demonstrate that the questions raised at Morgan State University, were so repetitive?

I hate to answer my own question, but since you did not attempt to address it, could the reason be that the leaders of the Republican Presidential debate did not attend a debate at a Black University was to send a signal to the white men in the south, that they will not treat blacks in America equally?

once again, you buy into the liberal hype withoout checking your sources. look it up, more minorities, and also blacks, are propering when a republican is in office than a democrat. the key figure im refering to is business ownership. that is not a guess, it is a cold hard FACT. if you are going to continue, at least bother yourself a little to check the facts.
i find it funny how schools with liberal teachers want to support "tolerance" for muslims, atheists, gays, and jew haters, then scream when someone mentions jesus christ.

I'm finishing up school & preparing for a career in education, & I'm usually viewed as liberal since I'm not a fan of Shrub.
That being said, exposure to the tenants or ideas of different religions in the proper contextual situation is not only reasonable but should be expected in a well-rounded educational environment in free society. However, some of the earliest laws and regulations of this country speak about this very issue, freedom of religion, and they are rather detailed.
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (Thomas Jefferson 1779) said:
"[N]o man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."

While the right to worship is preserved, as it should be, no other man shall be "compelled to frequent or support any religious worship". If Genesis is taught in public schools, then my tax dollars are supporting Christianity or Judaism. Is this freedom?
Witnessing or sharing ones testimony is a major tenant of Christianity, believed to be supported by scripture, and by many would be considered an aspect of worship since it so blatantly contains aspects of praise of a deity or exposition of belief with an intent to convert spectators or at least illicit reactions of guilt, fear, or obligation, not to mention the frequent use of peer pressure. I would liken this to many church sermons that I have attended in my uneducated youth.

If only I was allowed to taser Christians after being sufficiently irritated by their banter... hope springs eternal.

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." Søren Aabye Kierkegaard
I'm finishing up school & preparing for a career in education, & I'm usually viewed as liberal since I'm not a fan of Shrub.
That being said, exposure to the tenants or ideas of different religions in the proper contextual situation is not only reasonable but should be expected in a well-rounded educational environment in free society. However, some of the earliest laws and regulations of this country speak about this very issue, freedom of religion, and they are rather detailed.

While the right to worship is preserved, as it should be, no other man shall be "compelled to frequent or support any religious worship". If Genesis is taught in public schools, then my tax dollars are supporting Christianity or Judaism. Is this freedom?
Witnessing or sharing ones testimony is a major tenant of Christianity, believed to be supported by scripture, and by many would be considered an aspect of worship since it so blatantly contains aspects of praise of a deity or exposition of belief with an intent to convert spectators or at least illicit reactions of guilt, fear, or obligation, not to mention the frequent use of peer pressure. I would liken this to many church sermons that I have attended in my uneducated youth.

If only I was allowed to taser Christians after being sufficiently irritated by their banter... hope springs eternal.

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid." Søren Aabye Kierkegaard

Learning about the Bible is not Worship. If I took a class on World History and was learning about the various cultural and religious differences around the globe, and the teacher used a passage from Genesis to get the idea of what Christianity was across, I wouldn't feel I was "forced to worship" Christianity.

Knowing what something is != worshiping it. I know what Buddhism is, as well as Islam, at least at a 50,000 foot level, but it does not mean I had them engrained into my beliefs.

The fact is, it's this sort of extremism that is trying to keep the knowledge away from kids altogether.
Learning about the Bible is not Worship. If I took a class on World History and was learning about the various cultural and religious differences around the globe, and the teacher used a passage from Genesis to get the idea of what Christianity was across, I wouldn't feel I was "forced to worship" Christianity.

Sorry, that was a typo. I meant "Genesis Creationism". That's what I get for doing two things at once, huh?

Oh, what does 50,000 foot level mean?

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