Your Girl Scouts are part of the same organisation our Girl Guides are even though each country runs it's organisations separately.
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - WAGGGS
That is somewhat a hot topic, as the WAGGGS are doing stuff to unamerican, like actually focusing on stuff the female population in non-first worlds has to deal with, like female reproduction issues.
The GSUSA are a member though.....
I have to say that being involved with both girl and boy scouts, I have been wanting to rip my hair out over the girl scout thing.
When a boy wants to join scouting, they find the next troop, and unless they have a complete clash of personalities, the welcome mat will be rolled out.
There is a strong structure that binds the troop to the charity that holds the roof over their head.
The girl scouts have so many issues, it's unfunny.
Starting by the curriculum having turned to pink fluff and cookie selling, the troops are 100% dependent on the leaders.
They decide which age group they deal with, and how many they want to have (past the minimum required).
Personalities clash frequently.
And then we have in our region a constantly revolving door for the contact people in counsel.
I mean, I lost count of who was doing what in the last 2 years, the last one was that a few month (2 or 3 maybe) I was introduced to a young woman and her part of the office dealings, only to learn she does no longer do this particular job.
If I had a daughter, i would enroll her in Venture Scouts....headed by the BSA, but includes girls and more serious boys who wants tto go past the basics.