Brother John
Senior Master
Though I understand where you are coming from, and agree that no Kenpoist (who's not cross-trained) should claim that Kenpo is a "Grappling System".....There IS grappling within the techniques. Not a LOT of it, but it is in there. I think this reflects that Mr. Parker had a BB in Judo, and some of his top students studied Judo and or Jujutsu. People can study and extract the grappling elements from w/in Kenpo, elaborate on them and (hopefully) expound on them greatly by cross-training with folks from actual Grappling Systems......and then their grappling may excell.Andrew Green said:if it's always been there shouldn't all the people that trained with Ed Parker remember him teaching it? Possibly even have video evidence?
I'm sure a lot of the same concepts apply, people only move in so many ways. But the "It was always there" claim is silly, it wasn't, same with all the karate, TKD and Kung Fu people that suddenly realised it was always there when grappling became popular.
I think it's great that lots of people are trying to expand into new areas, but claiming it was always there IMO degrades the system. It wasn't there, and why claim it was? Shouldn't the system have enough strengths on it's own to not have to make claims that it is things that it never was?
It's IN THERE, but it's not a main feature.............unless you make it so.
Your Brother