Boy Scouts

We're still in Scouts. My oldest son earned Eagle last year and my youngest is now planning his Eagle project. I'm finding that parents are looking to me to step up more and lead the troop full time since we're losing the leadership due to their boys aging out. My role has typically been to lead on outings where I have more expeience, like rafting, archery, shooting etc. I'm not sure how I feel about being a Scout Master.
In life doors open and doors close. Don't force either the open or close and allow a natural progression and awesome things can happen. :)
Then Sea Scout. I don't see any others saying they were such, is that not so popular? There's a lot of fun to be had out on the water.
Sea Scouts also manned the PT Boats and others in active duty during WWII, I didn't know that until recently.
Then Sea Scout. I don't see any others saying they were such, is that not so popular? There's a lot of fun to be had out on the water.
Sea Scouts also manned the PT Boats and others in active duty during WWII, I didn't know that until recently.

I've heard of Sea Scouts but also theres the Explorer Scouts. I never did that but from what I know about Explorer Scouts they tend to focus more on a particular field instead of being as broad as Boy Scouts. Both Sea Scouts and Explorer Scouts are great and fun learning experiences.
We're still in Scouts. My oldest son earned Eagle last year and my youngest is now planning his Eagle project. I'm finding that parents are looking to me to step up more and lead the troop full time since we're losing the leadership due to their boys aging out. My role has typically been to lead on outings where I have more experience, like rafting, archery, shooting etc. I'm not sure how I feel about being a Scout Master.
Just a quick update. Almost 2 years later, we are still active in BSA. Both my boys are Eagle Scouts and serving their troop and community in leadership roles. I will be taking over as Scout Master in a couple of months. Although I have mixed feelings about this role, it is something I need to do.
We are having a rough start with the Girl Scouts. I signed my youngest up, and can't get anyone to call me back or let me know even where and when her meetings are held. It's pretty Mickey Mouse so far.
We are having a rough start with the Girl Scouts. I signed my youngest up, and can't get anyone to call me back or let me know even where and when her meetings are held. It's pretty Mickey Mouse so far.
That happens a lot with girl scout groups. A lot of the scoutmasters have loved and hated girl scout groups in the same region because they're run so differently..apparently, there is no standard they really have to follow.
Just a quick update. Almost 2 years later, we are still active in BSA. Both my boys are Eagle Scouts and serving their troop and community in leadership roles. I will be taking over as Scout Master in a couple of months. Although I have mixed feelings about this role, it is something I need to do.
Congratulations, to you and your boys.
We are having a rough start with the Girl Scouts. I signed my youngest up, and can't get anyone to call me back or let me know even where and when her meetings are held. It's pretty Mickey Mouse so far.

Call the council every dang day. I served in GS USA and it's pathetic what has come of GS around here. If you can't get someone from your Council to call, call National.

A lot has changed since that post, hasn't it, Elder999?

For those who remember me, my son Jared is Life Scout now, headed toward Eagle. He is also in two Explorer crews. One is Crew 911, dedicated to educating emergency preparedness, first aid, wilderness first aid and survival to all who want it. They will teach Girl Scouts too! Jared has planned and led hikes, camps and training modules.

He is also still active in martial arts, about to test for half-red half-black (last rank before black).

Proud momma.
For those who remember me, my son Jared is Life Scout now, headed toward Eagle. He is also in two Explorer crews. One is Crew 911, dedicated to educating emergency preparedness, first aid, wilderness first aid and survival to all who want it. They will teach Girl Scouts too! Jared has planned and led hikes, camps and training modules.

He is also still active in martial arts, about to test for half-red half-black (last rank before black).

Proud momma.
Congrats Georgia. Jared is becoming quite a man! You're doing a great job.
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Just a quick update. Almost 2 years later, we are still active in BSA. Both my boys are Eagle Scouts and serving their troop and community in leadership roles. I will be taking over as Scout Master in a couple of months. Although I have mixed feelings about this role, it is something I need to do.

Good deal! It will be somewhat of a rough learning curve, but if you have good parents and a good committee, it'll be awesome!
Your Girl Scouts are part of the same organisation our Girl Guides are even though each country runs it's organisations separately.
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts - WAGGGS
That is somewhat a hot topic, as the WAGGGS are doing stuff to unamerican, like actually focusing on stuff the female population in non-first worlds has to deal with, like female reproduction issues.
The GSUSA are a member though.....

I have to say that being involved with both girl and boy scouts, I have been wanting to rip my hair out over the girl scout thing.
When a boy wants to join scouting, they find the next troop, and unless they have a complete clash of personalities, the welcome mat will be rolled out.
There is a strong structure that binds the troop to the charity that holds the roof over their head.

The girl scouts have so many issues, it's unfunny.
Starting by the curriculum having turned to pink fluff and cookie selling, the troops are 100% dependent on the leaders.
They decide which age group they deal with, and how many they want to have (past the minimum required).
Personalities clash frequently.
And then we have in our region a constantly revolving door for the contact people in counsel.
I mean, I lost count of who was doing what in the last 2 years, the last one was that a few month (2 or 3 maybe) I was introduced to a young woman and her part of the office dealings, only to learn she does no longer do this particular job.

If I had a daughter, i would enroll her in Venture Scouts....headed by the BSA, but includes girls and more serious boys who wants tto go past the basics.
If I had a daughter, i would enroll her in Venture Scouts....headed by the BSA, but includes girls and more serious boys who wants tto go past the basics.
That's not quite a fair description of Venturing vs "regular" Boy Scouts. Venturing is a coed program, aimed at older (late teen to early 20s) young people, intended to "provide positive experiences and help them mature into responsible adults." The program is able to be shaped in a lot of different ways. Maybe Jared can come along and share more specific information. ,
Like I said, I am involved. I have been looking at starting my own crew. The mission statement is about the same as for 'Boy Scouts', not to mention that the gender segregation is pretty much a US thing....
Generally, since the crews are older kids, you can do more with them.
They embody more what girl scouts were, historically speaking.
I think all the groups in the US seem to wandered a long way from B-P's vision of what they should be and how these groups are in the rest of the world. For example girl Guiding here is an independent charity beholden to no one, we aren't a religious group and no one dictates how we should be run, we decide in Guiding, led by what girls want. We are nationally recognised as a major force for youth. The training for leaders ( in Scouting as well) is first class and includes 'safe Space' a child protection programme. We don't sell cookies, and we aren't at all pink and fluffy far from it. Both Scouting and Guiding are strong cohesive organisations that influence quite a bit of our society. We remain true to the Baden-Powell's ( all of them, Agnes, as well as Lord and Lady B-P) vision of how youth should be and what they should have to grow. organisations shouldn't stray from the original ideas, they were the ideal then and now.
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