Komen caves...

That's good for her because everything I have read says no PP clinic actually has a mammogram machine they just do referrals to other places. Like. My doc doesn't do lab work they refer me to the lab corp office down the street.

A story on NPR stated that there are a few PP Clinics that have the facilities to do mammograms and those facilities were to continue to receive Komen funds after the larger national grant expired. Additionally, the non-renewal of the grant was only at the national level. Local and state level Komen organizations could maintain funding to clinics as they saw fit.

A story on NPR stated that there are a few PP Clinics that have the facilities to do mammograms and those facilities were to continue to receive Komen funds after the larger national grant expired. Additionally, the non-renewal of the grant was only at the national level. Local and state level Komen organizations could maintain funding to clinics as they saw fit.


wishy washy?

wishy washy?


I don't know where you are trying to go with that post. There are grants and funds made available at different levels of the organization. The national organization chose to not renew a specific grant. This choice (which was later reversed) did not impact the other funds and grants that Komen provided to Planned Parenthood.

It may seem "wishy washy" in context of the narrative that was manufactured in the media to marginalize and demonize the SGKF, but it really isn't.

Maybe I have a different point of view because I am an officer in a charitable oranization that has local, state, and national levels and I can see a clear separation in operations, even though the ultimate goal is shared. What the national level decides to or not to do in regards to grants and donations does not necessarily change what the state level does, or we do at the local level.
where did my post go? Not enough coffee me thinks...

Aight, take two:

A) They didn't defund all of it, so why make a big whoop?
B) They caved in so quick. If they were serious about it, why not tough it out?

it was better the 1st time around, but meh....old age is catching up to me.

where did my post go? Not enough coffee me thinks...

Aight, take two:

A) They didn't defund all of it, so why make a big whoop?

good question PP is the ones that made national news crying about it.
B) They caved in so quick. If they were serious about it, why not tough it out
another good question I guess they got tired of people hacking the web site and creating havoc
Okay Billi, what other national organization does as much for women's health as Planned Parenthood, particularly poor women? Besides, I don't really care what the origination of PP is. They do good work now, and that is what is important. Painting them as a Nazi program because the founder might have been a member is trying to derail the focus from what they actually do. I understand you do not agree with abortion. I can respect that. However, some of this stuff you have been posting is just politisized nonsense.
Okay Billi, what other national organization does as much for women's health as Planned Parenthood, particularly poor women? Besides, I don't really care what the origination of PP is. They do good work now, and that is what is important. Painting them as a Nazi program because the founder might have been a member is trying to derail the focus from what they actually do. I understand you do not agree with abortion. I can respect that. However, some of this stuff you have been posting is just politisized nonsense.
medicade. Priority partners. Ive never met a poor woman that didn't already have govt provided health care. What PP does is provide abortions for young confused woman that dont see another option.
Yes, ignoring the targeting of minorities by planned parenthood's founder, the socialist Margaret Sanger, is so easily overlooked isn't it. Imagine if planned parenthood was a republican/conservative supported institution that today had 4 out of 5 clinics in minority communities, and that over 50% of the ending of unwanted human life was "people of color," and I am sure everyone supporting them now would be just as supportive...because they provide a needed service to women. Just imagine the s*** storm that would hit the fan if this was the case instead of planned parenthood being supported by the democrat party. Of course, the history of slavery and jim crow and the klan that comes with the democrat party once again begs the question, how does anyone support this organization?

Actually, sanger was just a plain socialist, not a german national socialist. Funny, though, how socialiasts of different stripes still go for that population control thing.

For the fans of copy and paste, and I know you are out there...


Using data from Planned Parenthood’s website and the 2000 U.S. Census, Crutcher’s team broke down by zip code each Planned Parenthood clinic as well as each non-Planned Parenthood abortion clinic affiliated with the National Abortion Federation or the National Coalition of Abortion Providers.
The data shows a large proportion of both clinic types located in disproportionately minority neighborhoods, including 51% of all Planned Parenthood clinics located in areas at or above 125% of the state minority average.
“What I was stunned to see is how many of these zip codes were 250 percent, 300 percent, 700 percent, 1800 percent higher [minority concentration above state average],” Crutcher told LifeSiteNews.com in a telephone interview last week.
In addition, of the 116 ZIP codes found to have more than one population control facility, 84 were disproportionately black and/or Hispanic. Crutcher’s research paper points to a New Jersey zip code with nearly three times the average black population and four population control facilities, and a Minnesota ZIP code with nearly eight times the number of blacks and three such facilities.
good question PP is the ones that made national news crying about it.

another good question I guess they got tired of people hacking the web site and creating havoc

Getting hacked? Ah, yes, the cost of doing internet business.

However, I think the slam Komen received is justified:

You put a policy forth and enforce it unevenly you have to accept being accused of bias.
The manner in which they seemed to have informed the recipient of the money is poor form. 'Oh, btw, we are cutting your grant' - nice.

As an organization with limited funds, depending on public donations, heck yes you go public when over a half a million bucks are pulled from your coffers.

Had point 1 and 2 been handled differently, I am sure the response had been different as well.

As it is, your dislike for PP shines through - they 'cried' about it.
So, if the German national socialists, or the democrat organization, the ku klux klan, opened clinics for ending unwanted human life, in minority communities, but also provided mamograms and other medical needs to minority women, you guys would be okay with that?
Getting hacked? Ah, yes, the cost of doing internet business.
So your ok with breaking the law if it fits your political belief?

However, I think the slam Komen received is justified:

You put a policy forth and enforce it unevenly you have to accept being accused of bias.
The manner in which they seemed to have informed the recipient of the money is poor form. 'Oh, btw, we are cutting your grant' - nice.

As an organization with limited funds, depending on public donations, heck yes you go public when over a half a million bucks are pulled from your coffers.

Had point 1 and 2 been handled differently, I am sure the response had been different as well.

As it is, your dislike for PP shines through - they 'cried' about it.

The half. Million does not even put a dent into the 14 million is salary for its top CEOs
And yes they did cry. Boo hoo they wont give me their money i know its theirs but i want it and i want it now
So, if the German national socialists, or the democrat organization, the ku klux klan, opened clinics for ending unwanted human life, in minority communities, but also provided mamograms and other medical needs to minority women, you guys would be okay with that?

You will never get an honest answer. Its the same group of people that would rather see a catholic hospital shut down then allow them not to provide abortions.
Yes, I know, join the collective or be attacked. There is an article that shows that with this success, they are going to target other charities that don't support the "ending unwanted human life" planned parenthood...


In the wake of the Komen fiasco, Daily Kos has now fixed its sights on another private charity — Paul’s Pantry of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The leftist website is hurling expletives and encouraging readers to go after the food program for allegedly refusing to send their truck to a Planned Parenthood location to pick up donated food.

The Planned Parenthood location posted an item on their Facebook page. A scroll down the page indicates they were very active in the campaign to intimidate Komen over Planned Parenthood funding.
Paul’s Pantry refused our food donations collected by our area health center to help combat local hunger. This level of extremism impeding individual access to essential health care and now food is outrageous and must be stopped.
As best as can be ascertained for now, Paul’s Pantry claims this has always been standard policy. Evidently, that’s not enough for Planned Parenthood and the left. Now, to operate as a private charity in America, it would seem any organization must support abortion and Planned Parenthood in particular or risk attack.

There is no such thing as saying no to the socialist left.


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