Oh, I do feel so justified. If someone has an aversion to obesity, that is a personal choice, and entirely their own to make. It doesn't make them a bad person, but it does make them shallow.
An aversion to obesity isn't a choice. Nature vs. nuture is an argument for another thread, but I don't think either Lone or I
decided to find obese women unattractive. I envy those who find them attractive as in the U.S they certainly have a larger dating pool.
FWIW, I also have an aversion to women who are TOO SKINNY (i.e., the runway model look). Consequently, the number of women I find attractive is probably even smaller that Lone.
But here is the important part: having a clear idea of what I find attractive and carefully considering that when deciding to date or not date someone is NOT "shallow" no matter how many times you say it is. It is
responsible and
kind. Why lead someone on when I know I will not be happy with them in the long term?
Someone who ONLY looks at physical attractiveness without considering the many other factors that make someone suitable or not for them may very well be shallow and/or superficial. (But I would not presume to make that judgment based on that one bit of information ...)
For me, whether or not a gal is attractive or not is only one of many considerations.
You can repeat
ad nauseum that because I consider physical beauty a significant factor, that I am shallow and believe it with all your heart — but you are wrong. I have significant depth of character and am introspective enough to weigh my preferences and consider how they may affect future happiness.
You, on the other hand Bill, are judging my character based on ONE trait: aversion to obesity. Sounds pretty shallow to me. Doesn't make you a bad person, however: just shallow and judgmental.
FWIW, I didn't think I was twisting your words at all. Pardon me if I unintentionlly did so.
agree "There is a distinct difference between liking a 'hot body' and making that property a top criteria for dating."
Again, it isn't a top priority for me: just one of many important considerations.
As for the OP, as long as he realizes that being picky means he may end up waiting longer before finding someone he likes, I
support his decision. Much better than being in an unhappy relationship.
I hope Lone has the depth of character to realize that there are many other traits to consider in making a choice for future happiness (of both him and his mate) and doesn't make his choice
solely on looks.
Then again, if he truly is as shallow as you think, the other considerations probably wouldn't matter enough to bother him anyway