Originally posted by RyuShiKan
To get back on topic...............
Why do you think is it that some folks sell dan rank over the Internet?
Some people claim they do it to benefit those that have been denied rank for various reasons or so people that don't want to get invloved in the "politics".
I am wondering if these people's motivation is really that selfless or are these people really in it for the bucks........
It would seem to me that if someone is denied rank it is for a reason. Be it lack of skill, lack of time in grade, poor attitude, or any number of reasons.
For people that understand true martial artist rank it not that important.
Do you think the people selling rank on the Internet understand and live in a true martial spirit or are they just cheap hucksters?
Theres the question of being able to evaluate students with video tape. Lou Angel addresses this at the beginning of his Tenshi Goju Kai video. He tells you he has over 45 years in the the martial arts and he WILL BE ABLE to tell if your technique is correct.
Video evaluation is OK for the experienced martial artist, it CAN give the "Credibility to ones Training" after many years of training.
The issue of your instructor not willing to teach you anymore or willing to teach you anymore really is a separate issue and so is selling rank. There is a definate problem if your instructor does not want anything to do with you. And selling rank is SELLING RANK, PERIOD!
But the name that signs the certification means a great deal. Lou Angel for example in a year will be celebrating his 50 year anniversry in the martial arts (which I'm invited to, I had to throw that in), and his instructor recoginzes him as 10th Dan, Hanshi of his own system, Tenshi Goju Kai. Lou's instructor is Maestro Peter Urban who is recognized as "The Father of All American Goju Systems." Peter Urban was the student of Gogen Yamaguchi.
Hanshi Lou Angel earned his 3rd Dan in 1963 in Japan directly from Gogen Yamaguchi. Credentials mean a lot when getting certified. Are there any among us that have those kind of credentials? Can anybody say that he can't evaluate me?
There are actually people out there who have over 20 years in the arts but are not black belts. Joe Moreira a recognized 6th Dan in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a rank almost unheard of in BJJ, brought to San Jose to train in the class I was in, the guy that got Joe to go to Joes first class. This guy that got Joe started was still wearing a blue belt.
Nothing will replace the Instructor, but there are those like me who took over 15 years to get a black belt. I had 4 years of Kajukenbo, a year Hapkido(in between Kajukenbo schools),3 years Bujutsu Taiho, a year of Kobujutsu, 5 years of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu(3 on the mat and 2 on my own) and 8 years Jun Fan Gung-Fu (3 under my Sifu and 5 teaching and training). My training was and is solid.
Am I worthy? I know I am. But I was a product of the '70's, I fell victim to the party life and spent several years in the '80's incarcerated. If you look in my profile, it says I've trained in the martial arts "OFF AND ON" since 1973. There is no reason to lie. My experience is diversified and when I teach I teach my students to be better than myself. Thats what a real instructor does. I also teach my students how to beat any system that I've trained in!
You can train for 15 years in one school but I'd prefer my training over that. Thats just me. I have 3 instructors in 4 arts that I haven't tested under yet but I am learning on a distant format. Do you think I will pass? You bet our life I will! Because I'm a fighter from the heart. I have my students to train with and that helps.
QUICK NOTE: a video test for a pure beginner can be a gimmick to sell a rank. The yin has its yang. I'm adding new systems to what I teach and the Instructors that I have chosen you cannot buy rank from. Inquire for yourself. Lou Angel(Tenshi Goju Kai), George Kirby(Budoshin Jujitsu), George Alexander(Matsumura Shorin Ryu and Shorinji Ryu Jujitsu).
2nd NOTE: Lou Angel will evaluate your Goju test through video, pass or fail. George Kirbys Budoshin Jujitsu test will be done in person although you can send him sporadic video evaluations so that he guide you and prepare you for your in person test. Your first test will be no higher than a brown belt. George Alexanders Shorin Ryu test is in person with very few extreme cercumstances where the video test is permitted. His Shorinji Ryu Jujitsu test is done in person.
3rd NOTE: all three instructors are teaching by video tape although they prefer to teach in person. But this format enables them to build there organizations and allows them to be involved in the martial arts full time. And I am following in their footsteps and I too hope to be able to do martial arts full time!