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ppko said:
...... (I am sure that there is not a problem between Oyata and Dillman as Oyatas writing is on everyone of Dillmans blackbelt certificates) .......

Just wondering.........have you seen any of Dillman's certificates that you mentioned, or was it second hand information? If you have seen them how many are there?
RRouuselot said:
Just wondering.........have you seen any of Dillman's certificates that you mentioned, or was it second hand information? If you have seen them how many are there?
Yes I have seen them the writing is on all of certificates that he gives to people.
ppko said:
Yes I have seen them the writing is on all of certificates that he gives to people.

That's odd since he only got one rank certificate himself........so he is using my teachers certificates to give ranks in his organization???? That's odd.
RRouuselot said:
That's odd since he only got one rank certificate himself........so he is using my teachers certificates to give ranks in his organization???? That's odd.
no he has his own certificates
ppko said:
no he has his own certificates

I guess I am a bit confused.
How many Certiifactes does dillman have with my teachers writting on them?
He was given only one "honorary" rank certificate.

What writting is on all the certificates he gives people?
RRouuselot said:
I guess I am a bit confused.
How many Certiifactes does dillman have with my teachers writting on them?
He was given only one "honorary" rank certificate.

What writting is on all the certificates he gives people?
I dont know what the writing says but I was told that it was Oyatas, by my teacher.
Just chiming in here....

Dillman has a cert with Oyatas writing on it.
That cert is an Honorary one.

Dillman is issuing his own certs, that he claims also have Oyatas writing on them.

Am I right so far?

Is the writing on those certs that is claimed to be Oyatas in a decorative manner, or an authorizing/validating manner?
Does he have permission to do this?
Sin said:
i mean if your good enough at TKD then you could beat anyone if you wanted.

Well, this has certainly turned into an interesting thread. Off the subject for a brief moment, but i was just curious about the above comment. Are you referring to a person with or without any MA training??

Is the writing on those certs that is claimed to be Oyatas in a decorative manner, or an authorizing/validating manner?
Does he have permission to do this?

those are two good questions. Can we have an answere please. Dose aneone here have a cert. with this signature on it ? If so please scan it so we can see it
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I am not a direct student of GM Dillmans so I do not have all the answers all that I know is that I was told the the certificates have Oyatas writing on them this is all I know right now is what I have been told I may very well be wrong
ppko said:
I am not a direct student of GM Dillmans so I do not have all the answers all that I know is that I was told the the certificates have Oyatas writing on them this is all I know right now is what I have been told I may very well be wrong

I wouldn't doubt Dillman is using certificates with Mr. Oyata's writing on them. It seems like something he would do.

What I find odd PPKO is before you said: "no he has his own certificates".
So Dillman basically cut and pasted Mr. Oyata's writing on to one of "his own certificates" and now issues them as a "Dillman Certificate"......
The more I learn about Dillman over the last 20 plus years the more I find out the man has no shame. :rolleyes:


You have rank under Dillman, do you not?
If you do then you must have one of these certificates.
Would you mind posting it so it can be seen....if not then sending it to me via email. I for one would like to see just who's writing is on one of his certificates.
RRouuselot said:
I wouldn't doubt Dillman is using certificates with Mr. Oyata's writing on them. It seems like something he would do.

What I find odd PPKO is before you said: "no he has his own certificates".
So Dillman basically cut and pasted Mr. Oyata's writing on to one of "his own certificates" and now issues them as a "Dillman Certificate"......
The more I learn about Dillman over the last 20 plus years the more I find out the man has no shame. :rolleyes:


You have rank under Dillman, do you not?
If you do then you must have one of these certificates.
Would you mind posting it so it can be seen....if not then sending it to me via email. I for one would like to see just who's writing is on one of his certificates.
Why would I do that when you have shown nothing but disrespect towards GM Dillman and a lot to me personally.
ppko said:
Why would I do that when you have shown nothing but disrespect towards GM Dillman and a lot to me personally.

Forget I asked........I figured you would respond in this way.
However, if Dillman is using Mr. Oyata's writing on his certificates then it just to attests to his lack of character and reinforces what I and others have written about him. So if you post a certificate from him showing that Mr. Oyata's writing is indeed on them then how could you possibly justify/defend Dillman's character in the future..........you couldn't.
MJS said:
Well, this has certainly turned into an interesting thread. Off the subject for a brief moment, but i was just curious about the above comment. Are you referring to a person with or without any MA training??


What i was refering to was that some people get on this trip that there MA is the ultimate style. That is definatly not the case. i was just saying that if you train well enough in a system then you can be better than anyone, if you work at it. (all systems have there strenghs and weaknesses)

Anyways, i am glad i made this post because it is something we could all use some true information on, KEY WORD: TRUE, first hand accounts with dillman and Oyata is the TRUE information. The only bad blood I can see going on is about Dillman's Charecter or lack of. PPKO if you would please post your certificate so we cn put this matter to rest....if it is dillman's own personal Certificates with nothing to do with Oyota then we will know. RRousolett, I commend you on your post and on your knowledge of this subject. :asian:
Well let me give you guys some facts from the Hohan Soken and Fusei Kise side (Matsumura Seito Shorin). My sensei was a senior student of both Soken and Kise during the 60s, 70s and 80s (as well as Kinjo Seizan and Yuichi Kuda- a senior student of Shigeru Nakamura- Oyata's sensei). I know for sure that Dillman never studied for any length of time with either Hohan Soken or Fusei Kise. He met Soken through Kise, and talked to him in his hotel room for about 30 minutes, maybe an hour. From this he claims to somehow have gleaned the secrets of Okinawan Karate, especially as it relates to tuite and dian xue (PP stuff). That is a blatant untruth. Dillman was and is an accomplished modern style karate-ka. He trained with Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali. Why he decided to travel this weird PP route eludes me.

