Is anyone out there STILL a Republican?

Yesterday, a fellow poster on this board accused me of .... get this ... being "blatant partisan" ... imagine that.

So, anyway, jim777 as a salute to your description ....

Did you see how Senator Vitter got caught with his phone number down on Deborah Palfrey's little black book?

This 'Fine Upstanding Member of the Republican Party' was a congressman from Metarie, Louisiana from '98 to '04. In 2004, he was elected to the United States Senate.

He may have actually missed Clinton's impeachment vote ... but I imagine that having to pay for it, while Clinton was getting it for free (although certainly not at no cost) must have really burned the good Congressman.

And lastly, as a bit of irony, Mr. Vitter was elected to congress to fill the seat vacated by Congressman Bob Livingston (R-LA). Congressman Livingston was the designated Speaker of the House of Representatives to follow the disgraced Mr. Gingrich (who was having an affair whilst impeaching Mr. Clinton). Mr. Livingston never stepped into the roll of Speaker, because of his sexual indiscretions; which forced him to resign from the Congress.

Yesterday, a fellow poster on this board accused me of .... get this ... being "blatant partisan" ... imagine that.


Michael, You? A blatant partisan? I can't imagine that at all!

I can imagine 1+1=3 (for very high values of 1). I can imagine a purple sky with ugly green stripes. I can imagine people flying barefoot with built-in jet pack toes using their nose as a joystick. But, I can't imagine you as a blatant partisan!

While I so enjoy the irony of the adulterers in the party of 'family values', sometimes, there are more important considerations.

How about the Surgeon General of the United States being forced to the service of Propaganda while simultaneously being forced withhold important health information. Beyond ironic, this should be criminal, if it already is not.

Dr. Carmona said he was ordered to mention President Bush three times on every page of his speeches. He also said he was asked to make speeches to support Republican political candidates and to attend political briefings.

Top officials delayed for years and tried to “water down” a landmark report on secondhand smoke, he said. Released last year, the report concluded that even brief exposure to cigarette smoke could cause immediate harm.

And administration officials even discouraged him from attending the Special Olympics because, he said, of that charitable organization’s longtime ties to a “prominent family” that he refused to name. “I was specifically told by a senior person, ‘Why would you want to help those people?’ ” Dr. Carmona said.

One wonders who the Surgeon General of the United States would refer to as a 'senior person'. Certainly, in United States health care realms, he is the senior person.

You know, I wish, for those who call me a 'blantant partisan', that I could be making this **** up. But, I'm not.
Today, a prominant laywer ignored a legal subpeona to appear before the United States Congress.

That this lawyer, once nominated for the Supreme Court of the United States of America showed such contempt for a legal document is unprecidented in American history.

That this lawyer was the primary lawyer for the President of the United States demonstrates, I think, the contempt for the legal system held by the President of the United States.

One begins to wonder when the Judiciary is going to recognize itself as a co-equal branch of government, and stand up for blind lady justice?
One wonders if THIS is what 'Craig's list' is all about?

Senator Craig's recent conviction on lewd behavior is another sad event for the Republican Party. For years, there have been stories about gay trists. Denials are going to be hard to accept when the other side of the story is an undercover police officer's affidavit.

His votes against gay marriage, and against including sexual orientation in hate crime legislation are viewed in an interesting, and hypocritical way now, though, aren't they.
One wonders if THIS is what 'Craig's list' is all about?

Senator Craig's recent conviction on lewd behavior is another sad event for the Republican Party. For years, there have been stories about gay trists. Denials are going to be hard to accept when the other side of the story is an undercover police officer's affidavit.

His votes against gay marriage, and against including sexual orientation in hate crime legislation are viewed in an interesting, and hypocritical way now, though, aren't they.

This actually makes me quite sad. This man has been taught to hate himself for so long that he actually believed all of those lies. I think we need to remember that although he victimized homosexuals with his votes and legislation, he is a victim too.
One wonders if THIS is what 'Craig's list' is all about?

Senator Craig's recent conviction on lewd behavior is another sad event for the Republican Party. For years, there have been stories about gay trists. Denials are going to be hard to accept when the other side of the story is an undercover police officer's affidavit.

His votes against gay marriage, and against including sexual orientation in hate crime legislation are viewed in an interesting, and hypocritical way now, though, aren't they.

Similar to a previous sex scandal involving a much higher profile executive office politician, it won't be the sex, but the perjury that gets him. That is, if he sticks to the story that his signed confession and guilty plea were false and just a way to 'make it all go away'.

I say similar, because I doubt the undercover officer went as far as the 'consenting' adult in the other case.
I imagine the closeted gay community must be pretty upset about this.

The Republican Senator giving away the secret codes; luggage placement, foot tapping, hand waving under the stall, and touching of the shoes. And it is all in open court documents, for all to see. It is even being 're-enacted' on news broadcasts.

Now, they are going to have to find and disseminate a new way of sending out those secret codes for anonymous oral sex.

