This thread and it's title, could just as easily been about democrats, socialists, facists and any other political bent. There is plenty of dirt to throw around. I don't like the beatles because they were great thinkers, but because they wrote and played some good tunes...I don't pick government cause they are great thinkers, but because they are great leaders. I have no "hero" worship left because all of my heros are dead, dying or have turned out to be just as human as you and me.
Of course it could. But when I started this thread, the Republicans were in control of everything. George Bush came to power promising 'honor and dignity', and the rest of the Republican Party rode to power on 'Values'.
Widespread were the lies told about the lack of honor, dignity and values of the 'liberals' (a word still used as a slur) - I'm think of the White House claims that all the 'W's were removed from the computer keyboards. Absolutely false, but by the time the reports were corrected, the damage had been done.
This thread was started to highlight the hypocrisy of those in power; who promised, but did not deliver, a different Washington.
I admit, since then, I have used this thread as a dumping group for all the foul things the leaders in the party of 'Values' have accomplished. I'm not saying that the other party is superior in moral or ethical behavior, but they certainly are far less hypocritical, don't you think?
Most Democratic members of Congress don't vote against recognizing homosexuals as full persons ... so even if they get caught looking for a hummer in an airport bathroom, it really isn't the same as what happened to Mr. Craig, is it?
And, again, for the other party ... I am a registered Democrat, but I voted for Nader in '00 (a mistake), and I have more than once considered changing my affiliation to Socialist. So, if the Clintons and Obamas and Edwards get too abusive and hypocritical, I have a place further left I can go.