Behaviour of boy scout groups while camping? Discuss...

For youth group camping at the park, we typically get out-of-state scout boy groups, generally from CT, RI, NY and Mass. The CT and RI scouts are largely very good, where the MA and NY scouts are more of a mixed bag.

Over the Columbus day weekend, we had some large groups in from Mass. as well as CT. Both were fantastic! But in the beginning of the we had a couple of groups that weren't so great, with noise and etiquette issues that had to be managed. What was more disappointing to me than the behavioural issues, was that the boys themselves just didn't seem that in to camping with us.

One of the rangers posited that the problematic groups had a different if camping with us was little more than a checkbox to be checked.

Do any of you see this sort of mentality with youth group camping -- boy scouts or otherwise?

A scout is kind, courteous, and helpful. Unfortunately lots of scouts don't live up to that, you do find bullying in boyscouts like you find it just about everywhere else.
Carol -- any updates? Things get worked out?

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If it was the dojo I'd make them do pushups till I get tired of watching next time and any bullying after that will have to leave the dojo

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