What is the Republican Party teaching America's young?
Morgan State University hosted a Republican President Candidate Debate last evening. A picture is worth a thousand words ... but in this case, receives a bit of help.

In the wake of the 50th anniversary of Little Rock, and the Jena 6 incident, I'm wondering if there is something wrong with this picture.


  • $GOPdebatemissingcandidates.jpg
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Morgan State University hosted a Republican President Candidate Debate last evening. A picture is worth a thousand words ... but in this case, receives a bit of help.

In the wake of the 50th anniversary of Little Rock, and the Jena 6 incident, I'm wondering if there is something wrong with this picture.

Yes, there is something wrong with that picture. I am by no means an expert in photography, but I'm going to step out on a limb here and say those loops of white were 'photoshopped' in after the fact.
Yes, there is something wrong with that picture. I am by no means an expert in photography, but I'm going to step out on a limb here and say those loops of white were 'photoshopped' in after the fact.

You know what, crushing, you may just be correct. Photoshop, eh?

I wonder why somebody would go and do a thing like that?
im not a republican, im a conservative.

however, i cant believe that some people are so caught up in what someone else is doing to realize that liberalism=marxism. this is in no way debatable, it is a proven fact. how can a party exist in america, or anywhere for that matter, that pushes saving the trees, and killing the children.

of course, it all depends on what you choose to believe. either you believe the bible, or you dont. you cant choose PARTS of the bible to believe. you either believe that conception of a child is a miracle and blessing from god, or you dont believe in god.

whether you believe in god or not does not affect the truth of his existence.

while im on my soapbox, i do have a question i have been dying to ask someone who believes in evolution , the big bang, etc.
who created the matter (the big ball of mass) for there to be a big bang? or was there another sort of bigger bang before the big bang that created it?

the very fact that people know right from wrong automatically implies some sort of moral authority from somewhere, does it not?

i bring all of this up to make a point: there are no true spiritual christians who are also liberals. you cant say you believe the bible when you kill children, or believe in homosexual relationships.
rustyself, there sure are some pretty broad statements in there ...

I think recognizing that they are opinions is a good place to start. Rather than desconstruct your entire argument here, let me offer this.

you either believe that conception of a child is a miracle and blessing from god, or you dont believe in god

Why do you rule out the possibility of the third option; that conception is a biological event, not miraculous nor indicative of belief in a higher power. For instance, I am fairly certain that fish do not believe in god, yet, the sperm cell fertalize eggs for that species; just as it works in homo sapiens.

As for your question concerning the matter of the big bang; science does not have an answer to this question. And I'm OK with that. The answer 'I don't know', is not a sign of weakness, in my opinion.

So let me ask you this,

As a conservative, in American, how do you feel about the leaders of the more conservative party in our political structure not attending a debate hosted by Morgan State University, to address the issues of the minority community in our country?
Why would anyone ride into an ambush?
Why is it a Republican appointed the first woman to the Supreme Court. Appointed the first Black Secretary of State, the first Black Woman Secretary of State, etc? Shouldn't a democrat have done that? But, alas, NO.
Why were WHITE Democrat lawmakers employees stealing (Pun intended) Michael Steele's identity?
As for your question concerning the matter of the big bang; science does not have an answer to this question. And I'm OK with that. The answer 'I don't know', is not a sign of weakness, in my opinion.

If I can take your observation a little further, Michael, that is because scientists call it the "Big Bang Theory," not the "The Big Bang Law," or "Creation: Big Bang Style." I don't see how a scientific theory challenges a creation story because people experience their belief of these two different notions in rather different ways, or I would assume they do.

As for some of the abortion commentary... If I understand it, one who believes in a woman's right to choose abortion is a liberal/Marxist and therefore not a Christian, thus unfit to vote or run for office in a country that has been governed by two parties for how long? My takeaway is that anyone in the USA who is not a Christian (Athiests, Agnostics, Jews, Muslims) should not be allowed to vote or hold office.

I guess I would believe the public tears cried over an abortion if the same tears were shed at an execution. Is it not remotely possible that if a woman is pregnant, that is entirely her business, not a matter for public consumption, and that if she seeks whatever medical attention she chooses, no one needs to know about, so therefore she can walk into a hospital or clinic, and nobody has to get upset about anything? Instead, they can drive over the local state prison, open the trunk or tailgate, and have a kegger.
What crime has the unborn child committed? Existing? Abortion and Capital Punishment cannot be fairly compared, Capital punishment kills criminals, abortion kills innocents.
Why would anyone ride into an ambush?

I think there were some thoughtful questions at the Presidential debate last evening. The fact that Mr. Guiliani, Mr. Thompson, Mr. McCain, and Mr. Romney choose to schedule other things speaks volumes. Not only did they not participate in a debate at a prestigious black university, they also did not appear at the Univision debate, the Values Voters debate and the YouTube debate. One might make the assumption that they wish to lead an America comprised of White Anglo Saxon Protestants only.

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