Boy Scouts

I don't know anything about scouting in Germany. When I lived there it was as part of British Forces Germany (BFG), the Cubs we had were British and in British Scouting.

I'm asking because I may have the opportunity to move to Germany because of my job and I really hope that both my son and daughter could do Scouting together. Thanks for your perspective.
I'm asking because I may have the opportunity to move to Germany because of my job and I really hope that both my son and daughter could do Scouting together. Thanks for your perspective.

You'd be looking for Pfadfinder. I was wondering, too about it in case we would have to move.
But I was hoping we would be able to go yo one on post (but I doubt it)
Some years back, my nephew was involved, briefly, with cub scouts. They were short on escorts for a weekend camp out, so I got 'volunteered' to go. The troop has their own private camp grounds, usually used by the scout troop during the summer, with the cubs getting the fall session. This particular weekend was cold, frosty and quite wet. Fire went out in the cabin in the middle of the night, so everyone was quite chilled come morning. I found a well worn copy of Hustler in the outhouse, which being a responsible adult in a camp full of kids I made sure found it's way to a more useful and kid-friendly place. Namely the bonfire. :D
Was a fun weekend. The kids hiked, fished, hiked some more, had a bunch of different things going on.
Last night we saw a newsbyte related to the detriment of technology-based entertainment made easily available to children as opposed to the benefits of them getting outside.

Jared skipped! across the room and said, "which is why I want to thank you guys for creating the opportunity for me to do so!" He then plopped down next to me, put his arms around me, squeezed and gave me a peck on the cheek.

His birthday is in 26 days. He must want a guille suit.

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Last night we saw a newsbyte related to the detriment of technology-based entertainment made easily available to children as opposed to the benefits of them getting outside.

Jared skipped! across the room and said, "which is why I want to thank you guys for creating the opportunity for me to do so!" He then plopped down next to me, put his arms around me, squeezed and gave me a peck on the cheek.

His birthday is in 26 days. He must want a guille suit.

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hahahaha, some major kissing up gong on right there! :lol:

Yeah, sometimes as a parent you gotta make them do stuff (at least in my case....)
because it is sometimes - especially for those who don't have to share - a rough road in a group like that.

(In the beginning my kid bitterly complained about being told all the time what to do...did not want to go back. Since then he has been elected quartermaster...)
I assume your Eagle Scouts like our Queen's Scouts and Guides aren't young teens but are older more like young adults than kids so the chances of them having girlfriends and boyfriends are high. In that case it's very likely that while they may not have talked about their sexuality to Scouting authorities it's public knowledge in their communities.

well, as the OP or somebody stated, their boy is one step away from Eagle at age 13. (which is AMAZING. Our old scout master had to work hard when he joined the scouts at age 16 to make it before 18)

the age the boys can join is 10 1/2 years until 18. After 18 they have to assume a leadership position to stay on.

but Eagle is a rank, not an age requirement as far as I know.

I don't agree with the gay policy.
And this is the exact case why! I know enough hetero people who lack decency and moral fiber to be counted as human being, so far non of the gay people I have met were anything but nice people. Damaged, maybe, from the stigma society has put on them, causing them to engage ins self destructive behavior.
Seems to me this young man has a leg up on the competition, whether or not he got the badge to hang on a sash or not.
I've found that the Boy Scouts opens alot of doors that would normally be closed to a young teen. We (my sons and I) have recently met with our Congressman and Mayor and have a meeting scheduled with the Governor. Local businesses are happy to donate money and supplies to help these kids. I think it is a good organization. My kids have grown to be incredible individuals through this organization. They don't know about these gay and religious issues. Too bad it is an issue.
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Late to the party, but a story to tell. When my son was 7 years old we wanted to involve him in something that would enforce some of the same values that were taught at home. This was back in 1991 when he was 7 years old and we figured cub scouts would be a great start and a lead in to the boy scouts. There was a group in our neighborhood that would meet a few times a week and was held at a house. Sadly my son was only involved a short time because his first few times there he came home smelling like smoke. When I investigated further, it turns out the cub master openly smoked, in her own home, but still smoked during meetings.
Sadly that cub scout uniform hung in his closet for months after we pulled him out of cub scouts. Right or wrong on our part, we made a decision to discontinue his involvement.
Soon after that we replaced his cub scout uniform with a karate gi and for the next 15 years he studied MA until he traded that uniform for one that represented the US Army, and he is now a Captain proudly serving our country.
Now, this in no way reflects any bad press towards the boy scouts of america, as far as we are concerned, and I do feel that under other circumstances things may have turned out better, but, that was not the case here....
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Late to the party, but a story to tell. When my son was 7 years old we wanted to involve him in something that would enforce some of the same values that were taught at home. This was back in 1991 when he was 7 years old and we figured cub scouts would be a great start and a lead in to the boy scouts. There was a group in our neighborhood that would meet a few times a week and was held at a house. Sadly my son was only involved a short time because his first few times there he came home smelling like smoke. When I investigated further, it turns out the cub master openly smoked, in her own home, but still smoked during meetings.
Sadly that cub scout uniform hung in his closet for months after we pulled him out of cub scouts. Right or wrong on our part, we made a decision to discontinue his involvement.
Soon after that we replaced his cub scout uniform with a karate gi and for the next 15 years he studied MA until he traded that uniform for one that represented the US Army, and he is now a Captain proudly serving our country.
Now, this in no way reflects any bad press towards the boy scouts of america, as far as we are concerned, and I do feel that under other circumstances things may have turned out better, but, that was not the case here....

That's too bad your son had that experience with the Scouts. The Cub Master certainly was disrespectful. But, that reminds me of my youth, about 17 or so and the head instructor would chain smoke through every class. The Kwoon smelled like a bar. He was a great instructor and bad *** fighter, but looking back, that was totally out of line.
That's too bad your son had that experience with the Scouts. The Cub Master certainly was disrespectful. But, that reminds me of my youth, about 17 or so and the head instructor would chain smoke through every class. The Kwoon smelled like a bar. He was a great instructor and bad *** fighter, but looking back, that was totally out of line.
Exactly, if fighting is the only draw, any barroom brawler will do for your instructor.
Posts regarding religion, social equality, and politics have been split off and moved to THIS thread in The Study.

Asst Administrator
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Seasoned, I wish nothing but safe roads for your son and gratitude for his service.

As I said in an earlier post, the scouts teach many positive things to those children in the organization. Seasoned's post further highlights the negative of the no gays policy though. For me, I'd much rather have a den leader that holds the health, welfare, and education of the children above all else who also happens to be gay, than a den mother who smokes with children in the room.
My, has a lot changed since we last discussed this. Boy Scouts allow gay boys (or leave it up to the troop to decide) but not gay leaders. How long do you think THAT will last?

Oh: update on my kid - he and his father are attending their ordeal for the Order of the Arrow as I type. Jared is 1st class and ASPL. He's 15.
We tried it with my oldest son. The troop was just bad. The kids were rude and disrespectful the leaders had no control over them. They hold meetings in our Church Fellowship hall. Kids were running into the sanctuary knocking over crosses, One boy was standing on the Pews running on them. We lasted 3 meeting and didnt go back
We're still in Scouts. My oldest son earned Eagle last year and my youngest is now planning his Eagle project. I'm finding that parents are looking to me to step up more and lead the troop full time since we're losing the leadership due to their boys aging out. My role has typically been to lead on outings where I have more expeience, like rafting, archery, shooting etc. I'm not sure how I feel about being a Scout Master.

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