Death sentence on television?

If your not responsible enough for the out come your not responsible enough for the act.

Not true in the least when it comes to sex and pregnancy. I'm responsible enough for sex but not for a pregnancy.

I didnt miss the point I just disagree with it.
Just because your able to do something does not mean you should.
Thats like saying well im 21 I can drink well not all 21 yrs olds are responsible enough to drink. Or driving not all 16 yr olds should be driving. Just like not all 20 yrs olds should be having sex.

Never said all 20 year olds should have sex. or every single person in the world for that matter.

I guess where even except I dont have the blood of dead babies on my hands

Neither does he. as far as i know he doesnt give abortions.

You have a funny idea of women. Women who have given up their children for adoption have spent years of pain and misery wondering what their child is doing, they don't just give birth and be able to forget all about the baby you know. Separating a mother from her new born can be agonising.

I agree adoption is a very good solution but it's not nearly as easy as you seem to think it is. I've seen children who've been adopted by brilliant families but still wonder why they were abandoned by their birth mother, some mothers who gave their babies up regretted it all their lives.

Push the adoption option by all means but don't make out it's as simple as giving birth then just handing it over, it isn't.

I know tez, I read stories of people who were adopted by good families but lived their whole lives in pain knowing their parents didnt want them. My own friend lives well with her adopted family but she has pain too because her biological father doesnt want her or love her (her biological mother is dead) I also read about bad foster homes and abuse that goes on there. I read about instability and i read about parents looking for their children they gave up and never heard about them again and live in pain. I heard of children who cant find their biological parents. And most children dont get adopted. There are no guarantees and I just wrote here some of the reasons why I couldnt give up a baby for adoption.

There are worse things in this world than the few mins a fetus is being 'chopped up' as ballen called it. How abouta lifetime of pain vs being chopped up for just a few mins....Hmmmm, not hard to know what I'd pick.

I don't think just wanting all babies to be born means a person cares about life. Quality of life is even more important, I think, than just being born and able to breathe.

Tez I am not sure btw if Bill and Ball (the twins) are really this narrowminded judgemental and insulting (like assuming my friend never told about her abortion because she knows its wrong, nottrue btw) or if they are just so passionate about their beliefs when it comes to this they sometimes dont think before they write and thats the way it comes out. (see I'm trying not to judge.)
So why is it so hard for a woman to give an unwanted baby away for adoption but they have no problems walking into a clinic and having an abortion?

Out of curiosity, how do you know that its not just as difficult for the female to have an abortion? Obviously, I'm not a female, but I highly doubt that going thru that procedure is a picnic.

We have a clinic about 6 blocks from my office. The parking lot is packed 6 days a week. All day long I see woman in and out. Now Im sure they do other things there besides abortions like provide birth control but Ive been on the abortion side waiting room to remove anti-abortion protesters about 3 times and Ive seen as many as 25 woman at a time in there.

Out of curiosity, why are you removing the protesters? Reading your posts, I get the impression that you're against abortion, so if thats the case, I figured you wouldn't mind them there, spreading the words that you're spreading here.

And those 25 women are probably part of the 95% that i listed in my stats earlier. But I suppose theres nothing that can be done about that, unless some law was passed, stating that females couldn't have an abortion as a means of bc, because they didn't use any other form.
I cant remember where I saw it, but I was recently listening to or reading about how research into memory has led to some advancements that will enable for people to have memories erased. I know that this is not on topic so to speak, but one of the uses for it had to do with pregnancies, abortions, and adoptions. Regardless of the ethical arguments of this, if it were to come into effect do you think it would change up what people do in regards to abortions or adoptions?
The research is extremely interesting and was discussed as being an option to treat PTSD, Traumatic episodes, Prisoners, etc... I think its a mess in regards to the arguments, but it does bring a new and interesting aspect to the conversation.
Out of curiosity, why are you removing the protesters? Reading your posts, I get the impression that you're against abortion, so if thats the case, I figured you wouldn't mind them there, spreading the words that you're spreading here.

I get the impression from some of his posts that he is either in law enforcement, or some type of security business.
Are we really debating that abortion could possibly be better than adoption???

I don't know where this is going, but alive is 99.9999% always going to be better than DEAD where I come from. At least for the creature we are deciding to kill or not.

