Bin Laden is dead

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Kids, take the personal digs elsewhere.
Note I did not say 'please'.
In case the point was missed:


Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.
Personal attacks, shots and sniping will not be tolerated further. Disregard this warning at your peril.

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But if you support using national socialist medical experiments on living patient discoveries then you must support just doing medical experimentation in general to get even more knowledge, hence, that would make you just as guilty and bad. See how that works. It would help if people actually described what the C.I.A. did and what real torture looks like.

There is a world of difference.

Most of my family died in the camps. Words alone cannot do justice at how I feel about the Nazis. The rest of the world was not complicit to what was done by Mengele. It pains me to no end, but it was done. We came in possession of those medical records. To ignore them would have been an even greater offence to the memory of thos ewho suffered.

That the US is COMPLICIT in the use of torture is what taints the information obtained, if any.

KSM was waterboarded 183 times. He may or may not have mentioned the courier. The last time was 7 years ago. OBL is believed to have been living in that house for the last 5 years. It takes a mighty stretch of the imagination to make the connection between the torture of KSM and the assassination of OBL.
as it was put the other night on the news, the waterboarding? it didnt produce this information.

it produced co-operation, which produced this information

no one can argue that, cuz it is true.

here is how it worked.

he would say NOTHING, till he was boarded.

then he would say EVERYTHING

it cracked him, and broke his WILL

after that, he never had to be boarded again, not for the last 7 years cuz NOW he co-operates.
Stop using my name, I haven't said you can. No I'm not angry, again you think you can bulldoze your answers to make me out to be something I'm not..

I apologize Tez or do you prefer Mrs. Tez?

You seem still determined to push the Provo point of view though, Internment now. Now I'm not supposed to mention what America does in Gitmo but it's fine for you to bring up Internment, not very hypocritical that is it? You need to prove btw that the internees were treated worse than the detainees in Gitmo not just state it as if it were a fact..

No Tez, you can mention Gitmo all you want. To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less what you do with the Provos. In the same instance, I don't care about Islamic terrorists either. I don't care that they're in Gitmo and I don't care how Irish Catholic terrorists are treated. I have family that have lived in Tyrone for generations and the effects of the Omagh bombing in August of 98 are still causing great pain. What I find interesting and hypocritical is that you have the gaul to preach to us about the ramifications of our policies yet your government have been at similar business for years. What do you have t say about that? Are the Brits out of order for what they've done in the North....actually in the whole of Ireland? Black and Tans mean anything to you?
Now, I said this so many times in the past that it's becoming a mantra....I don't care if you are a Islamic, Christian, Pagan, buddhist, Hindu, Mormon, or Scientologist terrorist. If you kill and maim innocent people for the peupose of forwarding your religious, or any other ideology for that matter, you should be hunted and dispatched like the dog you are. If you are going to engage the most powerful nation on Earth, kill soldiers and civilian contractors, with no recognizable uniform, in a foreign land, don't expect to be treated like a US citizen, or with Geneva Convention protections. You gave up that right when you became a terrorist!

I wasn't offerring any advice btw when I said that countries who interfere in others business etc, just pointing out what is common sense, show me where the advice is..

There's a bit of a contradiction there Tez! "Just pointing out what is common sense" is offering advice!
Where was I getting personal? gormless behaviour, my did the cap fit even though I didn't say it was your behaviour? Your behaviour isn't gormless it's spiteful. Calm down dear, (that's not patronising, our Prime Minister says in in Parliament) goad away and keep trying to attribute things to me, it means you are leaving others alone. You want to discuss Northern Ireland, start a new thread, don't derail this one.

I think the above post shows quite well where you're getting personal. Although I've been called gormless so many times by my Mum that I now consider it a term of endearment. I know you're angry and upset, but as Bob said this is only a forum. The northern Ireland issue and Gitmo have a correlation. It isn't my intention to derail the thread. It is my intention to show how hypocritical you are. Now, Tez, was it wrong of your government to intern hundred of Irishmen without being charged, without a trial, with no representation, with the only reason being that they were Irish Catholics loyal to a free state? And please don't say it never happened.
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I'm making this statement so it's in the clear.

Tez has requested, on several occasions, to not be addressed by her given name.

Please cease doing so. Continuation will be seen as harassment, which is a violation of our policies. No need to acknowledge. Just do it.
Thank you.
I am only aware of one time. I don't know where the "several occasions" were!
I would not only kill the man that did that, I would end his line, erase him and his from history, but then I come from a different cloth then most folks.

You would murder innocent children because their father killed one of yours?

That's a different cloth all right, but not one to be proud of.

A perfect illustration of why we have the laws we do.
You would murder innocent children because their father killed one of yours?

That's a different cloth all right, but not one to be proud of.

A perfect illustration of why we have the laws we do.

I decided long ago you are not worth talking to. Make whatever you want of it, I could care less what you think, you are going to make a mountain out of a molehill and try to villify anyone who is not you or like you anyways.
I decided long ago you are not worth talking to. Make whatever you want of it, I could care less what you think, you are going to make a mountain out of a molehill and try to villify anyone who is not you or like you anyways.

Mmmm. Nah. Nope. Killing the innocent as an act of revenge pretty much makes you what you are. And you know what you are.

You're the one who built that mountain. B8tching about someone calling it what it is makes it ... your fault.
Mmmm. Nah. Nope. Killing the innocent as an act of revenge pretty much makes you what you are. And you know what you are.

You're the one who built that mountain. B8tching about someone calling it what it is makes it ... your fault.

What about killing the innocent, as a matter of convenience to the Mother. That seems pretty evil to me!
Mmmm. Nah. Nope. Killing the innocent as an act of revenge pretty much makes you what you are. And you know what you are.

You're the one who built that mountain. B8tching about someone calling it what it is makes it ... your fault.

ya you are your buddies are the ones talking about killing innocents, and setting a picture of extreme circumstances, not me... you and the rest of your demented types can choke on your accusations, assumptions, and misconceptions. I could care less. LEts make it clear though, that it its you and your types using the words, and setting the scenarios you are discussing not me. You can choose to be demented as you want, but don't include me in your deliusions.
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