At my last dojo, all tests for 6th kyu and above begin with an hour of calisthenics that are the exact same thing as a military drill instructor smoking the platoon. The test is 8 hours long (and you're active the entire 8 hours. For example, you're going to keep doing the kata for your rank over and over, while higher ranking students are being evaluated on their kata, etc) and on top of that, it's a 5 mile run... not including the sprints. There's knuckle push-ups on concrete and asphalt, and there's always more and more pushups that you'll have to do throughout the test for everything they gig you on (and they WILL gig you on stuff).
On top of all those calisthenics, the Shodan test is 500 pushups, 500 situps, and 1000 kicks. For the Nidan and above tests, the 500/500/1000 is removed, but replaced with something even worse: every time a student of a lower rank than yourself gets gigged and has to do pushups, you have to get down and do the pushups with them.
According to the research and various people I've talked to, the man responsible for this happening in Shorin-ryu is Frank Hargrove. Shugoro Nazakato - who was the head of Shorinkan in Okinawa until his passing in 2016 - was apparently against this, but it appears he wasn't able to stop it for one reason or another, because it's still happening in Shorinkan and other organizations that split from it, but have Frank Hargrove in their lineage.
That's hazing. And an American is responsible for it. Not an Okinawan.