2nd Black Belt
Doc got his bb from someone.........
steve sanders got his BB from someone......
thomas lapuppet got his bb from someone.......
that dog doesnt hunt on planet reality, and yeah, one retarded statement can and in your case DOES render anything else out of you irrelevant. To me at least
If Stephen King, who is an undisputed master of his craft came out and said he was a 9-11 truther, that little bit of crazy would ruin him for me, pretty much forever.
Thats why i am no longer a Jesse Ventura fan
so yes, this latest (centainly not the first time, more like the 101st time you have done it) playing of the race card from you is the straw that has broken this camels back
you are boring, and exceedingly long winded. And whatever skill you claim to have (even tho no one has ever heard of you) is hidden under 14 layers of ego, chest thumping, crazy racist crap.
Good bye.
Dont bother responding cuz you are going to the iggy list and i wont see it.
Exceptions don't prove the rule,Twin Fist.
W.E.B. DuBois got his Ph.d. from someone (Harvard),but racism and segregation was still the law of the land...and Black people as a whole were rigorously denied education.
Susan B.Anthony could read and write and asserted herself strongly,but women still couldn't vote.
General MacArthur and Richard Marcinko were/are hellacious warriors,but the Armed Forces were still lagging behind in material,tactics,and mindset in comparison to them.
Let's turn it another way:
Doc DID get his BB from Mr.Parker...AND STILL FELT THE NEED TO FOUND THE B.K.F. Unless you're inferring that Doc is a complete idiot,he must have had not just good and solid but immediate and overwhelming reason to conceive structure and launch the B.K.F. And Sijo Muhammed must have had equally compelling reason to join and help promote such an organization.Thomas LaPuppet--who my Uncle met and introduced me to--had every reason to like Doc and specifically told my uncle that "those soul brothers" are "doin it right" in reference to the BKF. Everyone you cited SUPPORTED THE IDEA OF THE BKF...INCLUDING MR. PARKER. Like I said...if I told a joke? The joke would be on YOU. But I don't need to because every time you post,you make people who have brainpower turned ON laugh at your preposterous illogic.
Yep.Your brain is still off. I'm responding to your post anyway because--since your brain stays on the "DEPOWERED" list--you haven't realized that when I respond to your POSTS,I'm really not addressing your PERSON. It became very clear from the first post you made that you're of the PDL--PERMANENTLY DOOFUS LEGION--so I took to responding to any reasonable intellect that might have suffered the misfortune of being stained by the concentrated ludicrousness that your posts incarnate. the self-contained time warp of your mind,there wasn't a Civil Rights Movement? Doc,LBJ,Susan B. Anthony,Thaddeus Stevens,Rosa Parks,Medgar Evers,The Freedom Riders,Vietnam vets,any and all freedom fighters of whatever race anywhere from any time who opposed injustice and unfairness...these people aren't heroes to you? Well,on the REAL planet Reality,Twin Fist? There WAS a Civil Rights Movement. Thaddeus Stevens and the Radical Republicans ARE heroes. Susan B. Anthony--superheroine extraordinaire--DID help to usher in a staggering change which took huge courage. And Doc showed his heroic side because he DID co-found the BKF without which Black people COULD NOT participate in or get a fair shake in martial arts tournaments. You clearly don't reside on the same planet as the rest of us--The REAL planet REALITY--wherein the last 2 centuries (including Reconstruction and the heroics of the 99th Pursuit Squadron and the 108th Tank Battalion) really happened.
You just helped me to understand why your posts so consistently have zero to do with the empirical real world,logic,sanity,or anything else worthwhile.You've ensured that you hit the OFF button on your brain before every post and then you post from Planet Idjit.Now it all makes sense.Thanks for the reveal.
Everyone else? With the continued absence of Twin Fist from this conversation,we may proceed apace with actually getting good and positive and wonderful things said,done and understood. This is a momentous day.
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