Maybe he got tired of being overlooked and he needed something to make him stand out. The same can be said for that Juko Kai Sacharnoski guy. He was a decent karate-ka/jujutsu-ka, why start with all this fake "iron body, groin kicking, I have a 9th or 10th dan in 10 systems and learned for years from all the Okinawan GMs" crap? PP and meridian stuff takes years to master. A lot of it makes common medical sense, some of it is hard to explain using conventional science and allopathic medicine. None of it can be learned without being taught the fundamentals and proper kata.

Anyway, if you want to know about Dillman and how long he really trained with Oyata, Kise or Soken go to www.smoka-usa.com (if it's still up). Remember that money makes good folks do weird things. It's a crying shame. Now I weep!
I for one do not understand why it is important to anybody whether Dillman study or not, does this effect your MA training, We all know that many people strech the truth about there claims and find people to buy into anything. whether or not he did or not does not enhance my training so why do you brother to keep going back in forth every person has there side of any story and for what ever reason he has is his business, I'm not pro or against him do not know him or anybody else just a outside opion. And you know nobody is going to put there certificate so someone can cucfy them about it... GOD BLESS AMERICA
terryl965 said:
1)I for one do not understand why it is important to anybody whether Dillman study or not, 2)does this effect your MA training, We all know that many people strech the truth about there claims and find people to buy into anything. whether or not he did or not does not enhance my training so why do you brother to keep going back in forth every person has there side of any story and for what ever reason he has is 3)his business, I'm not pro or against him do not know him or anybody else just a outside opion. 4)And you know nobody is going to put there certificate so someone can cucfy them about it... GOD BLESS AMERICA

1)Uhhhh it's called integrity/ honesty for one thing, something the MA are supposed to instill in people. For another if I claim to have studied at the Shao Lin Temple but actually only went there for a visit as a tourist with my video camera and then came back to he US and started teaching “Shao Lin” .........do you see where I am going here????
2) Most definitely it does.
3)......and there is the main point.......his business. If Dillman spent half as much time studying/training as he does marketing he might be a decent martial artist.
4)ARK did, so did his student...forgot his name (DAC?) , Sachornoski did, some other guy (Hobbs?) that claimed to be a “SOKE” did as well on MT.....I saw all of these certiifcates....none of them were real.
terryl965 said:
I for one do not understand why it is important to anybody whether Dillman study or not, does this effect your MA training, We all know that many people strech the truth about there claims and find people to buy into anything. whether or not he did or not does not enhance my training so why do you brother to keep going back in forth every person has there side of any story and for what ever reason he has is his business, I'm not pro or against him do not know him or anybody else just a outside opion. And you know nobody is going to put there certificate so someone can cucfy them about it... GOD BLESS AMERICA
Well to tell you the TRUTH, which is very important if you are considering whether or not someone is credible, those PP notes George supposedly got from Soken came from my sensei Ron Lindsey. Dillman came to learn about tuite and dian xue, for a couple of 2 hour sessions. Knowing he was a lifelong karate-ka my sensei gave hime Fusei Kise's PP notes, which every legit Matsumura Seito stylist has recieived since the late 60s.

Dillman took these quick introductory lessons, and the notes and then went off to establish a very lucrative career based on a superficial understanding of "kyusho" (a JJJ term most Okinawans don't use- btw). There are sensei who have been doing this stuff everyday of their lives for 30+ years. Why should a one-time student who has never recieved BB ranking in a legit Okinawa ryuha be allowed to do this without getting "checked"? He met Oyata one time at one seminar, found out that for all his decades of training in "karate" he didn't know squat except for punchy-kicky schoolkid karate, and decided he would change his training and MAs ideology. The only thing is he didn't learn the ideology or put in the years of training time required.

He does things like steal your chi when you exhale (by breathing it in, hahahaha), that crap is beyond ludicrous- it's friggin hilarious! He impatiently walks around in a dark room with a blindfold on, makes up some "striking a point multiple times" or "points in sequence crap" and dorks buy into it. Instead he should have cleaned his plate and taken the role of diligent student again. That way we wouldn't even need this discussion!

Look go learn some real science or at least legit Chinese medicine. Go train in a real Okinawan karate ryu. That way you can spot a scheister 20 miles away. Quit following and lead your damn self. Forget the quick-fixes, and do what all smart folks do (who have integrity) and take the right route. There are no shortcuts to learning good MAs. It takes years to master, as do most things! Even good combat sports (MMAs) take years to be truly proficient and reflexive at.

The real sensei don't want the masses to know the "secrets", if you can call logical fighting that, so you have to search and search. It may take months or years, or you may never find a good sensei. Most things in a society frought with superficiality will only be topical. Depth is about knowing for yourself through years of research and proper giudance. Dillman does not have this, or if he does it is a false abyss of dollar signs and true karate-ka sighs.

One day there will be some legitimate karate sensei who will redeem the name of karate (HIGHLY UNLIKELY). Right now McDojos, snake-oil salesmen and circus freaks dot the landscape. Ah the 'Murkun way!!! God bless humanity...

Check yo' self, fools! ;)
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