How to Box with Wing Chun

Admittedly I have not read ever single post in 4 pages of this thread but IMHO the entire concept is flawed. AS soon as you say how do I use Art 'A' to fight more like art 'B' you have lost art A.

How to Box with Wing Chun? You use wing chun, you do not use boxing at all.... as soon as you try and change Wing Chun to boxing or try and box like a (western) boxer you will lose all your Wing Chun structure and training and you will end up with a lot of people saying "see Wing Chun doesn't work" but yet they never saw wing chun. What they saw was a Wing Chun guy trying to be a boxer

Well, I can understand that you wouldn't want to go back and read all the posts in a long thread. But you could at least extend the courtesy of watching the original video clip before responding.
Well, I can understand that you wouldn't want to go back and read all the posts in a long thread. But you could at least extend the courtesy of watching the original video clip before responding.

Did, and the response is Wing Chun guy trying to be a boxer. Don't get me wrong, it is good stuff, but it reminds me more of Jeet Kune Do I did, with a slightly different stance, than the Wing Chun I did.

I admit that one needs to work outside of ones comfort zone in any style they train and they should train with other styles in
order to better understand their style but the videos are Wing Chun based (like Jeet Kune Do) but no longer Wing Chun (like Jeet Kune Do).
Well, I can understand that you wouldn't want to go back and read all the posts in a long thread. But you could at least extend the courtesy of watching the original video clip before responding.

Well I, on the other hand, finally did get around to watching the clips. You know I couldn't link to them directly? --Had to copy and paste them over to youtube. No matter. Anyway, contrary to what Xue thinks, I see all WC in what you show, just adjusted for the boxing range and game. Alan Orr has been messing around with some of the same ideas for a long time. Check the following clip for example:

The big difference is that in the end, Alan's guys show very little of what most of us would recognize as WC when they compete (Remember that contentious thread on the other forum?). On the other hand, your approach maintains 80-90% WC structure and form. Have you or any students of yours had a chance to test this approach out with boxers yet?
Well I, on the other hand, finally did get around to watching the clips. You know I couldn't link to them directly? --Had to copy and paste them over to youtube. No matter. Anyway, contrary to what Xue thinks, I see all WC in what you show, just adjusted for the boxing range and game. Alan Orr has been messing around with some of the same ideas for a long time. Check the following clip for example:

The big difference is that in the end, Alan's guys show very little of what most of us would recognize as WC when they compete (Remember that contentious thread on the other forum?). On the other hand, your approach maintains 80-90% WC structure and form. Have you or any students of yours had a chance to test this approach out with boxers yet?


Like I said, I only dabble in Wing Chun and I see more Jeet Kune Do that Wing Chun, although Jeet Kune Do is based on Wing Chun. But then I only dabble, so I bow to your experience in the art.


Like I said, I only dabble in Wing Chun and I see more Jeet Kune Do that Wing Chun, although Jeet Kune Do is based on Wing Chun....


Honestly, there is no right or wrong here. It boils down to a matter of your perspective. With your many years in diverse CMA, Xue, you simply offer another perspective. IMO what makes this forum better than most is that we respect and even welcome different perspectives.

...Well except for those that are really dumb. :D