Death sentence on television?

You are assuming.
You are assuming that people actually know that sex carries the chance of pregnancy.

Sadly too many people still don't know that, even adult ones. Heck, even people who have been married sometime don't grasp the concept. They are either never taught or are really this dense...

However, no matter how much a man tries to think himself into the situation, there is no way one will ever know how it feels to be pregnant. Much like I won't ever be fully able to appreciate a kick to the groin from a man's perspective.
So your proposal is forcing 9 month plus a lifetime on a woman.

So now your argument for abortion is because people dont know sex causes babies so they should be allowed to have them? If they are smart enough to find an abortion doctor they are smart enough to know how they got pregnant.

So do you believe a baby has right?
How many suicidal people do you deal with? How many have you talked out of it and get to meet them a year later and have them hug you and thank you for saving them and they have never been happier?

Actually the Armed Forces Psychiatric hospital used to be part of my beat, I regulary used to talk to suicidal people.

I’m not talking about terminally ill again you like to throw the extreme case to make your argument like rape victims. Terminally ill suicides make up a small% of the total # of suicides each year. I also quite frankly dont care if someone kills themselves its your body do what you want to it. My problem with Abortions is its someone else’s body that is being killed. Its a separate and individual life and deserves to be born. It does not get the choice its killed because the mother says ok kill it.

And this is no business of yours what a woman wants to do with her body.

Here is a question for you. A woman gets pregnant and decides to have an abortion. The babies father finds out before it happens and asks her not to says ill raise my baby you will never have to see it I wont ask for any help from you just have the baby and give it to me. Is it still the woman’s choice? That baby is just as much the fathers?

It's not my business mate, why would it be?

Another question for you. You proud that your country wont give a baby a right until its cord is cut. So if a woman is 8 months pregnant do you think she should be allowed to have an abortion after all the cords not cut its still her body.

I didn't say I was proud, you are putting words in my mouth. I told you the law as it stands. I am neither proud nor ashamed of the law.

You keep bring up Africa and Bosnia I don’t care about them they can do what they want I only care about my country and fixing it. I don’t want to control any other countries but mine. Id be happy if we left every other country alone to include not sending them billions of my hard earned money. But unfortunately my Govt does not agree with me.

Well, you see I do care about other people, I care very much about women who are raped in wartime, I care about the orphans left behind. I do my best and what I can to help. I believe in being humane and charitable, it's how I was brought up, others before self.

I envy you your simplistic view of life, if only it were feasable.
ballen just because a woman has sex does not mean that she chose to get pregnant. She wanted sex, not pregnancy.
ballen just because a woman has sex does not mean that she chose to get pregnant. She wanted sex, not pregnancy.

And birth control is not always effective.

And every woman who chooses to give birth risks death or permanent injury--especially if that woman is in her teens or over 35.

You don't just get fat for 9 months and then out pops a baby. Carrying a pregnancy to term has physical effects that don't *ever* go away.

I might prefer that women avoid abortion, but I would never propose to tell a woman that she must take the risk of carrying a pregnancy to term.
ballen just because a woman has sex does not mean that she chose to get pregnant. She wanted sex, not pregnancy.

One is the natural result of the other. And "wanting" sex is part and parcel the evolutionary imperitive to procreate is it not? And birth is the natural result of the latter. Arguing that being made to carry to term is the equivalent to a forced surgery is plain loony.
One is the natural result of the other. And "wanting" sex is part and parcel the evolutionary imperitive to procreate is it not? And birth is the natural result of the latter. Arguing that being made to carry to term is the equivalent to a forced surgery is plain loony.

Men though have the same urges from the same imperative but thoughout the ages have been able to walk away from any responsibility of having a child. Women are entitled to have the same choice of whether to have a child or not. I have a feeling though that many anti abortion people are also anti contraception and probably anti sex education in schools. I'd go so far as to say they are probably misogynists and fear women.

Why else all this 'women must keep their legs closed' statements? Men I assume will continue to shag around.
Men though have the same urges from the same imperative but thoughout the ages have been able to walk away from any responsibility of having a child. Women are entitled to have the same choice of whether to have a child or not. I have a feeling though that many anti abortion people are also anti contraception and probably anti sex education in schools. I'd go so far as to say they are probably misogynists and fear women.

Why else all this 'women must keep their legs closed' statements? Men I assume will continue to shag around.

To say Amen to that would be pretty bad....

In any case that's the sentiment I get from the 'Pro-Life'ers around here....
Men though have the same urges from the same imperative but thoughout the ages have been able to walk away from any responsibility of having a child. Women are entitled to have the same choice of whether to have a child or not. I have a feeling though that many anti abortion people are also anti contraception and probably anti sex education in schools. I'd go so far as to say they are probably misogynists and fear women.

