Question about G.Dillman

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RRouuselot said:
1)Why? Because HoffmanÂ’s site is up and ready for all to see PLUS he was an eyewitness to much of DillmanÂ’s antics. But that's right and eyewitness is not good enough for some people on MT....they need a video taped confession. :rolleyes: Why donÂ’t you prove what Hoffamn says to be untrue? Prove him wrong.

2)I have that issue and in it Dilman says about Oyata’s technique and I quote “it’s like nothing I have ever seen before”.

The rest of your post is mere speculation on your behalf .
Oh, the shoe is on the other foot about burden of proof via a witness.

Oh, even if there are pics, who is to say where they are and if they are authentic?

The pics do not disclose what the meeting was about.

Like pics I took of my wife posing by many celebs.
47MartialMan said:
Oh, the shoe is on the other foot about burden of proof via a witness.

Oh, even if there are pics, who is to say where they are and if they are authentic?

The pics do not disclose what the meeting was about.

Like pics I took of my wife posing by many celebs.
sounds like sour grapes.
On one hand we have a group of ppl who have been Blinded by what is without a doubt great marketing. On the other hand we have a group that has been blinded by a Great Martial Artist.
Me personally Ive been to Mr Oyatas Seminar, MoneyMakers and Dillmans Seminars, Ive trained in the arts for 36 years now. For my money and more importantly my time I know who I have choosen. I know neither group will ever find common ground and I can live with that. Both groups have gottne better at what each does. I look at it like this, There may be fewer and fewer ppl who train in the classics be it music, Dance, martial arts etc. Everything else has merely come from the classics or is based on the classics.
I enjoy where Im at and if your happy where you are, then thats fine by me. I can live with that.
If I have my choice to walk with a Master or a Marketer, I know the path I want to follow.
Relax and enjoy,
Remember when you fight with a fool its hard to tell the difference between the two.
47MartialMan said:
Sour grapes between Dillman and Oyata
1. i believe that dillman would have a lot to lose credibility wise, if he didnt have people so wrapped up in what he is doing. if anyone is bet is on dillman.
2. Oyata probably doesnt care what dillman does.
3. i hate to speak for robert, so this is an observation........he seems like the type of guy who likes the arts to remain somewhat authentic, and the fact that someone is peddling a watered down version that a bunch of people who dont know any better perpetrate might stick in his craw a bit.
robert is honest......maybe too honest for some people. i'd rather have someone be brutally honest over telling me even the smallest matter how ticked i may get over it. i dont think he has anything to gain from lying.
BlackCatBonz said:
1)[font=&quot] [/font]i believe that dillman would have a lot to lose credibility wise, if he didnt have people so wrapped up in what he is doing. if anyone is bet is on dillman.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]Oyata probably doesnt care what dillman does.

3)[font=&quot] [/font] i hate to speak for robert, so this is an observation........he seems like the type of guy who likes the arts to remain somewhat authentic, and the fact that someone is peddling a watered down version that a bunch of people who dont know any better perpetrate might stick in his craw a bit.
robert is honest......maybe too honest for some people. i'd rather have someone be brutally honest over telling me even the smallest matter how ticked i may get over it. i dont think he has anything to gain from lying.

1)[font=&quot] [/font]I think Dillman is laughing all the way to the bankÂ…I doubt he even cares about the arts so long as he can make money.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]Your right. He doesnÂ’t.

3)[font=&quot] [/font]Actually I dislike people that lie. I am not talking about small “white lies” that people often tell. I am talking about bold face lies….especially from MA people since “honesty” is one of the corner stones of the arts. I have kept silent for years about the nonsense Dillman has pulled and the whoppers he has spread…… more. It’s getting so there is so much fiction not many people remember the facts about him.

The following is a typical example of the little dance with words 47martial“crow eater” does.

He will post something like this basically insinuating what I posted was not true or that I am not be honest about what I posted in some way:

47MartialMan said:
Oh, the shoe is on the other foot about burden of proof via a witness.

Oh, even if there are pics, who is to say where they are and if they are authentic?

The pics do not disclose what the meeting was about.

Like pics I took of my wife posing by many celebs.

Then he will come up with this:

47MartialMan said:
Hey who said anyone was lying?

I was posting DA
There is definately two camps


Discussing anything with him is a waste of time, he has yet to put anything of worth up on this boardÂ…Â…I value his opinion so highly that I put him on my ignore listÂ…..looks like it is time to stick him back on it.
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47MartialMan said:
1) Oh, the shoe is on the other foot about burden of proof via a witness.

2) Oh, even if there are pics, who is to say where they are and if they are authentic?

3) The pics do not disclose what the meeting was about.

4) Like pics I took of my wife posing by many celebs.
1) Not really, you said: As far as Oyata and Hokama Tetsuo, it is a story with no proof of the meeting.
....I posted pics that meeting. I proved the meeting took place now the burden of proof is on you to prove what I said never took place.
2) Yeah actually those pics are just like the cardboard cut outs like at Disneyland.... :rolleyes:

3) Pretty obvious what it was about....martial arts.

4) Post them......

You are back on my ignore list......bye-bye:wavey:
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Georgia Ketchmark
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