Bin Laden is dead

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Team Six: From Cheney’s Secret Assassination Squad to Obama’s Super-Awesome Cleanup Crew
8:23 AM 05/03/2011 Daily Caller Excerpt:
As if it weren’t ironic enough that the Nobel Peace Prize-winning, staunchly anti-war President Obama is taking personal credit for killing Osama Bin Laden, he actually sent the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, AKA DevGru, AKA Team Six to do it.
Want to know more about Team Six?

Who should he have have sent otherwise?
The cub scouts with cookies?
My memory is a bit hazy on this subject, but IIRC, At the time of the invasion, OBL was in Afghanistan, courtesy of his friend Mullah Omar who told the US to get bent when they asked to hand him over. And at that point OBL had already already pointed his finger at the WTC and yelled 'PWNED!'

The invasion of Afghanistan was warranted imo.

I guess we all agree on that one.

But where the quagmire starts is that that effort was half a$$ed at best, the 'forgotten war' compared the poster child of unwarranted warfare in Iraq.
And yeah, not following through....But I guess you do a lot of things when you need a boogieman to keep your justifications up and running.
Team Six: From Cheney’s Secret Assassination Squad to Obama’s Super-Awesome Cleanup Crew
8:23 AM 05/03/2011 Daily Caller Excerpt:
As if it weren’t ironic enough that the Nobel Peace Prize-winning, staunchly anti-war President Obama is taking personal credit for killing Osama Bin Laden, he actually sent the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, AKA DevGru, AKA Team Six to do it.
Want to know more about Team Six?

Another lie. Obama specifically campaigned on ramping up the war in Afghanistan, and in performing strikes on Pakistani soil whether or not the Pakistanis wanted it. McCain even criticized him for it, as did Obama's base and Hillary Clinton during the primary.

That doesn't fit the narrative though, so Obama becomes "staunchly anti-war" and desires nothing more than to surrender to our enemies, when both his words and his actions contradict the narrative.
Aye, sure as eggs is eggs that will no doubt be all Obama's fault - lordy bi-partisan politics suck big time. Worse than being childish and annoying, it distracts people from what they should be focussing on i.e. we should look at the issues in politics rather than play the Party Politics game.
"President Obama single-handedly came up with the technique in order to pull this off.You see, the military wanted to go in there and bomb as they always do. They wanted to drop missiles and drop bombs and a number of totally destructive techniques here. But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the Special Forces. No one else thought of that. President Obama. Not a single intelligence adviser, not a single national security adviser, not a single military adviser came up with the idea of using SEAL Team 6 or any Special Forces."-Rush Limbaugh,yesterday

"First of all, congratulations to President Obama. He got him. Thank you, President Obama, thank you"Glenn Beck, yesterday

I know El Rushbo was being sarcastic, but this Breitbart-style quote should be on every Obama campaign advertisement come 2012:

"Thank God for President Obama" - Rush Limbaugh

The thing you guys who say Obama did nothing have to understand:

He could very easily have said "You know, we just don't have the Authority to carry our Conflict into Pakistan without the approval of their government, so we are going to let him go for now" and he didn't. He had the balls to give the order to go into a "Friendly" nation and do what needed to be done.

As much as I disagree with most of what he does, I tip my hat to that decision.

QTF! I was impressed when he gave authorization for that SEAL Team to slot the Somali pirates, saving the captain of the freight ship last year. It was a difficult op and could've resulted in a PR nightmare, but he made the right call. This bin Laden op was something else altogether. He could've just let the moment slip as Clinton did. If this op had gone awry it could 've resulted in the end of his Presidential aspirations in 2012. Instead he did as he promised in 2008 and sent the lads into Pakistan to do the business. Job well done!!
So, as so many here have preached, if we water board 3 hardened terrorists, we become no better than they are. So, if that is the theory, than Obama should not have used the intelligence gathered, as Representative Peter King said on O'reilly, through waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed, in a secret prison in Europe. This entire operation was immoral because it was a result of what many here on the study have said is wrong and lowers us to their level. So, to resolve this, Navy divers should retrieve Osama's body and use the most advanced science we have to bring him back to life. We should then explain to him that we are better than Bush and his torturers, apologize and release him back into the wild.
So, as so many here have preached, if we water board 3 hardened terrorists, we become no better than they are. So, if that is the theory, than Obama should not have used the intelligence gathered, as Representative Peter King said on O'reilly, through waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed, in a secret prison in Europe. This entire operation was immoral because it was a result of what many here on the study have said is wrong and lowers us to their level. So, to resolve this, Navy divers should retrieve Osama's body and use the most advanced science we have to bring him back to life. We should then explain to him that we are better than Bush and his torturers, apologize and release him back into the wild.

That's funny....but what, exactly, leads you to believe that the information was received from torture-or even waterboarding? The way I heard it, they mentioned this guy to KSM, and knew from his reaction that the guy was important, and he was trying to evade him-and it sounds as though they then left KSM alone about it and went through other channels to determine who he was-all they got from KSM was the guy's nickname.Whole thing took years, and was probably, according to KSM's chief interrogator, more due to dates, tea, and quiet conversation than to torture.
So, as so many here have preached, if we water board 3 hardened terrorists, we become no better than they are. So, if that is the theory, than Obama should not have used the intelligence gathered, as Representative Peter King said on O'reilly, through waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed, in a secret prison in Europe. This entire operation was immoral because it was a result of what many here on the study have said is wrong and lowers us to their level. So, to resolve this, Navy divers should retrieve Osama's body and use the most advanced science we have to bring him back to life. We should then explain to him that we are better than Bush and his torturers, apologize and release him back into the wild.

Sigh, you don't get Ethics do you?

Nor do you understand the best way to gather reliable intel.
Rep. Peter King on O'reilly said that we got the codename from waterboarding Khalid. If that is the case, should Obama have used that intel. to go after the house in Pakistan?
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