BJJ vs Wing Chun (joke joke!)

I have no idea what the hell a kwan dao is. Is that a style of kung fu?.

It's a BFK (Big ***** Knife :lol: )

Not really a part of wing chun, either-since it's a northern shaolin weapon...:lfao:


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here above is a kwan dao.

above is da dao

i think these weapons would greatly with Wing Chun...

Makes a great weapon for the house incase of intruders.

chase them off the front yard.

I have no idea what the hell a kwan dao is. Is that a style of kung fu?I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for in an online community. If not here, then somewhere else. Seriously.
Yoshi, do you actually train? I ask this because the forum has loads of your threads entitled "How do you train against...." and asking how you do this technique and that technique. Also you've had the ground v standup thread as well. Many of your posts have been irate because other posters haven't answered the way you thought they should or haven't provided the information you wanted.
The information available on MT is amazing but annoying the hell out of other posters may not be the best way to access that information! :)
If someone is coming at you with a long range weapon closing the gap example clinching would most likely make the Kwan do useless in a grappling situation and most likely the person using the Kwan do would be at a disadvantage grappling with it. However the person using the Kwan do would be at the greatest advantage at long range because that is what the weapon is designed for.

So yes BJJ and grappling would be useful against a Kwando at close range.
Thank you very much...with that i take it you guys feel the kwan dao has no defense against it even with another weapon...great. i am glad to hear that...i hope mostly other Wing Chunners and BJJ people think as you do. I will invest in a Kwan Dao as well with combat steel. So if i decide to attack people who think like you...there is no defense...thank you for your input...

As for trolling...i may not be on here much longer...i may be banned....many of you guys dont like me or my i feel this forum is not the place for me. i look forward to wing chun forums being created by Wing Chun purist. but until then i will have to go to other forums...

my trolling is me coming truthfully with my thoughts and experiences.

you guys truly anger me.

No, don't take it that nobody has a defense against it....take it as nobody knows what the hell a kwan dao is. Now that you posted a picture, I have seen these before in them wire-fu kung fu movies...Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger or whatever. Nobody can take that serious. Nobody carries those, and if they did, they'd be violating several laws in the process....heck, you couldn't even conceal it! LOL

So no, nobody I know of trains for or against this. Nobody I know even wants to....and how does a slashing weapon work along Wing Chun principles??? I could see if it were stabbing/piercing in natuture, but that behemoth is clearly a slashing weapon.
I go away for three days and a thread explodesÂ… Guys, what is going on?
No art has the answer to everything
Yoshi – what an insanely stupid question about the sword. What if I came at you with a tank? (that’s rhetorical Yoshi, don’t spend the whole week coming up with an answer)
Stevebjj – don’t let people get to you. BJJ is a fantastic art, trained by humble guys
BJJ works, simple as that.
It is a great companion to wing chun. When you train it in a gym etc, of course you are going to be ‘rolling around on the floor’. But they also train in realism (no gi training etc)
But like everything, you take what works for you from an art. IÂ’ll never be a black belt in BJJ or compete in tournaments, but I train enough of it so that if I am taking to the floor suddenly, I can get out of the situation or get into a better position to use my strikes.
Let’s all take a deep breath and relax. Chunners – go and practice some SLT…

Haven't you noticed he does this to all threads started by others, especially if BJJ or wrestling are involved? He does get a little nasty when his threads are off-tracked though.
I am sorry you hate my threads and post. Many of you are not like my ideas and thoughts will not make you happy. I am fine with that. I am longer trying to kiss **** and act fake. But I am simply being me.

As for my questions these may things I have thought of or experience. Anyway If you don't like my question why do you read them an why you respond.

If you feel there is defense against Kwan Dao that is on you. One simple thing would be to learn the Kwan Dao and also have one for yourself. But this is a mere opinion. But I have been thinking about what weapons I might to add. I think Kwan Dao and Da Dao it is. So from you guys dont believe its defendable. That means It is good invest for me.

Dungeon works doesn't the short swords slash...What does Bart Cham Dao mean?

also what about this?

