Bullies: Some Random Thoughts

Hmmm...you just got me thinking that maybe "bully" isn't exactly the right phrase. Either way, it is a crappy situation that I need to get out of.

Maybe sociopath would be more fitting.
Hope you get out of there soon mate , interacting with "The Outlaws" can be difficult at the best of times .
Can't imagine how bad it would be with one seemingly having a pathological hatred of you as well.
This should make you laugh. Or maybe not.

The drama bomb came to impose on us unannounced yesterday and decided to just sleep in my living room and try to order me to be quiet when getting my oldest kid off to school. Before leaving she decided that she "almost forgot" to tell me that we aren't buying a house, that "something fishy" was going on when I told her to myob and tried to order me out of my own home.

Out the door she went, but not before asking me for gas money. She didn't get it. I told her to have fun walking. But more profane.
You're putting the cart before the horse there. The disrespect started LONG before she let us move back in. As for whether or not she would be hurt by this thread, she wouldn't care. Why? Because it stands to reason if she thinks next to nothing of me, why would she care what my opinion is of her?

well, it would validate her bad opinions of you.

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