Contradictions In The Martial Arts

In multiple Chinese and Japanese arts. My source would mostly be multiple articles from Inside Karate magazine which I used to read when it was being published. It stopped publication in 1999.
That's not gonna cut it, bro. "Multiple Chinese and Japanese arts" is not an art. Furthermore, I need some names of practitioners of these arts that have worn the clothing you have referred to.

You need to make a specific statement that you risk being proven right or wrong on. Not some vague statement that evades this risk.
That's not gonna cut it, bro. "Multiple Chinese and Japanese arts" is not an art. Furthermore, I need some names of practitioners of these arts that have worn the clothing you have referred to.

You need to make a specific statement that you risk being proven right or wrong on. Not some vague statement that evades this risk.
Well Im only telling you from what I know mostly from magazines that I would read on the history of the martial arts, mostly Inside Karate when it was being published. Whether or not you believe me on my claims that was my source. How about you? Have you done research on the history of colored belts? You did say that the idea for the black belt in the martial arts came partially from the black band that swimmers in Japan would wear. I used to be a competitive swimmer myself although not in Japan and we didn't wear any kind of bands or anything based on our skill level, we just wore colors depending on what team we were on (as with most team sports, different swim teams have different colors that represent them.) Maybe it's different in Japan about what swimmers would wear, I wouldn't know as I've never swam competitively in Japan. Do you have experience? Have you been to Japan and seen swimmers wearing certain bands? What's your source for your claims?
LOL, no. One of the hottest topics in martial arts are people who quit after getting their black belt.
Well I would also like to point out that if a student does quit right after making black belt, at least from what I've seen, they've stayed longer than most students as most students will quit way before making it to black belt. The martial arts has a very high turnover rate, that's just what I've seen with my experience having been to multiple dojos over the decades that I've been involved in the martial arts.
Have you done research on the history of colored belts?
What, do you think what I've said here on the matter is a bunch of crap that I pulled out of my other end? Nothing I've said here is anything that hasn't already been said dozens, if not hundreds, of times on this forum by others.

You're the only saying it existed before that. And if your reference is a martial arts mag, please bear in mind that Black Belt magazine presented Frank Dux's story as true in the early 1980's, and it wasn't until around the time that Bloodsport was released that they retracted the stories.

If you're going to challenge conventional wisdom on this subject, your sources on this will probably need to be peer-reviewed.
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