Okay rdonovan1, I'm going to try this one last time.
Stop talking about game and your studies there. I would actually advise you to stop studying it at all, as you have really missed everything there. Oh, and the approach I take is the study of masculinity. Much more far reaching than studying seduction... Your habit of talking about your sexual events (and non events) will only serve to alienate other members here. As I have said since my first post to you here, this is not the place. So stop.
You have also missed the basic concepts of NLP and everything else you have discussed, if you are looking for "patterns" that indicate a woman is interested, you have completely crossed your wires. A pattern is a conscious sequence of events (words, phrases, gestures) designed to generate a responce, and a person (woman, man, or indifferent), if giving you a pattern, is not showing interest. There are signs you can become aware of, most including things like is she talking to you, or walking away. No pattern here, just human nature.
If you think there is any "proof" in psychology, you haven't understood it either. Psychology is refered to as a "soft" science, as it is more theory than anything else, and therefore not something that can offer proof. So using it to back up any claim because it is "proven" by psychology isn't really true.
Now, while I am all for everyone doing all they can to improve themselves in each and every way they can, I would remind you that what you are studying is not what others are interested in, or needing in their lives. Game is probably the best example here, not all the guys here need, want, or are interested in that area at all. Many are happily married, or in great relationships, or simply don't find that there is a lack, so telling them all that they need to study this, or anything else, is going to come across as presumptive, arrogant, or downright offensive to many reading your posts.
And true to my words, I support anyone who wants to improve themselves, but I am going to strongly suggest that you cut back severely on your readings and self-study. They have only added to your vocabulary, but not to your understanding, so they are actually doing more damage than good. Same with martial arts. Don't even try to learn from tapes/videos/DVDs without a teacher.
But I don't like leaving things without giving you an alternative, so this is my advise. Get a social circle. Get used to being around people you can relax around, and be more used to socially interacting with them. Forget analysing them, forget checking off body language triggers and key phrases, it's getting in the way, and that is what is leaving you open to being scammed. Like I've said since day one with you, your social calibration is off, and that needs to be addressed before you can move on to anything else.
Because this:
"Over the years however and due to what I have learned from people like Ross, Mystery, and others I have learned to pay very strict attention to the subleties in life and to keep my eye open for potential patterns that a girl might give me that she is interested in me.
Unlike guys, women in general are just not going to walk right up to you and ask you if you want to go to bed with them because of the stereotypes and gender roles that we tend to assign to both men and women.
I have also learned that while both men and women tend to think about things like sex in equal amounts, men tend to think about it much more and more openly than women do and men in fact are even encouraged by our society to talk about their alleged sexual conquests.
Women on the other hand are discouraged by society to talk about such things or to even engage in sex before marriage because if they do then society can and will label that woman a slut and that is term that most women do not want to be associated with at all and that along with the fact that women know that if they were to have sexual relations with a man can result in them in being pregnant and that is why women tend to think more in terms about things like romance, whereas men for the most part really could care less about things like romance.
I learned this not only from people like Ross and Major Mark, but from my own personal studies and from women that I have talked to in real life.
At one point I was told by one girl that I knew and that I had had sexual relations with that women can and do think about sex just as much as men do. I did not know that until this girl told me that.
I however did not come to this forum to talk about stuff like that at all. I came here to talk about things relating to the martial arts, security and self defense. Yes, part of it does relate to male/female relationships as I know for a fact that jealousy can and does play a big part in how relationships are either made or not made.
Sometimes that jealousy can be on the part of women and that is why you tend to see women getting into cat fights over men, but men do the same thing as well and that is why you oftentimes see men, espcially the big guys that look like Arnold Swarchenagger coming up to you and trying to fight you just because you might happen to look in the direction of some girl or just because you might even try to be friendly by talking with the girl and that is the where the martial arts comes in to play as well as the whole concept of security and self defense.
I also know that both men and women can and do lie to one another on a regular basis and that again is another self defense situation as a person needs to be actively thinking on their feet so that if a girl for example calls you a name, you can and you will be smart enough to come up with a good comeback that is both a backhanded compliment and humorous."
is completely off base, and should never have been brought here. Not part of the discussion. I won't go into how wrong some of this is here, but know that it is.
I am not approaching things on this forum from a seduction, attraction, or dating point of view.
I am approaching things from a security and business point of view because right now that is where I am weak in.
I am only stating what my experiences are and as to some of what I have studied. Everything that I started studying relating to seduction, attraction, and dating has lead me into studying business and things like sales and marketing.
