The Chinese wrestling has 24 solo drills. If link them together, it can be a form. The following clip shows the first 6 drills. Please notice thatif we asked every kata creator in Okinawa...
- drill 1, 2, 3, 4 have only hand move.
- drill 5, 6 have only leg moves.
I have asked the form creator (my teacher). He told me that it was created to help beginner easy to learn. If you do this form exactly as shown in the following clip when you are 80 years old, you may have consider yourself as "beginner" all your life. The creator (my teacher) told me that after you have passed your "beginner training stage", the proper way to train is to add proper
- leg move into drill 1, 2, 3, 4, and
- hand move into drill 5, 6