The Coming Dark Times

tez3 said:
Actually I'm not advocating anything, I was pointing out how your gun owners are perceived by those outside America which may or may not bother you but it bothers us when we have American politicians coming onto our own networks telling us that we need to follow you in allowing people to be armed.

That would bother me too.

When did any of our politicians do that?

I'd also like to know that. When was this done and which politicians did that? Tez, I'm not trying to put you on the spot.

Personally I do have my opinions about firearms. One of those opinions is...I abhor irresponsible use of firearms. If you have any information to share it would be greatly appreciated. :asian:
Don't forget that Blair is Bush's poodle and will follow willingly along with the President wants. Blair's spin doctors are always bringing out experts to tell us how to think and what to do, these include a fair few American pundits, experts, politicians and television personalities ( to be fair we have no real way of knowing that so and so 'a leading American polititcian' isn't actually a mayor in a tiny town in the middle of no where!) Our own dear representatives are always crossing over to America for study trips and observing how things are done.It's not just the arms thing either, Blair see us having an American sytem of healthcare eventually instead of the NHS. He also sees himself as the President of Gt Britain. The best news I've had for ages is that Blair and several Cabinet members are to interviewed by the police over money for honours ( that's where you pay the Labour Party ie Blair loads of money and you get a knighthood, tbh it's been like that for centuries but this is a bit different as it's the Labour party and not Henry VIII )
My only problem with MT is that as you all start putting up interesting posts on the forums, it's past my bedtime and I have to get off to bed! It's coming up to midnight and I have to be up at five for work! I enjoy it when I'm here though!
Are you sure Bush isn't Blair's poodle? Afterall, the infamous Bush quote starts, "British intelligence has. . . ."


My only problem with MT is that as you all start putting up interesting posts on the forums, it's past my bedtime and I have to get off to bed! It's coming up to midnight and I have to be up at five for work! I enjoy it when I'm here though!

We love having you with us Tez! :) :)
Don't forget that Blair is Bush's poodle and will follow willingly along with the President wants. Blair's spin doctors are always bringing out experts to tell us how to think and what to do, these include a fair few American pundits, experts, politicians and television personalities ( to be fair we have no real way of knowing that so and so 'a leading American polititcian' isn't actually a mayor in a tiny town in the middle of no where!) Our own dear representatives are always crossing over to America for study trips and observing how things are done.It's not just the arms thing either, Blair see us having an American sytem of healthcare eventually instead of the NHS. He also sees himself as the President of Gt Britain. The best news I've had for ages is that Blair and several Cabinet members are to interviewed by the police over money for honours ( that's where you pay the Labour Party ie Blair loads of money and you get a knighthood, tbh it's been like that for centuries but this is a bit different as it's the Labour party and not Henry VIII )

Well, what's right is right and what works well works well. Looking at what other countries are doing that works is a smart thing, IMHO. I know that some of us, politicians included, wish that we had Frances healthcare system, for example.
Thank you for your kind words!

I've never thought of Bush as Blair's poodle! There was a big scandal about the British Int report. The Int services accused Blair of "sexing up" (horrible expression) the report to make it say what he wanted and a leading MOD scientist involved in the situation was found dead in what many think was suspicious circumstances though it was pronounced as a suicide. The whole thing sounds like a spy novel but sadly isn't.
There's nothing wrong with with looking at the way other countries are run but not when using tax payers money for what is basically a jolly for the boys. I don't think they will learn anything about your system of government sightseeing in California or Florida! Rarely do our politicians venture to places that don't have four star hotels, swimming pools and shopping malls - tax free of course!
At the moment your elections are dominating our news and many "former White House advisers" are giving us the benefit of their wisdom, bless them, (for our elections they wheel out ex government advisers and ex MPs, I suppose it gives them a job!) I will take more notice of whose on the tele and note their names to post here to get your opinions!
Would someone like to point out exactly what insults I have been throwing around on this thread? I ask a lot of questions and throw some ideas in but I have never insutled anyone. Believe me you'd know if I did lol!
Would someone like to point out exactly what insults I have been throwing around on this thread? I ask a lot of questions and throw some ideas in but I have never insutled anyone. Believe me you'd know if I did lol!
I freely admit that I have only scanned this thread, not read it in detail - but I did not see anyone claiming you have insulted them in the thread. If someone has PM'd you with that comment, then you need to PM them back, not bring that discussion into the thread, as it will pull the thread off topic.
I freely admit that I have only scanned this thread, not read it in detail - but I did not see anyone claiming you have insulted them in the thread. If someone has PM'd you with that comment, then you need to PM them back, not bring that discussion into the thread, as it will pull the thread off topic.

It wasn't a PM or else I would have done. It was left on the CP user bit with no name attached so I thought I'd better ask.
It wasn't a PM or else I would have done. It was left on the CP user bit with no name attached so I thought I'd better ask.

If you feel you have been unfairly targeted via the Rep system. Please contact an asst. Admin or Admin with your concerns and they will look into it.
If you feel you have been unfairly targeted via the Rep system. Please contact an asst. Admin or Admin with your concerns and they will look into it.

It's no problem really, it just surprised me, I thought that this was a good discusssion with different views put well.

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