Death sentence on television?

If my daughter decided to have an abortion for any reason she knows I would support here whatever. She and my son have my unconditional love and support, the grandchild argument doesn't come into it at all. Her body, her circumstances, her decision.
As it is she's decided not to have children. Her decision and I'm happy for her, I didn't have her so I could have grandchildren.
you have the right to walk away just not the right to kill. Adoption is walking away.
I also have no prob with birth control just have a prob with using abortions as birth control. But birth control is not 100% so if you rely on it you must know your at risk and if you don't want to be preg keep your legs closed or as a male keep your zipper up.
I'm anti sex ed to a point in schools because I believe as a parent I should be the one teaching my kids about sex. However I know most parents won't so I see the need for it to be taught.

Just a few things.

1) Its interesting, because there're many people out there, using bc, and *gasp* are not pregnant. Of course, a very large portion of that success is using it correctly.

2) We've had the sex ed debate on here. Use the search'll be an interesting read. My thoughts on I said in the sex ed thread, I dont care who teaches it, but someone needs to. Of course, part of that being successful, is the parents, snapping into the current century and understanding that no matter how much they wanna think that little Suzie or Joey wont have sex...newsflash...they probably will, if they aren't already. But for those parents that refuse to teach it, well, I wonder what those parents will do when their kid gets pregnant or gets someone else pregnant.
A guy can walk away. A few seconds of bliss and walk away.
That is not the case for a woman. No matter how it pans out it will never go away. Carry it or not, keep it or not. It does not ever go away.

And that is something a guy will never ever understand. can't, by the nature of things.

So Ballen ask if abortion in the 2nd trimester is ok.
You know what. With the million and one things that happen in life...
You continue a pregnancy to 7 month is a long time. To abort it at that time would be dramatic. Am I against it? I can't. Honest to goodness.
There are reasons not to keep on.
There are reasons to keep on.
But that is a decision that nobody but the woman can definitive answer.
Not you, not I, not even the guy who planted the seed.
because having a child - or not having it - is so deeply personal.

so you feel the baby has no rights ever? Why stop at abortions then I I lose my job I won't be able to support my kids should I be able to I'll a few off to make my life easier? A 7 month old can be born and live so what's the diff
Just a few things.

1) Its interesting, because there're many people out there, using bc, and *gasp* are not pregnant. Of course, a very large portion of that success is using it correctly.

2) We've had the sex ed debate on here. Use the search'll be an interesting read. My thoughts on I said in the sex ed thread, I dont care who teaches it, but someone needs to. Of course, part of that being successful, is the parents, snapping into the current century and understanding that no matter how much they wanna think that little Suzie or Joey wont have sex...newsflash...they probably will, if they aren't already. But for those parents that refuse to teach it, well, I wonder what those parents will do when their kid gets pregnant or gets someone else pregnant.

I'm not sure what your trying to say here. I said the same thing you just did.
so you feel the baby has no rights ever? Why stop at abortions then I I lose my job I won't be able to support my kids should I be able to I'll a few off to make my life easier? A 7 month old can be born and live so what's the diff

Well remember what I said about not understanding what you mean? this is one of those times.
yeah sorry about that I wasn't ready to post that my dog jump up to tell me hi and hit the enter key. I've been playing with him and forgot
so you feel the baby has no rights ever? Why stop at abortions then I I lose my job I won't be able to support my kids should I be able to I'll a few off to make my life easier? A 7 month old can be born and live so what's the diff

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Hes a funny guy. I have never used the church in my argument I dont think its a valid argument to say dont do it because God will get you. I also agree we need birth control but its not 100% effective. There is only 1 way to not get pregnant thats 100% effective
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Hes a funny guy. I have never used the church in my argument I dont think its a valid argument to say dont do it because God will get you. I also agree we need birth control but its not 100% effective. There is only 1 way to not get pregnant thats 100% effective

Well, that will sort all the rapists, incestuous and abusive males won't it.

If you have the slightest doubt that you might have a severely disabled baby don't have sex. In fact just don't have sex..ever. At least not with a person of the opposite sex, be gay that's the way forward.
Well, that will sort all the rapists, incestuous and abusive males won't it.

If you have the slightest doubt that you might have a severely disabled baby don't have sex. In fact just don't have sex..ever. At least not with a person of the opposite sex, be gay that's the way forward.

