Got a date tomorrow - any advice?


Black Belt
Apr 8, 2018
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Hey guys, I'm sure I've mentioned before I think of all of you as a second family, given you've been helping me for over half a decade now, since the start of my martial arts journey. Although this isn't martial arts related, I would like some of your advice since I have an important date tomorrow with a girl. We met just last week; I chatted her up after a lecture, and I don't know what possessed me to do so, since I am usually quite awkward when it comes to this, but it went really well. We went to a cafe and then went back to my place and watched some tv for a bit. Honestly felt like I had known her forever, but we didn't do anything, and we agreed we'd take it slow. I've been on a lot of dates with different girls over the last few years, but I never felt the way I did about this one, so honestly I'm pretty confused and need to make sure I don't do anything stupid tomorrow. We agreed to meet where we first met, and then walk back to my place and I would cook us lunch. I'm cooking chicken stir fry. Do any of you have any advice for dos and don'ts? Never cooked for a girl before. I am worried I am jinxing it just by sharing it on here :arghh:
If you're used to just cooking for yourself, and you've got the time today, cook the stir fry today, and make sure there aren't any changes when you're doubling the portion size. Sometimes that can throw off cook times, how much oil you use, or what pans you should use. Then eat it and throw the leftovers in a garbage outside so it's not obvious what you did :p. Then make sure your kitchen is clean.

Outside of that, avoid negging her, and make sure she can see your actual personality. If you're thoughts are that this might be a long-term thing, better for both of you if she sees who you are rather than a front that you put on, which will eventually become undone, with heartbreak six months down the line. That doesn't mean show her all your quirks, you can ease her into those lol. But just don't front.

Also, make sure you give her a chance to speak, and respond to what she says. Obviously a conversation is back and forth, so you should be talking too, but a lot of guys fall into the trap of thinking they need to talk themselves up, so they end up doing 80% of the talking, or split the talking, but then talk about themselves during their 'turn', rather than commenting on whatever she's talking about/interested in. Very few people are going to like that one-sided of a conversation.

Good luck!
Relax. You'll be fine.

It takes two to tango, and you don't need to seduce her, so take that pressure off your shoulders. From what you wrote, you two really hit it off, and also she accepted to come at your place, just the two of you, so there's a chance that you guys are both interested in each other. Just enjoy her company and get to know her. Then if it goes well you guys will naturally get closer to each other, people have been doing it for thousands of years without pickup techniques so trust yourself :)

Again, relax.
Define "chicken stir fry".

And keep in mind I am basically Carmy from "The Bear" IRL. I can give you a hundred recipes ranging from "first date" to "60th anniversary", all the way to "sorry I messed up our last dinner".
I’m a bit of a lady’s man so try these on your date:

Talk about yourself and your life exclusively. Don’t ask about her or even show the slightest interest in her as a person.

Look at other women in the restaurant in a lusty manner.

Criticise an ex-girlfriend to her. Be slightly vicious, if possible.

Get drunk.

Insist on splitting the bill or better still, paying for your own food (because you didn’t have a dessert).

Express extreme political views in particular, subscribing to conspiracy theories such as vaccines contain data stealing chips, the British Royal Family being alien lizards or go old school and suggest the moon landings were a hoax.

Blink very frequently and in morse code if you can. Spell out the lyrics to ‘Stairway to Heaven’….backwards.

Wear a black leather jump like Elvis did in the famous performance…but go bare footed and ensure your toe nails are painted luminous pink.

Screech like a monkey from time to time and apologise for it claiming it’s caused by very high testosterone levels. Wink suggestively after you tell her this.

At the end of the night offer to drive her home but get into the back seat of the car and make engine/driving noises while handling an invisible steering wheel and a stick shift, for added effect. Act out a police pursuit if you can, and succeed in avading them.

As a caveat, I should add that I’ve had so many failed relationships, my penis gets one star on Tripadvisor. Make of that what you will 😑

Best of luck, Ivan 😉
Do any of you have any advice for dos and don'ts?
Always show your innocent eyes. Don't talk much, make her to think that you are very deep, and your mind always thinks about

- Who am I?
- Where did I come from?
- Why am I doing here?

