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I agree that the McDojos reign supream right now that is why i don't go to a main stream school. I train with a couple of guys in a garage for $50 a month and we are always looking for new members but where not going to use gimmicks to do it either.

Ron Livingston my sensei trained with Oyota personally and I am learning what Everything that Livingston knows. In turn getting the same training he got from Oyota, well at least I hope I am. One day i want to train with Oyota but I am afraid that he dosn't have much time left on this eath and he only trains with black belts. but i will try anyways.

Really I think that this disscussion is coming from The whole Mcdojo supremacy right now and Dillman is just a key example of the McDojo. A wattered down version of the true Martial Art. :asian:
Sin said:

I agree that the McDojos reign supream right now that is why i don't go to a main stream school. I train with a couple of guys in a garage for $50 a month and we are always looking for new members but where not going to use gimmicks to do it either.

Ron Livingston my sensei trained with Oyota personally and I am learning what Everything that Livingston knows. In turn getting the same training he got from Oyota, well at least I hope I am. One day i want to train with Oyota but I am afraid that he dosn't have much time left on this eath and he only trains with black belts. but i will try anyways.

Really I think that this disscussion is coming from The whole Mcdojo supremacy right now and Dillman is just a key example of the McDojo. A wattered down version of the true Martial Art. :asian:
If you have the chance, work with Dillman once and you may take a different stand on the 'watered down' comment. He may have more commercial exposure because he is earning a living doing this, that does not automatically equate to 'watered down' so much as 'tailored to the target market'.... I am MORE than positive that you are not being taught the way a Japanese student would be taught exactly the same way. Is that watering it down, or adjusting the instruction to fit your approach and student base?

Again, legitimacy, insult, homage....those are things that Dillman and Oyata have reconciled to some degree or there would be fights between them and possibly legal cases pending of somekind if it was that big a concern. Worry about your training more and the politics less and you will go farther. A McDojo can be a place the spends too much time worrying about reputation and impression regardless of the geography.
dillman is watered down cause you may learn the moves but you don't learn the Okanowan brake downs of the katas nor do you get the history or the good moral values. dillman reminds me of the bad Sensei in karate Kid
loki09789[I said:
]If you have the chance, work with Dillman once and you may take a different stand on the 'watered down' comment.[/I]

Hahahahahaha :uhyeah: ..........I have seen "Georgie" in action......I'd say he does a "watered down" version.
loki09789 said:
Again, legitimacy, insult, homage....those are things that Dillman and Oyata have reconciled to some degree or there would be fights between them and possibly legal cases pending of somekind if it was that big a concern.

Actually Mr. Oyata is not the type of person that sues someone.......I will say "Georgie" had several invites to do seminars and was all hot-to-trot but then found out they were in the KC area and found every excuse in the book to not go.
RRouuselot said:
Hahahahahaha :uhyeah: ..........I have seen "Georgie" in action......I'd say he does a "watered down" version.
So much for leaving in the hands of the parties involved and being open to equal observation time.

So, here's the question for you: What about teh TUITE/PRessure point stuff. Is every person he demonstrates on 'giving it to him?' Guys, it is a niche market application. Is he advertising the 'whole art' or concentrating on the pressure point stuff? If memory serves me correctly, he is focusing on the Pressure point stuff.

For my last post, it is their beef, why not leave it to them. What adoration/reward can possibly be gained by bashing Dillman in your personal studies?
Dillman is like that witch lady in Croching tiger hidden dragon that stole the scrolls and came up with a crappy version of Cho young fats charecter's style. It works, but is definitly got a few things wrong
loki09789 said:
For my last post, it is their beef, why not leave it to them. What adoration/reward can possibly be gained by bashing Dillman in your personal studies?

Bashing??? I am merely relaying facts that have unfolded before me over the last 20 some years of having to deal with him and his ilk.
Well at least this #$%& is martial arts wide and not just in the arts Ive associated with...no "live and let live in the MA" it appears.
Not bashing his studies just bashing his morals and values. the man said that he came up with all the presure point and TWITE stuff, witch is totally wrong.

