Hapkido Kwans

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Dear Hal:

I think you may have messed-up. Are you SURE this is the whole list?

The only reason I ask is that you indicate the years 1997 to 2003 and there are a lot of people I expected to see listed who are not showing up. Is it possible that there is another list, perhaps an alternate or sub-organizational list? Perhaps the people not listed are on some sort of probationary period awaiting recognition once they have met organizational criteria? Is it possible that there is a separate list for people who have been "grandfathered" into the organization or received "honorary" or "administrative" rank rather than the more well-recognized certs based on the standard time in grade/testing requirements? Again, ordinarily I wouldn't make any comments on this as the Koreans are known for being pretty good on their attention to detail. However, it seems they must have slipped up as there is at least one persons' name I recognize who has presented himself as a "grandmaster" which I think is an 8th dan rank and your list only shows him to be a 6th dan. Could the Koreans have made a mistake?

Sorry for all the dumb questions but I feel like I must be overlooking something pretty important, and not understanding how the KHF works I certainly would not want to slander or libel a foreign national, especially from one of our allies in the fight against international terrorism. However, there are simply too many telling omissions. Something doesn't seem right. Help?

Best Wishes,

Mst. Sims,

Unfortunately that is the whole list. You may notice there are some names missing (Mostly those to who dealt with Mr. H). This is a pity as many are now finding out what problems he has caused. I last heard through the rumor mill that he is trying to get the KHF to recognize kwan certs that he distributed. I heard he was trying to do the same with KTA certs. Pity.
Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but I thought KTA certs were only issued in Korea for TKD. Why would a Hapkido Organization recognize another style? Little confusing......
You are correct that the KTA is only for Koreans and only for TKD. These are two seperate issues. He apparently distributed dan certifications under the KTA's name, when in fact he has not ranking with the KTA or the KKW. Yet another scam being pulled that he is now trying to make good on.
Would you know if the KTA or the KKW is going to issue a statement stipulating that the certificates given by this person are not valid? One would think that they would be forced to correct this just for the sake of their own organizational reputation.
At this time I have spoken with the KTA only. They have told me that there are no foreigners registered in the the KTA and that all Dan certificates are done through the KKW. Since the certificates were supposed to be Dan certs, they told me I would have to contact the KKW for this. I have contacted one person from there and I am waiting for a reply. If I do not hear from him sooner I will contact the KKW directly with the information that I have and see what can be done.
OK--- I am throwing this out to anybody who has more insight into this than I.

1.) People have taken money as appropriate fees for testing individuals.

2.) The individuals have gotten their certificates (right?).

3.) The certificates that have been received are organizational certs--- or at least facsimiles of organizational certs (right?).

4.) The organization official roster does not reflect that the organization has awareness of these individuals--- or at least the rank for which they received they certification/facsimiles.

Three questions then come to mind.

a.) What recourse do the individuals with the questionable certs have with the organization? (read also: What is their official status regarding the art and organization?)

b.) What actions will the organization take to vouchsafe their integrity and reputation?

c.) Where did the money go between the individual who provided the funds and the organization which was to have received those funds and record the individuals' standing with the organization?

Please understand that what is driving my questions is more than simply purient interest. I am a member in good standing with the WHF and take considerable pride in my membership. Anytime members of the Hapkido community are in distress I believe it reflects on the entire community. I fervently believe now is the time for us all to watch carefully how these serious matters are resolved. Like the poet said, ".....there but for the grace of God...."

Best Wishes,


I wish I knew the answers. Better yet, I'd like to know how people like this are able to no avoid prosecution. If I did something like this, I have no doubt I would be incarcerated with the worms, under the facility.

People like this have taken it to a personal level by affected not only victims, but people who have tried to stand up for us, like say you, have been maliciously attacked and on various levels.

To anyone else, if you have any questions... email me. I'll be more than happy to share what I know, but you wont be happy.
Dear Frank:

It is an article of my Buddhist faith that "what goes around comes around". I have no doubt that consequences will be visited upon those who have violated the trust put in them. However, that entire process is beyond me for the most part having been in place since time immemorial. My concern is more for the disenfranchised who have suddnely found their standing not merely called into question, but, effectively, non-existent. I cannot emphacize strongly enough that it is incumbant on the individuals in positions of influence to work together much as do various agencies when a community suffers a catastrophe'. Turning the coin over, and as much as the violated may want to punish the offender I think it is paramont that people who have been effected make known their needs so that leadership can be guided in address these issues. You can always find time to incarcerate people with the worms--- under the dochang--- later. :-)

Best Wishes,

It will be very interesting if the organization in question (their certifications / facsimile), will address this problem and offer either support for those affected or at least do something against the party that perpetrated the falsehood. Please keep us informed of any outcome.

