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i have a friend that studies RyuTe® Renmei from what I hear Mr. Oyata has a pretty good sense of humor...and like most people that you meet that have been studying the martial arts for a long period of time...they are incredibly intense...but at times, you could swear they were trying to be funny...

on the subject of Dillman, he claims to have trained under Oyata, it says so on his website...now, RRouuselot says he never did, other than a few seminars...and he was there at the time so i'm somewhat inclined to believe him...

people like Darrell Craig and Steve Cunningham have come to my area and given seminars...but have i trained under them? if i go to their seminars does that make me their student?...of course not...seminars are great workouts and you usually pick up one or two great ideas...but the rest usually slips away...too much in too little time...

there is absoluetely nothing wrong with Dillman creating his own system and spreading it to the world...the problem comes if he misleads you where he got the information and so on...

Basically, my feelings on the matter...in general...and not just in the case of Dillman...

Do what you want, but call it what it is..
To answer some of your questions (from several pages ago...) the certs issued through DKI are not, that I ever heard, proported to be in Mr. Oyata's writing. They are stamped with a series of kanji taken from one of the organization's patches which, I am told, is based on calligraphy done by Mr. Oyata.
I have viewed one certificate issued by Mr. Oyata to Mr. Dillman; and honestly much of what is written on it is greek to me (note much needed injection of humor into thread....)
Hopefully this clarifies the issue of certificates.
dearnis.com said:
To answer some of your questions (from several pages ago...) the certs issued through DKI are not, that I ever heard, proported to be in Mr. Oyata's writing. They are stamped with a series of kanji taken from one of the organization's patches which, I am told, is based on calligraphy done by Mr. Oyata.
I have viewed one certificate issued by Mr. Oyata to Mr. Dillman; and honestly much of what is written on it is greek to me (note much needed injection of humor into thread....)
Hopefully this clarifies the issue of certificates.
Thank you for clearing that up
Actually Rob we probably agree on a lot more than you can even imagine. I just think you're ready to discount someone who posts on the web unless they use their real name (why should I let you suckers know who I am, who the **** are you guys?) or prove their lineage (which I have done). I've been doing real Okinawan karate for over 2 decades, and 9 out of 10 MAs schools in the states suck, karate and otherwise. That's based on empiricism from someone who knows. That's the facts jack!

Additionally, beyond what Sensei Rousellot has said, I gave you swift types a lot of real info. Like the PP notes crap and what really happened between Soken, Kise and Dillman. At least that's what I've been told by fellas who personally know all parties concerned. If you can't put 1 and 1 together I won't be surprised. Once you've been blinded by illusion, you can only see the warlock. That kind of thinking is rampant in the United States of Abracadabra.

All you wishers go do some real training and quit trying to learn MAs on the net. I'm Swayze... <POOF!!!>
RRouuselot said:
Dillman change his mind and become a "humble student" at this stage of the game.......not likely.

BTW, Dillman didn't really "steal" anything other than "borrowing" a few basic techniques, the name of a style plus some Japanese vocab........not much considering his claim to fame before that was holding the record for breaking blocks of ice.


As for training the way Mr. Oyata did........you wouldn't last.
Most people wouldn't last.
Most western people DIDN'T last the way he used to train them in Okinawa.

Saying that i wouldn't last with him is disrespect to me. truthfully you don't know me or my skills or my level of determination. Another thing i apoligize about misspelling his name, spelling really isn't my strong suite. Lastly, i prolly wouldn't wanna train with him all the time considering the distance from his Dojo to my home, but I would like to visit his school and see what its like, and I think i would like it. My classes now are pretty hardcore, Oyata's would be the pinnicle of my experinces, it would be a honor to work with him.

Sorry if it seemed immature...it was only my anger for what Dillman has done to the art and the fact that he has given MA a really bad name. At least in my eyes and the people I train with feel that way
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It's gone overboard and nothing but personal attacks are being posted.

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