Chris Parker
The youtube demo clip= is it me or do their cuts look "short"? Like "chopping wood" short, not "cutting with a sword"
Honestly, what it looks like to me is the right hand doing all the action, pushing the sword forward as well as doing the "steering", with the left hand only there to keep hold of the handle. It provides no counter-pull, which gives a shorter action devoid of power or control.
In other words, they can't cut.
"Pinching the blood groove to make sure it wasnt put away bloody"
Thats a new one. I would have had to hold back laughter. How does she put away a non grooved blade? Would she pinch it too?
Just in class the other night, we were discussing something and the groove came up. One of the kids Had to call it a blood groove. *shaking head*
Ha, woe-betide any of my guys who dare use such a term....