Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Uh...JN, methinks you don't know who Pyle and Mauldin were.
As for the other sources, weeellp. What can I say? I mean, the other day I heard some AM host calling Walter Cronkheit (really...I'm not kidding) a traitor, and uninformed to boot.
I quite agree that a lot of what the media says/shows can't be trusted. That's obvious. However, to argue that all of it's anti-American fantasy...that's silly. If it's anything, it's too much like pro-Am propaganda.
There are, I think, two basic problems here. The first is that somehow it's become traitorous to report anything but the Official Government Line, when in fact there's supposed to be a real conflict between what government tries to hide and what reporters try to report. It's not supposed to be like it was in thee old Soviet Union, where "Pravda" and "Izvestia," were tools of State propaganda...in our system of democracy and capitalism, the whole idea is that reporters earn their money by trying to find out secrets the government doesn't think we're old enough to know. And all this guff about reporters giving "aid and comfort to the enemy?" Bushwa....hey. I made a funny.
The second issue, for me, is that I've seen these charges before. Several times. Our government--our government, not something owned by those older and wiser, our government--lied through its teeth about Vietnam. It lied through its teeth about Watergate. It lied, toothily, about Chile and ITT; about death squads in Latin America; about Iran/Contra...well, the list goes on. And every time, every time, anybody who reported what was going on got labelled a traitor or worse. Hell, Stanley Karnouw got screamed at for a pretty bland history of the Vietnam War...seemingly, no amount of kowtowing to the Powers That Be was sufficient.
I'm sorry folks don't like the facts. And we can argue about what the facts are...but to simply reject them, or accuse anybody who brings the facts to light of being a moron or a traitor...that's the crap the CPUSA used to pull, back when the facts about Stalin's little worker's paradise were coming out.
I don't know if the US government is BS-ing in this case. I suspect they are; hell, Lyndon Johnson couldn't get through a day without telling three whoppers just to cover his butt during Vietnam. But I might also mention that from my viewpoint, our reporters are not being nearly critical enough...which might suggest to many that they've pretty much got it right.
There's one other problem...all those nay-sayers, those nattering-nabobs-of-negativism (Spiro T. Agnew...you remember. The VP of the United States who always went off about lefties, and was taking cash for favors right in his office?) have an ugly habit of turning out often to be right, in the long run.