Dojo Motto
1.) to strive for good moral charecter
2.) to keep an honest and sinsere way
3.) to cultivate perserverence or a will for striveing
4.) to develop a respectful attitude
5.) to restrain your physical ability through siritual attainment

Dillman broke, 1, 2, & 4 that i know of and in my book that makes him a bad guy with no respect.
Sin said:
Dillman is like that witch lady in Croching tiger hidden dragon that stole the scrolls and came up with a crappy version of Cho young fats charecter's style. It works, but is definitly got a few things wrong
So your saying he is an illiterate bandit that teachers students immoral behavior?

That isn't character bashing or commercial interference/libelous? At least RR has substantiation to work from in forming his opinion. This is trash talk through and through.
I heard a good saying once that applies to BS martial artists:

"Back in my day we would deal with that kind of person in a way the law no longer allows"


I have to agree with loki09789 to an extent.
Unless you have had personal contact/dealings with Dillman that can be proven as fact you may want to take it easy on what you say about him.
RRouuselot said:
Bashing??? I am merely relaying facts that have unfolded before me over the last 20 some years of having to deal with him and his ilk.
I respec the fact that you are drawing from direct observation and direct contact with Oyata and Dillman both, but in the end your alignment to Oyata is going to color what you see in Dillman. Right or wrong, like voting, you are going to 'like' one over the 'other' and nothing that comes will change that.

What purpose does posting anything about Dillman do, especially when you paraphrased him as saying "any press is good press" so your helping him in the long run, even though you don't like/respect him.
well from the gathering of information i have accumulated about this matter i am putting the way i see Dillman in my mind on the message board. that said it is not up to me to try and change my view on him. it is him that must change and I can garentee if Dillman swallowed his pride and say he stole hes stuff from Oyota then there can be reconcilliation, but until then. he is mirely a poser with a watered down out look.

and by the way my Sensei trained with Oyota so everything I know is coming from him and RR, so i am merely supporting first hand experinces
loki09789 said:
What purpose does posting anything about Dillman do, especially when you paraphrased him as saying "any press is good press" so your helping him in the long run, even though you don't like/respect him.

That's merely what he thought.....it may or may not be true.
However, I think people that are considering training with him should know something about him before they decide.
Sin said:
well from the gathering of information i have accumulated about this matter i am putting the way i see Dillman in my mind on the message board. that said it is not up to me to try and change my view on him. it is him that must change and I can garentee if Dillman swallowed his pride and say he stole hes stuff from Oyota then there can be reconcilliation, but until then. he is mirely a poser with a watered down out look.

Dillman change his mind and become a "humble student" at this stage of the game.......not likely.

BTW, Dillman didn't really "steal" anything other than "borrowing" a few basic techniques, the name of a style plus some Japanese vocab........not much considering his claim to fame before that was holding the record for breaking blocks of ice.


As for training the way Mr. Oyata did........you wouldn't last.
Most people wouldn't last.
Most western people DIDN'T last the way he used to train them in Okinawa.
honestly though if dillman and Oyota got into a fight Oyota would own him.
1.) more experince
2.) True to the art
3.) Not in it for the $ but for the sake of his own reputation
Sin said:
honestly though if dillman and Oyota got into a fight Oyota would own him.
1.) more experince
2.) True to the art
3.) Not in it for the $ but for the sake of his own reputation

Have you ever met either of them?
(also his name is Oyata....not Oyota....at least respect him enough to spell his name correctly)

Not to be rude but that is an imature speculation, and will most likely never happen.

That reminds me of those things kids used to say like "Batman can beat Spiderman"

You said you wanted to train with Mr. Oyata someday......well if you keep writing imature candyass crap like this it will be over my dead body that you step foot in his dojo.
Before this gets out of hand, please step back and relax a bit.
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