Because of some of the stuff that David D. talked about and because of the fact that I was an over the road truck driver for a long time I started studying ways in which to take some of the concepts that I had been learning from the seduction community and applying them to things like business, sales and marketing and that is what I am focusing on the most right now.
All of the online romance scams that I became a part of started because I wanted to practice what I had been learning from the seduction community, but in the process instead of meeting real and decent women online I have run into a lot of people that were either crazy or scammers.
My approach to things right now is on setting up basic security and in doing that will enhance things like how I feel about myself both in business context and in a personal sense.
Part of the personal issue is in my ability to defend and protect myself not only in business situations, but also in personal situations as well and not just from a physical standpoint, but also from a mental standpoint and it is not related to just women, but to men also as I have not only been accused by people for things that I haven't done at all, but I have also have had things stolen from me, my car vandalized, and I have even had one girl in my neighborhood steal my necklace from my neck because I would not take her somewhere in my car.
As far as I am concerned I am not the grocery store, the phone company, a taxi service, or even a cigarette shop.
Just recently I ran into a situation in my neighborhood that kind of concerned me in which some guys from across the courtyard had asked me for a cigarette. I told them that I did not have any because I don't like giving out things to people and not getting anything in return.
One of the guys came up so close to me that I felt that my personal space was being invaded and as a result I really started to think that I was going to have to deliver a back kick to the guy.
Because of the vandalism and attempted thefts of my car I have kind of wished that there was some way of putting something like a Cobra or a rattlesnake in my car just to keep my car from being broken into.
I don't know about you, but I personally think that if a person were to see something like a Cobra in a car then they would definitely not want to even try to break into the car because I personally think that they would have a very difficult time explaining to both the doctors and to the cops as to how they got bitten.
It's not a bad idea, but there are problems with that idea. Two of the big problems that I see with them are the law and of course the problem of as to how you would prevent the Cobra or rattlesnake from bitting you when you decided that you needed to go somewhere. Of the two idea's I think that the Cobra would be the best deterent because of it's classical dance that it does with it's hood open.
I don't know about you, but I can just imagine the kind of conversation that might occur between a thief, the doctor and the police when asked as to how he got bitten.
In my mind the conversation would be something along the lines of 'I got bit while trying to steal a car'. Ok, now maybe I am wrong, but I personally think that would be more than enough evidence for the cops to want to take the guy into custody once he is well enough to do so. Assuming that the snake did bite him and did not just happen to scare the living tar out of him.
Because of everything that I have experienced and seen I have become a very, very skeptical person and as such I just don't believe everything that everyone says. At the same time however I try to look for the good in people and because of what I have studied relating to NLP I tend to believe that anything you put your mind to is possible.
Because of some of the people that I have run across in the past and because of my interest in the whole dating, mating and relating game I have also started to study things like psychology and the enneagram and according to psychologists all people are crazy and in severe need of medication.
I personally think that they are the ones that are crazy and that they are completely missing the big picture as they are not taking into account things like culture and personality at all into their equation. All that they are doing is looking for the negative and are not taking into account that some of people's behavior is and can be attributed to how they think and feel about themselve's and other's as well their environment.
Simple common sense says that if you take the average person and put them in some place where there is high crime then fear can and will take over and that can cause them to potentially fight. That is the fight or flight syndrome.
Those same emotions and instincts also effect and influence how people think and act in other situations as well and that is what I have been saying all along.
If for example you go to a comedy club with some friends that you know and trust or you are in an environment in which you feel you will not be adversely judged for being yourself then it is a lot easier for you to open up and to share things with friends and family like your thoughts, dreams, attitudes, and opinions about certain things and it is also generally a lot easier for you to be able to feel comfortable doing things like laughing and making jokes.
I've also learned that things like NLP can be used in business situations to help to overcome objections because people tend to think very negative and I have personally experienced that myself in various situations.
One such situation was a job interview that I was in for a job in which I was being interviewed by a woman. This occured on more than one occasion. In one case I was asked to sell the woman a hypothetical car, yet the job did not have anything to do with selling cars. The job that I was at that time applying for was that of a customer service representative at Victoria's Secret Direct in their call center here in New Mexico.
I did not get the job because I failed to ask her the right questions that would get her to picture the car in her mind and as to what was important to her in a car in terms of features and amenities. Had I been better with my questioning at the time then it is very possible that I could have talked her into wanting to by the hypothetical car and into wanting to hire me for the job.