Pin Sun Wing Chun & Wing Chun Boxing

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Fraudbusting is a violation of the Terms of Service here at MartialTalk. You all agreed to abide by those terms when you created your accounts.
While staff does not read every thread (we are volunteers, all of whom have lives outside MT) we do our best, and when we see or are notified about posts or threads that violate the TOS, we respond. In this case, we are locking the thread, and it will remain locked. The alternative would be to issue a lot of warning points to a lot of people involved in this thread.
It is strongly recommended that you read the TOS, refresh your memories of what is and is not allowed, and abide by those TOS. You may find them HERE.
Further violations will result in accounts being restricted, suspended, or banned.

Mark A Cochran
Dirty Dog
MartialTalk Senior Moderator
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