So, let me see if I've got this straight.I don't believe I called anyone who posts on this board a racist. Perhaps you could find I did, and point that out to me.
I said that this issue ... the lawsuit and its propagation on Bill O'Reilly and Michael Smirconishs' radio programs, ... is being using as tool to separate "The Other".
The accusation I did make, is that some people are willing to blindly accept what bile is fed to them through Oceania's Ministry of Truth; just as was done in 1930's Germany, or more recently in fiction in the movie 'V for Vendetta'.
Should the resturant owner be exempt from local laws?
And, really, people, we are talking about ordering lunch. We are not talking about prescription medication, police reports, or legal documents. This lawsuit is about ~ literally ~ a ham sandwich; (with provolone (is that English?))
Because I, in my personal experience involving many high stress contacts with people of a variety of language backgrounds, as well as my routine day to day contacts with many of those same people, find it rather frustrating that I have had to use a foreign language to communicate with people in my home nation and community, and because I felt that it was stupidthat a complaint alleging that a business owner who posted a sign that English use was the preference in his business (which you too agreed really had no merit) actually went forward, and I guess because I disagree with you... You've decided that I've blindly accepted whatever is being fed through the media?
Please, what local law did the business owner violate? He's accused of violating an anti-discrimination code, but this is the first case that I'm aware of where language was an alleged basis for discrimination. From the scant information here, it's not even clear if he ever actually refused anyone service because they didn't speak English! We have a college professor (here is her bio at the school) alleging that a sign, again apparently without any evidence of actual implementation and definitely without the support of laws, is the same as the Jim Crow laws! That's almost as much a reach as your implications that those of us who feel that if you're here -- you should make reasonable efforts to learn English are being manipulated by Bill O'Reilly or anyone else, and are blindly accepting whatever is being sent down the media (which does tend to have a rather more liberal bias, in my experience, and certainly doesn't fear to challenge press releases and statements rom the federal or state government, especially under the current Presidential administration).
The issue at hand, reading the original post, is this:
Here's the thing, no thinking person gives a damn if you speak Swahili, Urdu, Farsi, or Pig Latin in your home or among your friends. However, if you choose to do business in this country, even as only a consumer, you should speak and read English fluently. Because that is what we do here.
And I'll stand by all my statements here; I don't understand why anyone chooses (and I most definitely have encountered people who made deliberate choices NOT to learn English or encourage their kids to learn English) not to learn enough English to function. I think it's perfectly reasonable for any business to expect that customers would be able to deal with them in English, not have to provide a translator.
Is that really such a bizarre expectation?