Sapper6 said:
i certainly hope that this doesn't turn into a soldier bashing thread.
No body is bashing anyone by indicating that one does not need to worship or respect a soldier any more then any other person. One is only setting the record straight and perhaps sending a counter message to the militaristic one our society propagates.
Sapper6 said:
IMO, any man or women that raises their hand to the oath and puts on the uniform has done that already.
Anyone can swear an oath. Following it with your actions is worthy of respect. With some actions, a soldier follows his oath. With others, they follow the whim of the politicians. And that whim may indeed be dark.
And apparently, by law now, one cannot refuse service no matter how much one may disagree with the ideology. (I'm referring to the case of the soldiers who ran to Canada rather participate in stealing Iraqi oil. Apparently, they feel that stealing is wrong and that they did not swear to do that when they joined the service.)
Sapper6 said:
just another profession? name any other job where you are called at home with 72 hours notice, pack an over-night bag, kiss your wife and child goodbye and not come back home for 18-24 months? all the while, you are in a strange land where everyday there is someone else who woke up in that country with the sole purpose in mind to put a bullet in your head. in a country as you drive down a dirt highway apprehensive to pass by a soda can lying to the side of the road because it could be packed with C4 waiting the blow the second you drive by it. in a country that while walking to take a piss in the latrine, an RPG whizzes dangerously overhead and explodes against the wall of the latrine you were walking toward.
Sure, being a soldier is dangerous, but I'm willing to bet a firefighter in a major city or a cop in a dangerous precinct puts their butt on the line just as often. Heck, I was a volunteer fireman for many years and I had to pull my butt out of the fire (literally) many times.
Further, the questions becomes why the job is so dangerous.
Take Iraq for instance. We are there not to fight terror or hunt down some WMD or even tackle an insane dictator or any of the other lies we've been told. We are there for political reasons. We are there to "civilize" and reform Islam by force. We are there to secure our national interest and to stabalize the region for our business. Basically, we are there for the exact same reasons other countries invaded. Imperialism. All of this is part of the Project for the New American Century which was written by many of the most powerful people in the administration. They also have said that the cost of this war would be paid by Iraqi Oil Wealth, because they owed it to us. This is taking place whether they like it our not.
You know what folks? That is stealing? Is it any wonder why the most frequently targeted peices of infrastructure are the damned oil pipelines? Worse, 200,000 hooligans who like to blow up bombs and families conveniently found a target and lots of collateral damage.
Hmmm, I wonder why people would be so pissed.
Sapper6 said:
in a country where hodgies can walk right up to your perimeter and throw molatov cocktails at your tent and you're forbidden to fire upon them because it's a group of hodgie children, and God forbid you take the life of a civilian or child over there.
Yes, god forbid it!
Warning - Graphic Photos
You want to shoot some kids? Blow them up? Have at it. Apparently people on the Right think this **** is somehow fine and dandy. They are the enemy. They are collateral damage. They also may have happened to be pissed that their country was in chaos and that the Americans were stealing their wealth. Well, now they are dead.
Sapper6 said:
the Communist News Network and the rest of our "fine example of free speech" media would burn you at the stake with anti-war programming and news.
Fascist Jingoism at its finest.
Sapper6 said:
and when that soldier does return home, the child he left as a newborn is now walking up-right on their own and hasn't a clue of who the hell you are.
Yup. Their family may be in shambles. Their businesses may be in ruins. And they may not even be in parts blown off. Oh yeah, they also come home and get their benefits cut. They come home and get forgotten because no body wants to know what exactly they did. It's a god damned tragedy the way our soldiers are used and abused by the politicians. A good man takes an oath to protect something he loves and ends up filling the coffers of a bunch of rich white men.
Sapper6 said:
and yes, the American Soldier gave you every right you have. nobody is saying they are any better than the virtual warriors who sit here and shoot their mouths off. but they certainly deserve the respect. they have earned it.
No, they did not, and if you actually took the time to learn a little history, you'd know this. Of course, that would take work and its far easier to shoot off your mouth and join the unthinking jingoist chorus out there. Its far easier to spread these American myths so that others fall into the trap. Oh yes, its much easier.
Easter Bunny and Santa Claus anyone?
Sapper6 said:
i'm gonna leave this thread before i lose my martialtalk membership.
Fine. Apparently the thought that everyone works together to make our country great and protect our freedoms is so repugnant that one cannot trust himself to act civil.