BJJ vs Wing Chun (joke joke!)

This is the thread...a joke joke joke..

Yoshi, do you actually train? I ask this because the forum has loads of your threads entitled "How do you train against...." and asking how you do this technique and that technique. Also you've had the ground v standup thread as well. Many of your posts have been irate because other posters haven't answered the way you thought they should or haven't provided the information you wanted.
The information available on MT is amazing but annoying the hell out of other posters may not be the best way to access that information! :)
The main who could fit a kwan dao in his pocket is way to big to be fighting. Not even the Incredible Hulk can take him.
I am not sure if bullets would work on that fellow either. You better try a scud missle.

Is that a Kwan Dao in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? :)
Thank you very much...with that i take it you guys feel the kwan dao has no defense against it even with another weapon...great. i am glad to hear that...i hope mostly other Wing Chunners and BJJ people think as you do. I will invest in a Kwan Dao as well with combat steel. So if i decide to attack people who think like you...there is no defense...thank you for your input...

As for trolling...i may not be on here much longer...i may be banned....many of you guys dont like me or my i feel this forum is not the place for me. i look forward to wing chun forums being created by Wing Chun purist. but until then i will have to go to other forums...

my trolling is me coming truthfully with my thoughts and experiences.

you guys truly anger me.

You are a valued member....
...of the troll community...

Trouble is Yoshi, you come up with idiotic questions (I bet it was you who started the 'Bruce Lee vs Mohammed Lee' debate in the first place) and then get offended by people who poke fun

If people insult your art, your style, your training, or you for no good reason, then yeah sure get angry.

But if you ask a stupid question you are going to get stupid answers

Carrying a knife or weapon down the street is likely to get you very hurt (either by the police or people who have bigger weapons)
If someone comes at me with a broadsword or huge weapon, I am going to go in hard and fast and get them before they get me. I am not going to worry about defence or a particular move

You remind me of an instructor who I fell out with not so long back. He was teaching kids how to defend against rubber knives. The defensive moves were so poor that the kids were getting caught but went away thinking they were heroes
If someone comes at me with a broadsword or huge weapon, I am going to go in hard and fast and get them before they get me. I am not going to worry about defence or a particular move

sorry m8 i cant ignore this one,you going to go in hard and fast with any sort of attack with a blade? this has been gone over so many times,and the consensus suggests that realisticly you lose against a knife,and all them knife self defence classes are imo incredibly dangerous and misleading. take a look at this if you need more convincing.

sounds like you had a flush of blood there :wink2:
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...Dungeon works doesn't the short swords slash...What does Bart Cham Dao mean? ...

Good point, I didn't think of that. I'm nowhere near learning the Butterfly Knives let alone how they are used yet. Bart Cham Do....isn't that the Chinese term for Butterfly Swords?
Where do ya'll live that you train for someone attacking you with Butterfly swords/ broadswords, etc!?!?!? lol.

Whatever happened to running?????
There is no shame in running from a person with a big a$$ weapon like those mentioned.
I mean really now...

Come on....
Where do ya'll live that you train for someone attacking you with Butterfly swords/ broadswords, etc!?!?!? lol.

Whatever happened to running?????
There is no shame in running from a person with a big a$$ weapon like those mentioned.
I mean really now...

Come on....

i agree.

but learning how to use them in a traditional way as part of your art,is worth striving for.

i feel that some here are thinking of their application in real life situations,ie whats the best defence against a butterfly sword attack.

jeezuz the entertainment value is worth its weight in gold .
Where do ya'll live that you train for someone attacking you with Butterfly swords/ broadswords, etc!?!?!? lol.

Whatever happened to running?????
There is no shame in running from a person with a big a$$ weapon like those mentioned.
I mean really now...

Come on....

you mean i can't catch the sword between the palms of my hands? i call that the prayer sau. the i shift 45 degrees to the right and pak it out of the way. lol:D
How would a WC master defend against an attack by an 11th level paladin wielding a +5 Holy Defender?