Respectfully :asian:
I thought that maybe this would be an appropriate place to ask this question with recent events coming to light. Mr. Clay I would value your input particuarly because this may or may not be important. Mr. Hackworth is friends with Mr. Connolly of the Yudo Association. They seem to have very close ties as evident by emails I have seen from Mr. Connolly to a former member of this board.

Mr. Connolly claimed in his bio on his website the following ranks

Hapkido - 6th Dan
9th Dan in Kodokan Judo
9th Dan in the Oriental martial art of Judo
8th Dan in Aki Jujutsu
Tang Soo Do - 6th Dan
7th Dan in Taekwondo
5th Dan in Karate-do

This was copied from his site on 8-29-2003. Yet I looked today and it is different :confused:

Connolly holds an 8th Dan from the Ju-Jitsu International Federation. He is privileged to hold Dan rank in Judo from the Kodokan Judo Institute, and remains an unrepentant student of classical pre-Mifune Kodokan Judo.In the Korean tradition, Founding Grandmaster (ChongKwanJang) Connolly was the first non-Korean ever selected to head a traditional Korean martial art by the authorities in Korea. This fighting system, Chong Tong Yudo, was jointly chartered by the Korea Judo Association and the ROK Yudo Association. Connolly is the current President of the International Yudo Federation. He holds a 9th Dan in the Olympic sport of Kodokan Judo from the Korea Judo Association and a 9th Dan in the Oriental martial art of Judo from the Republic of Korea Yudo Association. He also holds Grandmaster ranking in Hapkido and Taekwondo. He has teaching certificates from the Korea Hapkido Federation, ROK Yudo Association, and Korea Taekwondo Association, and is a life member of the Korean Martial Arts Instructors Association, the standard-setting organization for the traditional arts in Korea.

I see no mention of Aiki Jujitsu or TSD or Karate Do. And since when is a 6th Dan in Hapkido considered Grandmaster status? And speaking of Hapkido, I didn't see his name on the afore mentioned list at all from Korea yet he claims to be a member and Instructor of KHF?

Could anyone clafify these perceived discrepancies? I'm not insinuating anything, I just looking for clarification.

Thank you
Kwanjangnim is a term which can be applied to many things. Loosely translated we take it to be master. I do not know much about Mr. Connolly other than I was there when Lee, Sauk Kyu presented a stone plaque from ROKYA sanctioning his kwan Chong Tong Yudo. He, at least, bears some significance and authenticity. I hope that he has been misled as well, but only time will tell. He is not on the list that the KHF published, so he may need to have some words with certain individuals as well.

Some of these orgnaizations are mere paper factories. Nothing more. Expensive toilet paper. I know he has a KHF, but it is probably invalid for the above reasons. He has a KTA, and we all know by now KTA DOES NOT ISSUE RANK. Hasn't done so since like '79. I have done both TKD and TSD, and I am here to tell you mastering both is a royal pain. They are based on different concepts. Related, but different. As I know very little about Japanese arts, I cannot comment on the rest. I can say that Yudo i the same thing as Judo. Don't let anyone tell you differently.
Mr. Clay, thank you for your reply. And I'm sorry that this is happening to you and others. What got me curious about Mr. Connolly and a possible connection was that he seemed to speak as a man of authority within the upper echelon of the KHF. At least to the extent that I have seen, which basically amounted to him actually warning someone against claiming Hapkido rank specifically because they were not a member of the KHF.

When I saw several discrepancies in his bio of just a few monts ago to the one he has today coupled with his name being absent entirely on the Korean list, well I simply began to wonder about his role in this situation. Victim or other?

Again, I'm very sorry for what is happening to you. I had a TKD instructor lie to me many years ago in my youth about my rank. It is embarrasing and disheartening. However, as Mr. Sims as stated, this is the time for Hapkido practitioners and instructors to rally and unify to route out those who would disrespect us and make a mockery of that which we cherish.
Dear DAC:

To my way of thinking what makes this so difficult is the constant use of image and interpretation. As I read over some of the older posts from even a few months back I begin to almost hear the ex-president foundering around with statements like "that depends on what your definition of the the word 'is' is." Start off reading some of those old posts and assertions come up like the following.

"It depends on what you mean by "grandmaster". "

"It depends on what you mean by "kwan". .....by "style"..... by
"representative".......by "director".

Then you can start to stir in things like mutual recognition. I give you an 8th dan and you are an officer in my organization. Then you give me an 8th dan in your organization and I am an officer in your organization. And then you begin to network like this among disparate groups while occasionally inflating the number of people you have brought under your growing umbrella.

Then you stir in things like inflated numbers or members and rank, exaggerated references and even purchased "franchises."

