Senior Master
There is an inference they are. As I read old copies of ‘Fighting Arts’ magazine, all the old masters say how important they are for Karateka.Has anyone said that they are “special training methods?”
What does that mean?They work.
Just as not everyone will relate to hours of kihon, or 3 step sparring, or press ups on the knuckles, but they’re imposed on the trainee because they are part of the oeuvre that is that particular art.But they are not a great method for everyone. Not everyone will relate well to that method.
Not in a traditional MA because as I said, one is required to have a broad palette of skills to be deemed accomplished.Those people should do other things, that do not use kata. I am sure they will do just fine. Maybe even reach excellence.
Hmmm not really.But those sporting methods that do not use kata, likewise are not the best fit for everyone. Not everyone relates to or is interested in what those methods offer. For them, perhaps a kata method is the better choice.
See where I’m going with this?