Clear distinctions between MMA and RBSD.

RBSD is like Medieval costume fairs. They usually focus on re-enactment of events. Where they run into trouble is a lack of actual training in martial art. A few people in LARP gear can kill you with daggers and swords because they train HEMA or Escrima or something. But most are playing dress up.

So you get a lot of guys in full tactical mode telling you what's gonna happen but this guy can't even pummel without gassing put. That's your reality right there, most of the guys who sell RBSD are simply not even in fighting condition.

The weapons guys are even worse, because a lot of them claim military and security creds that are sus. Sasha Baron Cohen parodied this, and punked some Merican politician dude by pretending to be an Israeli Commando RBSD expert.

"Picture the scene: you're chained to a radiator, naked, with a bag over your head...". RBSD in a nutshell.

Some of them are legit and know their stuff, but you have to stumble through a lot of ******** before you can tell the difference.

I distinctly remember attending an RBSD seminar awhile back. What they were teaching overall, was very good--deescalation, drawing a weapon midfight, and weapons retention. Looking back, they made a comment about "authorizing" an instructor to teach women about using a knife in a kidnapping situation. They made it sound almost mystical. Years later, I learn that that knowledge is pretty much open-source and straightforward, assuming you know where to look. Other instructors were very clear about the legal and ethical issues-- but did not do the whole "it's too advanced and dangerous for you to learn."

Travis Haley, Tu Lam, Tim Kennedy, Mike Glover, DJ Shipley, and the like-- all guys that did hardcore counter-terror stuff and door-kicking in the Middle East. They know their **** when it comes to gunfighting and room clearing. It IS a bit much, that they each have, at one point or another, had their own lines of knives, chest rigs, gun parts, etc....but that's another story.

From what I can tell, the guys more in touch with what happens in the context of street violence, are law enforcement (especially undercovers), and plain-clothes commandos (like Duvdevan, Israelis that pretend to be Palestinian Muslims).

What you're referring to with the "in a nutshell" is "Counter-Custody," which is a legit, but also very niche area of training. There are few qualified instructors, and they do not readily advertise themselves.
RBSD is like Medieval costume fairs. They usually focus on re-enactment of events. Where they run into trouble is a lack of actual training in martial art. A few people in LARP gear can kill you with daggers and swords because they train HEMA or Escrima or something. But most are playing dress up.

So you get a lot of guys in full tactical mode telling you what's gonna happen but this guy can't even pummel without gassing put. That's your reality right there, most of the guys who sell RBSD are simply not even in fighting condition.

The weapons guys are even worse, because a lot of them claim military and security creds that are sus. Sasha Baron Cohen parodied this, and punked some Merican politician dude by pretending to be an Israeli Commando RBSD expert.

"Picture the scene: you're chained to a radiator, naked, with a bag over your head...". RBSD in a nutshell.

Larp would be technically better because at least it is contested.

You can loose at larp if you are crap at it.