Senior Master
Demura Sensei was one of the greats. His black belt promotions are worth noting. According to the link above: Ist degree in 1956 after 5 years of hard training. 15 more years to get 5th. Another 15 for 7th.Pat Morita's character is based on the founder of Goju Ru, but even moreso this dude, his stunt double.
Fumio Demura - Wikipedia
They are legion. I myself have a small bonsai.
(That's 35 years.) Another 19 for 9th. That's 54 years to reach the top. How different from many schools/systems in recent times where belts come so quickly and degrees are not always an indicator of knowledge or skill. Believe me, his skills were excellent in both karate and kobudo. I had the pleasure of meeting him in the mid 70's when he and my sensei, Bob Ozman, worked on a movie together. Both were widely respected Karate pioneers.