Don't forget that Blair is Bush's poodle and will follow willingly along with the President wants. Blair's spin doctors are always bringing out experts to tell us how to think and what to do, these include a fair few American pundits, experts, politicians and television personalities ( to be fair we have no real way of knowing that so and so 'a leading American polititcian' isn't actually a mayor in a tiny town in the middle of no where!) Our own dear representatives are always crossing over to America for study trips and observing how things are done.It's not just the arms thing either, Blair see us having an American sytem of healthcare eventually instead of the NHS. He also sees himself as the President of Gt Britain. The best news I've had for ages is that Blair and several Cabinet members are to interviewed by the police over money for honours ( that's where you pay the Labour Party ie Blair loads of money and you get a knighthood, tbh it's been like that for centuries but this is a bit different as it's the Labour party and not Henry VIII )