To the best of my ability it seems that only Man is capable of dividing everything into Right or Wrong; Good or Bad. To the best of my ability only Man would WANT to divide everything up into Right or Wrong; Good or Bad.
Agreed- it's called morality.
Man would be so inadequate as to believe only something outside of himself might set things in order. Certainly it is too much to believe that puny Man could create his own Heaven--- or Hell-- simply through his own good offices, right?
Inadequatte? I say insightfull. And we are the authors of our own Hells.
Imagine if Man had no "sin", God, or judgement to excuse the fact that when push comes to shove people are just too easily seduced from doing the Right thing--- without a club hanging over their head.
Without God, we would not recognize what
is Right or Wrong.
Is there some particular reason that you need to KNOW that something is "good" or "bad".
So that you do that which is "good", and avoid that which is "bad".
Do you, yourself have no internal assessment to let you know when you are working in the best interests of yourself and your community?
You mean, do I have such a process of determining right from wrong apart from that which God has defined right and wrong? No, I don't. No one does.
Whatismore, you deny the probability of each and every act, malevolent or benificent, carrying with it an intrinsic value with which we may or may not agree emotionally.
Emotionally? What do emotions have to do with the determination of right and wrong? Right and wrong are determined through
logic, through inductive and deductive reason. It feels good to shoot up with heroin- that doesn't make it "right".
In this way, independent of the nature of God, behaviors have a way of balancing to the Middle Way.
Ok, let's test your theory:
Thesis: Murder is wrong.
Antithesis: Murder is not wrong.
What, exactly, is your
synthesis, or "Middle Way", in this situation?
Either way I don't need a "God" to tell me when I am being hurtful, venal, or selfish.
So you've never been hurtful, venal, or selfish?
Nor do I need a God to guarentee that I will be punished or rewarded.
Really? Then prove it- what punishment has the murderer of Joan Bennet Ramsey suffered?
God is that He is and no amount of self-serving or self-agrandizing behavior will turn Him to toiling for our individual agendas
Right- stating that God is the ultimate arbiter of what is Just is making Him "toil(sic) for our individual agendas".

What exactly do you think you do to Him whaen you declare that Right and Wrong are what
you declare them to be?
I absolutly beleive in God,as far as religion goes,I think religion is a good thing for those who need structor in their lives and works well for many.As for me,since all religions have one thing in common,they all believe they are the only ones that are right and all others are wrong,I have no need for religion.
Even if all religions declare that they are the only one that are right, and all others are wrong (a gross oversimplification of all religions if ever there was one), it doesn't follow that all are equal. Just because determining whether their individual claims are true or not takes effort is not an excuse for not taking that effort.