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"Religeon is irrational and therefore not subject to logic"

Anyone agree/disagree with this comment? Cant remember who told it to me :asian:
Originally posted by yilisifu
It has been stated by numerous atheists. And it is dead wrong.

Care to give me a reason for that statement? :confused:
Originally posted by yilisifu
It has been stated by numerous atheists. And it is dead wrong.

I associate it more with religious individuals, though not in quite as strong a form as was given here--saying that one can't approach religion through reason (the intellect) but rather must approach it through faith.
Originally posted by arnisador
I associate it more with religious individuals, though not in quite as strong a form as was given here--saying that one can't approach religion through reason (the intellect) but rather must approach it through faith.

My apoligys if I came across too strong......I just wanted to see who agrees or disagrees :asian:
I meant strong only in the sense that saying it's not subject to logic is a stronger claim than it's best not to approach it through reason--you've made a more far-reaching claim than you might have.
Originally posted by arnisador
I meant strong only in the sense that saying it's not subject to logic is a stronger claim than it's best not to approach it through reason--you've made a more far-reaching claim than you might have.

Ah, I'm just saying as I heard it. I take my apoligy back then :rolleyes:
I think it's as much subject to logic as many other areas of study. To be religious, one can still approach the subject using the concepts of logic and reason and come away with a strong belief.

Many atheists maintain that faith requires that one remove one's brain and forget about logic and reason. They are absolutely wrong. This has been the subject of numerous lectures by world-famous philosophers......
Originally posted by PAUL

So, I believe in God, and that belief is a matter of faith. Quizmodus chooses to not believe in God, and that is also a matter of faith. I have based my "faith" on logical conclusions from the evidence in which I accept to be true. Quizmodus also has based his "faith" on logical conclusions from evidence in which he accepts to be true.


I agree, and your part of the thread is realy good read. Whish more people would read that.

I'm a firm believer that all "faiths" base themselfs on some assumptions of what is correct; "god is good".

But even if I used logic, I mustent forget that logic is only a way of showing the way things "fit" together. And even if the words can make them fit, doesn't mean it's more correct. Logic is a tool for understanding, not a result to show what is correct.

I loved the postulate about satan.

What if satan turned "good", how would you differ that from God?

Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Who resurrected the dead? I thought this thread was dead a month ago.

I think that on the "MartialTalk awards" thread started by M.O.B., many people had said that this thread was the best discussion so far. I think that people are just taking a second, or possibly a first, look at this thread because of this.

Not a necisarily bad thing. :cool:
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
Who resurrected the dead? I thought this thread was dead a month ago.

Since when does a thread "die"? People come up with something new everyday, I happened to have heard that little saying and wondered what you guys though bout it. I could have started a new thread but though why bother when I can just add to this. Ignore this thread if you want to now, nobodys loss but yours :asian:
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
feisty little devil there...

Yup- he put it well. I too thought the thread was long dead, but faith is such a huge part of many people's live and personal strength I guess, that this thread could be ressurected :D ad infinitum.

As for religion and logic, it seems religion is a way to logicise (not a word but you know what I mean?) faith and personal beliefs into a construct people can wrap their heads around.

It doesn't play a part in my consciousness, but certainly does in my life- my hubby is a newly devout Catholic (a weird time to jump in, but I think the need has been growing since 9/11). And although I don't believe in god or hell or heaven per se, I sometimes think there's a certain fatalistic viewpoint I get. (Something was meant to happen, karma kizmet, etc). I don't really like seeing a rosary and bible suddenly on my coffee table- somehow I find it jarring.

That's all for now, I guess I'm finished blurting.
my beliefs are a little odd. I was raised catholic by a protestant mom and a catholic dad. made communion and was confirmed. The whole 9 yards. In high school,my boyfriend was reading sufi books and I started reading them also. i believe in God but I lean towards buddhist books and teachings. I kind of stumbled into it on my own. i was at the library and saw a book called 'how to create a spiritual life from scratch" by Lama surya Das. I loved it. I started reading more of his books. Then books by Thict Naht Hahn.they made sense to me. So I believe in God but the religion I follow is unclear even to me at this point if that makes any sense.
It all has to do with truth and the search for it. You have to really WANT to find the truth and you have to understand that truth is absolute and cannot be customized to fit anyone's personal tastes. What you discover may or may not be comfortable for you as you are at this time.

Understanding that, then, you begin your search.

The first thing to do is...ask.
If you want to see logic applied to religion, pick up something written by Thomas Aquinas...he was very skeptical, very logical, and argued for the existence of God after applying logic to his search for Truth.

Originally posted by Jill666
Yup- he put it well. I too thought the thread was long dead, but faith is such a huge part of many people's live and personal strength I guess, that this thread could be ressurected :D and infinitum.

Thankyou, I take after my dads way of argueing, if your gonna be rude, do it the politest way possible

Originally posted by Jill666
Yup- he put it well. I too thought the thread was long dead, but faith is such a huge part of many people's live and personal strength I guess, that this thread could be ressurected :D ad infinitum.

As for religion and logic, it seems religion is a way to logicise (not a word but you know what I mean?) faith and personal beliefs into a construct people can wrap their heads around.

It doesn't play a part in my consciousness, but certainly does in my life- my hubby is a newly devout Catholic (a weird time to jump in, but I think the need has been growing since 9/11). And although I don't believe in god or hell or heaven per se, I sometimes think there's a certain fatalistic viewpoint I get. (Something was meant to happen, karma kizmet, etc). I don't really like seeing a rosary and bible suddenly on my coffee table- somehow I find it jarring.

That's all for now, I guess I'm finished blurting.

I sure hope the hubby is not over-worried about the wify being on a fast track to hell.... :D J/K You are NOT going to hell for not believing. If GOD is ever loving and ever forgiving (as advertised for over 2000 years!!! must be some truth in it, huh? lol), then GOD would not be so petty as to condemn those who are "yet to return to accept His grace" ;)

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