I hate it but it is only a matter of time before there is an incident regarding the male/female interaction. What is wrong with seperate girl scout and boy scout groups? They are both scouts.
in most countries scouting is coed.
in the US it is separate, and the GSUSA has taken a different, more urban approache to scouting. Some aspects of their organization drove me up the wall, like the astronomical price of the material the girls have to have to accomplish their badges and awards (a rank handbook costs about 30 dollars, plus add ons you need to doo all the stuff for the rank, and it's only good for 2-3 years. The BSA handbook is good for the duration of the scouting experience, from age 10 1/2 to 18, for ten dollars, and all progress is recorded in there! Plus it is portable, not a ginormous three ring binder.)
The BSA troops are not coed, but Venture Crews have been for a very long time. Scouts 14 through 21 can join the crews. They, too participate at the summer camps. So it's not as if this girl thing is completely new.
But - I think - it's better to introduce them when they are still 'yucky girls' vs 'damn, girls! I am hot and bothered'
The BSA has rather strict rules, it is up to the troops to enforce them, and just deal, I suppose.
Which sucks, as the ones who need the most help, the ones profiting most from the experience, are also the kids who are most vulnerable.