When people begin to question these practices allow various subordinates to take the heat for you without correcting them and when worse comes to worse there are always the dirty tricks like making false allegations that get people fired from their day jobs, send threatening letters and e-mails, foster campaigns of character assasination under various aliases.

For a few years now I have advocated for people who have found satisfaction in the KMA to be more involved in the management of their particular arts and their organizations. I have spoken for dialogue, involvement and accountability both TO leadership as well as ABOUT leadership. Frequently the response has been veiled (and sometimes not so veiled) suggestions that I sit-down, be quiet and not take all of this MA stuff so seriously. I submitt that at one time I had 80 private students EVERY ONE of which had experiences such as we are discussing now owing to the behaviors of various instructors and teachers. I can also report that this experience with this particular "GM" is not the first time this has happened and that last time it was his policies regarding the TKD community that got him into hot water. At some level, some time in the future, we, the members of the Hapkido and KMA community will have to own that indifference or apathy on our part contributed to and supported this guy as he conducted his affairs. I will even go so far as to say that people, early on, had doubts but were fearful of rocking the boat for fear of being revealed for having used an easier method for getting status, regard and recognition to which they might not otherwise be entitled. As was said once in a movie, the Dark Side of the The Force is not stronger rather "quicker, easier.... more seductive." Who among us wants to admit publicly that we were seduced in this fashion, ne?

Best Wishes,

What's really sad......, No actually make that really dumbfounding, is that these people were accepted by the general martial arts community. I can understand that the general public would'nt have a clue as to the pitfalls within the arts, but for these guys to put all their BS in print on the internet no less and nobody until now has taken them to task is beyond comprehension. I'm not trying to downplay any actual training and skill level that they have, just how they have managed to make themselves look so much more important than they actually are or even capable of becoming. How in the world did they manage such a feat? On the flip side of that is the fact that there will be / are many trusting Martial Artists who, for the information available to date, looks like they got the shaft with bogus certifications. This is really a big black eye IMO for the Martial Arts Community as a Whole. If so-called legit practicioners can deceive so blatantly, what does that say to the general public about all of us?

On behalf of all concerned Martial Artists. I wish to offer a public apology to all the practicioners that have been compromised and to the public at large, for at the very least, an unethical portrayal of the martial arts in general.:asian:
I have to second that. Some of us who were deceived have been in for 2 + decades.

On the other hand, as a teacher of self defense, I now understand how women get sucked into abusive relationships and the mechanics involved. Those men are cons too... these people are charming and highly intelligent. Their undoing is that they end up telling so many lies that eventually they unravel.

Masters Al Cole and Glenn Usuegi tried to warn me about this guy in the beginning. But the way in which I was approached by Master Cole made me weary and untrusting of him. Unfortunately, I now understand why he did it the way he did. Brothers, we must united to prevent this. But first we must find everyone hurt by this man, and unify them, to wipe him off the proverbial mat.
Dear KHF & Mr. Richard Hackworth
Dear KHF & Mr. Richard Hackworth,

I would not have written on this subject much more, but having posted my letters on one of the most reliable martial arts web sites in the world, http://www.mooto.com. I’ve received many opinions regarding my letters through my e-mail. I am, as such, reluctantly writing this letter one more time.

When I read the responses from other Hapkido members, I was surprised and could not believe some of the stories I was told. So, having read these letters several times, I have decided to point out some issues for the deliberation of the KHF & Mr. Richard Hackworth .

Please, if you represent our best interest, do not ignore my questions, as they are important for KHF & members of Hapkido & Taekwondo all over the world, including yours truly.

Questions the Korea Hapkido Federation (KHF) has to address:

1) Has the KHF officially appointed Richard Hackworth Director & representative of the regional Hapkido association in the United States. If so, when was he appointed?

2) According to Richard Hackworth’s letter dated July 21, 2003, the KHF intends to reappoint the overseas Hapkido regional representatives during the Seminar in Florida on October 25, 2003. Presently, there are only two KHF overseas regional representatives. Is this true? If so, what of the other regional representatives the KHF appointed earlier? Did they resign? If so, why?

3) The KHF should merge their two web sites as failure to do so has left many people confused and misinformed.

Question to Mr.Richard Hackworth,

1) Did you sell Hapkido videotapes through http://www.koreahapkidofederation.com
at US$550 for 10 tapes a package? If we can prove you are selling the tapes through other web sites these days, what say you? If you say yeah, did you get the permission of the KHF to do so and are you paying royalty to the KHF for using the name and logo. If you have not, and are not, you are in breach of copyright laws. I hope you are aware of this fact.

