Kata like any martial art forms unite the mind and body in one. The kata is the "art" side to the martial arts, it is the inner chi or ki and it is the philosophy being acted out. I believe there is no limit to how many kata's one can practice to gain their maximum benefit. There can never be a point where a person could know or practice too many different kata's because kata is the internal part of martial arts, everything has two side good and evil, short and tall, yin and yang, and the internal part of martial arts is the second part and the kata provides that. Kata is very important for a martial artist because it sets the tone for a certain momement where the martial artist is controlling his or her mentality by practiving kata. Kata is the second side to martial arts so I say in my opinion there is never a situation where you can say is there too much kata. Remember everything has to sides to it, with out the second what you are practcing is incomplete.Sauzin said:I have a relatively simple to ask but in depth to answer, question and I would appreciate any comments or reasoning related to it. How many different kata (either empty handed or kobudo) do you think it is necessary to practice to gain their maximum benefit? Do you think there is a point where a person could know or practice too many different kata? LetÂ’s assume the normal time constraints of a single working male. For example do you think 13 empty handed kata is a good number or perhaps 4, or perhaps 32? With Kobudo do you think 50 is appropriate, or 10? What is your reasoning?
Thank-you in advance for your insight and time.
-Paul Holsinger
Tarek :asian: