I think that the town health inspectors could have inspected the resturants processes and not noticed the window sticker as a violation. The liquor commission could have seen the sticker and not noticed it as a violation. It is a silly lawsuit.
But the lawsuit, itself, I think, can be seen as a way to determine if the window sticker does violate the ordinance. The language of the law is not as clear cut as 'don't sell booze to someone until they are 21'. The courts will decide if the sticker is a violation, and then the legislative bodies can clarify the ordinances to meet the will of their constiuencies.
Yes, it is the current flavor, but it is part of a meal that is being served up in our country. When the leading candidates for President are trying to show that each is tougher than the next on illegal immigrants, (sanctuary cities, sanctuary mansion), I think some citizens are going to get rolled up with those they are attempting to evict.
I think audacity can be a good thing. I think it was Ghandi that said, "First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win". Doesn't the first part of that idea, define audacity?
As to motive, I see three; fear, blame, distraction. Perhaps a bit of each. To instill fear of the undocumented taking power from the citizen. To blame the undocumented for problems in schooling and healthcare. To distract the citizens from government policies weakening our economy and transferrring wealth and power to corporations.