2) Do you sell certificates of Hapkido, Taekwondo & other qualified instructors, through the KMAIA (Korea Martial Arts International Association) under the names of the KHF & Kukiwon? You also sell 4th Dan Hapkido black belts at US$1500. How dare you make money on something we have devoted our life to. Wow, you must be some “businessman”.
3) I have another question. You said that the headquarters of KMAIA (your own organization) is located at Shin Heung city in Korea. I am Korean and I have not heard of Shin Heung.

4) Still, I assume you are selling martial arts certificates under the names of Korean martial arts organizations without their permission. I have my sources looking into these issues and, if you are found out, as I expect you will, I do not want to be in your shoes. You do not mess around with REAL PEOPLE. We enjoy catching crooks and we smell one in our midst, selling “certificates”.

We have evidence that you have used pictures of some former Korean officials of KHF & Kukiwon for advertisements in newsletters implying they support you. I hope you did not think you could pull one on us. They may have taken pictures with you, but it does not mean they support your kind of person. Even dead people have their picture taken with “monkeys” of the world. You used them and, that being the case, they will be advised to sue you.

I would like to emphasize that you have been cheating & using the KHF, Kukkiwon & many of the world’s Martial artists and, thereby, soiling the image of Koreans. Of course, you are aware that you must pay for your folly. We are not a forgiving people, you make fools of us.

You have been found out and you know it! Do you want to persist? My advice, as must be that of your best counselors, stop what you are doing. RESIGN from all KHF positions immediately.

If you do not acknowledge this note, I will post it on all martial arts web sites in the world and have some of my supporters in other countries make everyone aware of it. I can make your life very difficult and I promise I will. However, I will give you ONE week from today to make your decision. Please give me your answer, and I hope it is a wise one, as soon as possible. Post it on the KHF website yourself. I really don’t want to make trouble further. But, if you insist otherwise, I will have no choice.

Dear Members of Hapkido & Taekwondo, I am sorry to do all this, but, as you may know, Richard Hackworth has been cheating and using the KHF & Kukiwon for his own interests. I cannot tolerate his misdeeds any more. The KHF must denude him from any position he holds with KHF. In other words, REMOVE HIS NAME from the KHF web site of school directory IMMEDIATELY.

Sincerely yours,

HKD man
I was kinda wondering if anyone has taken that list of titles or ranks identified by Jor Connolly and checked them item by item for veracity. Is this another case of related organizations bestowing mutual regard on each other? If I own a school and another person owns a school and we each give one another a 9th dan does that rank mean anything? Are these folks required to disclose the manner and circumstances of their receiving their rank? Not being more than a 3rd Dan I may not be aware of guidelines as followed in the rarified atmosphere of upper management. Apparently Hackworth has been uncovered for what he is. Does anyone know how far this misrepresentation goes?

BTW: I see by todays' date that it is December 7th. I have not heard any earth-shaking announcements from the KHF or Oh See Lim. Neither have I heard of any increased frequency of wrist-slitting in the KMA community. Perhaps Hackworth would like to use his next radio program to explain his way out of THIS particular turn of events. If past behaviors are any indication of future deportment I expect that he will identify some nefarious plot against his efforts to unify the Hapkido community in a world of Peace and Love. I also suspect that he will be organizing his own multi-national entity specializing in certs-for-fee options. You have to admit that if nothing else, the guy IS predictable! :rolleyes:

Best Wishes,

Looking back on the first and second pages of this thread, Mr. H was very adamant about his announcement on busting frauds at his seminar. Who knew it would be a complete turnabout.

That letter addressed to Mr. H taken from the mooto site was dated July-03. Haven't seen or heard any followup info as yet. If any can find additional updates, would appriciate the postings.

I personally don't give a rats a## what these guys want to anoint themselves with. My heartburn stems from the fact that they openly in print called everybody not associated with them a fraud (Mr. H's letter of welcome on the KHF web site). Now it turns out that they are being accused of the very thing they accused other's of. I can only imagine the number of people who have been compromised by the alleged fraud perpertrated by Mr. H. This must have been ongoing for some time. I will take a guess that the KHF in Korea will most likely just turn a blind eye and wait till this just dies down and falls from people's views. Unless those that have been duped rally together and at the very least attempt to recover and bring justice to the forefront, nothing will happen to prevent this from happening again. This is not like some small time school instructor that closes his door and slips away. The money involved here, on a National basis, must be big time. If a 4th Dan test fee was $1500 (mooto letter), well you can conceive the math with 1st thru 4th nationwide. That's just for Hapkido. TaeKwonDo comes on to the playing field also. If all of this finger pointing is true, it would be a bigger crime to let him get away with it. If all of this is not true, Mr. H has been very silent. One would think that an attempt would be made to correct misinformation on his part.

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