Why else all this 'women must keep their legs closed' statements? Men I assume will continue to shag around.

you have the right to walk away just not the right to kill. Adoption is walking away.
I also have no prob with birth control just have a prob with using abortions as birth control. But birth control is not 100% so if you rely on it you must know your at risk and if you don't want to be preg keep your legs closed or as a male keep your zipper up.
I'm anti sex ed to a point in schools because I believe as a parent I should be the one teaching my kids about sex. However I know most parents won't so I see the need for it to be taught.
my def. Of a baby is as soon as you know your preg the baby is already a few weeks old. So it's alive and has rights to live.

I believe a woman has rights just not the right to kill

But the fetus has no chance of survival up until I think the 7th month. And then only with huge medical effort.
A baby just born has not chance to live without the efforts of the humans around it. It cannot find food, get water or provide for its basic needs till about 5 years maybe, if then and only if the adults around it show it how to do those things, since we are not reptiles. If you take a baby and set it in the woods it will also die. A human isn't viable on its own until it can get food, water and shelter. So, if that is the case, abortion till the age of 7? So even if a baby is a bunch of cells, it is really no different than a baby just born.
Thanks Ballen 0351 you reminded me of something when you wrote "walk away."
Here in the U.S., several states, Illinois for one, has a law which says, any woman can walk up to any fire station or hospital emergency room and set a baby down and simply walk away. they cannot be stopped, questioned or harrased, and that is it, they are done. they can just walk away. It is that simple an act.

Also, since so many people are into sex education in schools, I'll raise you with Anti-abortion education in schools, where girls and boys are taught that when the birth control fails, they can 9-drop-walk. I use that term based on fire prevention training stop-drop-and roll. 9 months, drop the baby off at an emergency room or fire station, and walk away. How about that for sex education?

This is not yelling, just highlighting, REMEMBER, THAT 16 YEAR OLD GIRL IS NOT JUST KILLING AN UNVIABLE TISSUE MASS, SHE COULD VERY WELL BE KILLING YOUR FIRST GRAND CHILD. End of highlighting. puts it into a different light doesn't it.
A baby just born has not chance to live without the efforts of the humans around it. It cannot find food, get water or provide for its basic needs till about 5 years maybe, if then and only if the adults around it show it how to do those things, since we are not reptiles. If you take a baby and set it in the woods it will also die. A human isn't viable on its own until it can get food, water and shelter. So, if that is the case, abortion till the age of 7? So even if a baby is a bunch of cells, it is really no different than a baby just born.
"The Democrats kill you before you are born, the Republicans kill you after you are born" :ultracool
the parents out there will tell you that raising a child outside the womb takes a great deal of effort as well.
Arguing that being made to carry to term is the equivalent to a forced surgery is plain loony.

Not true. Both are violations of rights, one force you to terminate a pregnancy, and the other force you to continue with a pregnancy. One's as bad as the other.
Actually blade 96, one ends the life of a baby, the other allows a baby to live and experience life, with all its promise and sometimes dissapointment. I would have to say that that is a big difference.
Actually blade 96, one ends the life of a baby, the other allows a baby to live and experience life, with all its promise and sometimes dissapointment. I would have to say that that is a big difference.

it allows a baby to be born but it strips a woman of a choice whether she wanna reproduce or not at this stage of her live. Or not to reproduce at all if she don't want.

btw who says every creature conceived HAS to be born? That NEVER happens in nature. Not even among humans or animals.
Thanks Ballen 0351 you reminded me of something when you wrote "walk away."
Here in the U.S., several states, Illinois for one, has a law which says, any woman can walk up to any fire station or hospital emergency room and set a baby down and simply walk away. they cannot be stopped, questioned or harrased, and that is it, they are done. they can just walk away. It is that simple an act.

Also, since so many people are into sex education in schools, I'll raise you with Anti-abortion education in schools, where girls and boys are taught that when the birth control fails, they can 9-drop-walk. I use that term based on fire prevention training stop-drop-and roll. 9 months, drop the baby off at an emergency room or fire station, and walk away. How about that for sex education?

This is not yelling, just highlighting, REMEMBER, THAT 16 YEAR OLD GIRL IS NOT JUST KILLING AN UNVIABLE TISSUE MASS, SHE COULD VERY WELL BE KILLING YOUR FIRST GRAND CHILD. End of highlighting. puts it into a different light doesn't it.

A guy can walk away. A few seconds of bliss and walk away.
That is not the case for a woman. No matter how it pans out it will never go away. Carry it or not, keep it or not. It does not ever go away.

And that is something a guy will never ever understand. can't, by the nature of things.

So Ballen ask if abortion in the 2nd trimester is ok.
You know what. With the million and one things that happen in life...
You continue a pregnancy to 7 month is a long time. To abort it at that time would be dramatic. Am I against it? I can't. Honest to goodness.
There are reasons not to keep on.
There are reasons to keep on.
But that is a decision that nobody but the woman can definitive answer.
Not you, not I, not even the guy who planted the seed.
because having a child - or not having it - is so deeply personal.

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