So you cant love a disabled baby? Nobody should have children who are disabled? I guess since my 2 year old has autism I should just go put a bullet in his head right?

Nobody said dont have sex. I said if you dont want a baby dont have sex. If your life sucks so bad that a baby will just destroy your life and the only choice you have is to kill the baby then you should not be having sex.

Do you believe that every woman that has gotten an abortion has had some great reason for doing it or do you believe some use abortions as a form of birth control?
So you cant love a disabled baby? Nobody should have children who are disabled? I guess since my 2 year old has autism I should just go put a bullet in his head right?

Nobody said dont have sex. I said if you dont want a baby dont have sex. If your life sucks so bad that a baby will just destroy your life and the only choice you have is to kill the baby then you should not be having sex.

Do you believe that every woman that has gotten an abortion has had some great reason for doing it or do you believe some use abortions as a form of birth control?

Do you believe that people should have the right to sexual freedom? By saying this 'dont have sex' you just take it away. And it is gender related because the women would be more restricted than a man for obvious reasons.
Do you believe that people should have the right to sexual freedom? By saying this 'dont have sex' you just take it away. And it is gender related because the women would be more restricted than a man for obvious reasons.

IÂ’m not saying you canÂ’t have sex. Have all the sex you want. Just be prepared for the outcome. If your responsible enough to be having sex you should be responsible enough for the outcome be it a baby, AIDS, or any other results. If your not ready for that then you should not be doing it.

Every right you have comes with its own responsibility. If you donÂ’t want that responsibility then donÂ’t use that right. I have the right in this country to have a gun but if I donÂ’t feel responsible enough to have one I donÂ’t get one. You have the right to sex but sex can cause a baby so if youÂ’re not responsible enough for one then donÂ’t have it.
IÂ’m not saying you canÂ’t have sex. Have all the sex you want. Just be prepared for the outcome. If your responsible enough to be having sex you should be responsible enough for the outcome be it a baby, AIDS, or any other results. If your not ready for that then you should not be doing it.

Every right you have comes with its own responsibility. If you donÂ’t want that responsibility then donÂ’t use that right. I have the right in this country to have a gun but if I donÂ’t feel responsible enough to have one I donÂ’t get one. You have the right to sex but sex can cause a baby so if youÂ’re not responsible enough for one then donÂ’t have it.

That doesnt really make any sense. I had sex, i was responsible enough for sex, after my experince with the unprotected time, I did use protection (even though i was under pressure several times from the evil ex that he was hoping to leave off condom and it wouldnt bother him at all in the least if i did get pregnant, he was a bastard he showed he didnt care very much about me then) but I can't go through a pregnancy or give birth for a ton of different reasons, all of them good ones, mind you, not 'convienience ones' :)

People can be responsible enough for sex but not able to do the pregnancy thing. Sex and pregnancy are related or course, but you can be able to have sex but not to go through with any pregnancy.
Incorrect decisions are made all the time, look at the current state of the world.
Correct decisions are made all the time, looks at the current state of the world.
So you cant love a disabled baby? Nobody should have children who are disabled? I guess since my 2 year old has autism I should just go put a bullet in his head right?

Nobody said dont have sex. I said if you dont want a baby dont have sex. If your life sucks so bad that a baby will just destroy your life and the only choice you have is to kill the baby then you should not be having sex.

Do you believe that every woman that has gotten an abortion has had some great reason for doing it or do you believe some use abortions as a form of birth control?

Now you are being ridiculous and actually quite nasty, oh and not a little hysterical.
That doesnt really make any sense. I had sex, i was responsible enough for sex, after my experince with the unprotected time, I did use protection (even though i was under pressure several times from the evil ex that he was hoping to leave off condom and it wouldnt bother him at all in the least if i did get pregnant, he was a bastard he showed he didnt care very much about me then) but I can't go through a pregnancy or give birth for a ton of different reasons, all of them good ones, mind you, not 'convienience ones' :)

People can be responsible enough for sex but not able to do the pregnancy thing. Sex and pregnancy are related or course, but you can be able to have sex but not to go through with any pregnancy.

If your not responsible enough for the out come your not responsible enough for the act.
Now you are being ridiculous and actually quite nasty, oh and not a little hysterical.
How? You said if you find out your baby is going to have a disability then it should be aborted. I disagree and so would the Hundreds of thousands of other parents of special needs children.

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