Sr. Grandmaster
The Girl Scouts most certainly have moved away from the principles.I think all the groups in the US seem to wandered a long way from B-P's vision of what they should be and how these groups are in the rest of the world. For example girl Guiding here is an independent charity beholden to no one, we aren't a religious group and no one dictates how we should be run, we decide in Guiding, led by what girls want. We are nationally recognised as a major force for youth. The training for leaders ( in Scouting as well) is first class and includes 'safe Space' a child protection programme. We don't sell cookies, and we aren't at all pink and fluffy far from it. Both Scouting and Guiding are strong cohesive organisations that influence quite a bit of our society. We remain true to the Baden-Powell's ( all of them, Agnes, as well as Lord and Lady B-P) vision of how youth should be and what they should have to grow. organisations shouldn't stray from the original ideas, they were the ideal then and now.
About us
I mean, they still aim to grow confident women, but the methods have changed so much!