There are worse things in this world than the few mins a fetus is being 'chopped up' as ballen called it. How abouta lifetime of pain vs being chopped up for just a few mins....Hmmmm, not hard to know what I'd pick

I know it is difficult to get an abortion, that is why they should have adoption clinics instead of abortion clinics. Remember, you can just put a child in front of a fire station here, no questions, no harrassement and that child is on its way, alive. If a woman is healthy and the baby is healthy, there is no real need for an abortion. 9 months here is the length of a school year.

Everyone on the side opposite of mine keeps telling me and my team that we can't know what it is like to be pregnant or make the choice for an abortion. Yet, they seem to know that a baby would rather be aborted than given a chance at an adoptive home, or even foster care. How do you know what that baby wants? Perhaps we should err on the side of giving that baby a chance to make up its own mind? Hmmmm?

On the liberal pacifism post I started we have wandered into a small discussion of who is happier and who is more violent. Hmmm? Does our current conversation bear any relevance to that? Which side tends to support the life of a baby, which side tends toward aborting(killing) the baby, even if it is healthy and viable.
Are we really debating that abortion could possibly be better than adoption???

I don't know where this is going, but alive is 99.9999% always going to be better than DEAD where I come from. At least for the creature we are deciding to kill or not.


WTF exactly... I am not sure who said that obviously someone I have on ignore for a very good reason, but that is one of the most disgusting, insane, insensitive, ignorant comments I have ever read.
Are we really debating that abortion could possibly be better than adoption???

I don't know where this is going, but alive is 99.9999% always going to be better than DEAD where I come from. At least for the creature we are deciding to kill or not.

You know this how? What makes you think being alive is pretty much 100 percent better than being dead? You talk about where you come from, maybe you live in a paradise, I guess.
This is what I am pointing to Tez, your side, the baby will possibly grow up in a horrible place, so abortion might not be a bad idea after all, our side, though possible they may have a tragic life, there is at least a chance for a better life. Optimism vs. pessimism. Who is Who?
Blade 96, you sound like a pessimist to me. That is too bad. Life can really suck, but there can always be change for the better. Hang on, and life may change for you. I have seen it happen.
I have seen more death and suffering than I care to recall. Life is something worth fighting for till death either wins or looses.

This minimization of the value of a life is disturbing. If someone wants to think that THEIR life is worse than being dead than I pity them. But if someone thinks for a minute that they can make that decision for someone else....than I repeat....WTF!?!?
WTF exactly... I am not sure who said that obviously someone I have on ignore for a very good reason, but that is one of the most disgusting, insane, insensitive, ignorant comments I have ever read.

Someone doesn't like me. Oh well. I still believe that death in cases is better than life. If we didnt believe that why would we put down our pets when they lose the good quality of life?
Animals are not human. And putting down the suffering animal is MILES away from a "Well some adopted kids are worse off than the aborted" argument....
Dogs and cats are not people, to begin with. Also, they don't have understanding the way humans do. We also try to keep them alive as long as possible even when they are ill. Usually when they stop eating, it is time to let them go.
Blade 96, you sound like a pessimist to me. That is too bad. Life can really suck, but there can always be change for the better. Hang on, and life may change for you. I have seen it happen.

I hope so. :) Thanks, Bill. :) But my beliefs aren't from being a pessimist though.

Animals are not human. And putting down the suffering animal is MILES away from a "Well some adopted kids are worse off than the aborted" argument....

well people suffer too. and why must people be kept alive at all costs just because they are human, and the animals get to escape through death? I even believe in euthanasia in cases, to me it is better than if the animals spend all their lives in little cages.

Quality of life is just as important. Every man dies, but not every man really lives. as the movie quote goes. Its true.

Here's a question. If we have to make sure every baby is born, then we force themother to give up control of her body and whether she'll reproduce or not. If she has an abortion, she tramps on the babies rights, as bill and ball say.

So what do we do, in a non perfect world, to make sure every right is respected? and to make sure as many people as possible has a good quality of life, just just alive cause someone said they had to be born?
Technically it is not her body that we are concerned with but the body of the baby inside of the mother, two distinct entities. The baby is not one of her limbs and it is not an organ. At a certain point it can be removed with no lasting harm, in most cases.
The least harm is to allow the baby to be born. The most harm is killing the baby. that is a pretty good place to start. I have to go, nighty night.

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