I suggest you take a reading comprehension course so you can respond to what is written, not what you THINK was written.
Thanks, have done. Probably a lot more than most.
Slow down and take a deep breath before making another attempt: obviously this is an emotionally charged subject for you, Bill.
Not really. The OP asked questions, which he has mainly answered himself. I stated that the reason he was facing a reduced dating pool was due to his own choices, which he has agreed with and now states as his own original ideas. Now he whines that everyone thinks he's a bad person, when no one has called him that. I stated his choices make him shallow, and they do.
Shallow is clearly pejorative when used in this context. I find your patronizing definition and "explanation" considerably more insulting than being called "shallow," however
And I need reading comprehension courses?
First of all, I was addressing the OP, although I can see how you responded as you are clearly one of those feel justified in declaring someone shallow based solely on an aversion to obesity.
Oh, I do feel so justified. If someone has an aversion to obesity, that is a personal choice, and entirely their own to make. It doesn't make them a bad person, but it does make them shallow.
What I said, exactly, was (bolds added to assist you)
"A preference for a well-toned body in a mate and a depth of character are not mutually exclusive and I resent those who claim they are."
And as I stated, I never said that they did. Again, reading skills come into play here. I've never said any such thing, nor has anyone in this thread. What I have said is now well-documented. You can twist my words as you wish, but it doesn't change what I've said.
There are plenty of people who like hot bodies who also, believe it or not, and LIKE it or not, have considerable depth of character. I fancy myself to be among them.
You twist words again. There is a distinct difference between liking a 'hot body' and making that property a top criteria for dating. You fancy incorrectly.
Er ... yes, actually I HAVE. But I would agree that it isn't healthy
Good to see that we can agree on something.
Just because something is on the list, doesn't mean it necessarily is higher on the list — as the OP has clarified.
He has stated he will not date an obese person or one he feels is unattractive. That's a clear and unambiguous statement. I said it makes him shallow. It does. End of story.
But if someone is hardwired to find obesity unattractive, that has nothing to do with the content of their character any more than a preference for blue eyes or dark skin. And those who maintain it does: are shallow
You can redefine terms as you wish, but you'd be incorrect. Shallow is another term for superficial. People who are superficial are attracted to properties that have nothing to do with character, personality, intelligence, wit, or a variety of other attributes people possess that makes them a good (or bad) match for others.
And no one is 'hardwired' to prefer any given size. It is learned behavior, and purely cultural. At various times in our own history, voluptuous women and men of girth have been considered attractive and even desirous. That they are not now is simply due to the current zeitgeist.
I will posit that if we lived in times when women of size were considered 'hot', choosing to date only heavy women (for their hotness) would be as shallow as rejecting them is now.
I won't go point by point through the rest of your rant, but in closing: beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. If someone is attractive to me now, they will continue to be even as we age. Wrinkles don't change that.
I have no way of knowing what you or anyone else will consider attractive in the future. I do believe that as people age, they knock off the cheap crap and some begin to use their brains where their testicles used to roam freely.
And you keep interchanging beauty and weight as if they are one and the same to those who prefer people who are not obese. I have seen beautiful women that I believe would be even more attractive if they would get in shape and women who are in great shape who are still not attractive to me,
I have answered both statements by the OP with regard to size and attractiveness. I have not stated that they are one and the same. Again with the word-twisting.
In any case, I'm not ranting. I have a great capacity to rant if the cause be just, but this isn't. I'm mildly amused.