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Have a backup plan, in case the stirfry turns to stir coal.
other than that, relax, let the lady suggest stuff to do.
easy on the onion and garlic (and perhaps the heat in the dish) depending on culture.
If she agreed to come to your place after knowing you for a week, I think you have little to worry about.
Have a backup plan, in case the stirfry turns to stir coal.
First time I read this as "stiffy" instead of stirfry...
If she agreed to come to your place after knowing you for a week, I think you have little to worry about.
Unless she's a serial killer...
Do any of you have any advice for dos and don'ts?
First date can be like your job interview. It can be challenged.

Boy: What's your name?
Girl: My name is the last 2 words of the poem "Farewell".

If you

- know the poem "Farewell", you will have a good chance to be her boyfriend.
- don't know that poem, you may not.

I still remember when I said, "White Apple (floating grass in the water)". The girl's eyes open so big, and I was so proud of myself. Sometimes I still wonder if I did marry to that girl, what kind of life I would have.
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First date can be like your job interview. It can be challenged.

Boy: What's your name?
Girl: My name is the last 2 words of the poem "Farewell".

If you

- know the poem "Farewell", you will have a good chance to be her boyfriend.
- don't know that poem, you may not.

I still remember when I said, "White Apple (floating grass in the water)". The girl's eyes open so big, and I was so proud of myself.
Sometimes I'm pretty sure you live in a wuxia novel.
Hey guys, I'm sure I've mentioned before I think of all of you as a second family, given you've been helping me for over half a decade now, since the start of my martial arts journey. Although this isn't martial arts related, I would like some of your advice since I have an important date tomorrow with a girl. We met just last week; I chatted her up after a lecture, and I don't know what possessed me to do so, since I am usually quite awkward when it comes to this, but it went really well. We went to a cafe and then went back to my place and watched some tv for a bit. Honestly felt like I had known her forever, but we didn't do anything, and we agreed we'd take it slow. I've been on a lot of dates with different girls over the last few years, but I never felt the way I did about this one, so honestly I'm pretty confused and need to make sure I don't do anything stupid tomorrow. We agreed to meet where we first met, and then walk back to my place and I would cook us lunch. I'm cooking chicken stir fry. Do any of you have any advice for dos and don'ts? Never cooked for a girl before. I am worried I am jinxing it just by sharing it on here :arghh:
A bit too late but, skip after shave, and go all in on red tiger balm
A bit too late but, skip after shave, and go all in on red tiger balm
I’ve heard spreading it on one’s genitalia gives you an ‘edgey’ quality on the date, and should the unmentionable occur with you date, then she’s in for an experience she’ll never forget!
I’ve heard spreading it on one’s genitalia gives you an ‘edgey’ quality on the date, and should the unmentionable occur with you date, then she’s in for an experience she’ll never forget!
I thought that was better done with Brad Pitt urine. Did that internet ad lie to me? How do I get a refund?
I’ve heard spreading it on one’s genitalia gives you an ‘edgey’ quality on the date, and should the unmentionable occur with you date, then she’s in for an experience she’ll never forget!
It's a double-edged sword. Beware of serious rash, but it way be worth it!
Hey guys, I'm sure I've mentioned before I think of all of you as a second family, given you've been helping me for over half a decade now, since the start of my martial arts journey. Although this isn't martial arts related, I would like some of your advice since I have an important date tomorrow with a girl. We met just last week; I chatted her up after a lecture, and I don't know what possessed me to do so, since I am usually quite awkward when it comes to this, but it went really well. We went to a cafe and then went back to my place and watched some tv for a bit. Honestly felt like I had known her forever, but we didn't do anything, and we agreed we'd take it slow. I've been on a lot of dates with different girls over the last few years, but I never felt the way I did about this one, so honestly I'm pretty confused and need to make sure I don't do anything stupid tomorrow. We agreed to meet where we first met, and then walk back to my place and I would cook us lunch. I'm cooking chicken stir fry. Do any of you have any advice for dos and don'ts? Never cooked for a girl before. I am worried I am jinxing it just by sharing it on here :arghh:
How'd it go?