Oh no sir

I am well out of my zone! Tom, you are exactly right in what you say and but I think being out of zone is a also good thing, no? In the dojo with my Aikido guys I never have to face the high kick - few of us can even stretch a kick to head height!! Nor am I ever concerned about leg sweeps and the like. I am sure you maybe appreciate that? Even in NGA? When I train with my own guys I can see our Aiki atemi / sword hand / shuto types coming from the next county. And there is no art in the prediction. Nor does feeling for balance change present a problem with my hand or hands already on the opponent. And but I accept that in my own style of Aikikai we are in no way conditioned for striking beyond functioning as uke.
And but jabs, hooks, simple side kicks and whatnot, these are the staples of outside fights, yes? That is why I have taken leave of myself and befriended practitioners of one or two other arts. I am not seeking to learn their arts, only how they strike. I am happy to DEAL with these as I see them coming. I would dearly love to be able to predict them BEFORE they come as I can with Aikido atemi. I am just uncertain of what to look for. I had thought there may have been specific knowledge of this and but I guess folk know how to do it while maybe not knowing exactly HOW they do it. I can see a backwards roll of the hips before most Aikido atemi are thrown. If the opponent is noving forwards I will notice a sudden forwards thrust. That is the general pattern I spot in Aikido terms. Boxers have a great tempo and but that can be a giveaway too. Though I have never matched a boxer when we have mucked around in my dad's gym. Never without taking a crazy load of hits before managing just one Aiki tech! And that is just mucking about and not for real, no ways!
I guess it is as most folk have rightly said, simply knowing the art? There are a lot of arts though. I had hoped striking mechanisms might have been similar? And but yes, this thread however has been very very helpful indeed. As has your advice
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,